Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 168 Secretly Protecting the National Teacher

Chapter 168 Secretly Protecting the National Teacher
"The old man is heartbroken, and he didn't do what he should have done, so he came here to plead guilty to you, the national teacher."

With that said, Prime Minister Zuo wanted to bow again.

Wu Tian stopped him, shook his head, and said, "Master Zuo, Wu Tian appreciates your kindness. Your Majesty is not the original His Majesty now. He is now on the throne. Naturally, he is a bit shy about us. If I don't go this time, Your Majesty I will definitely find other things to punish the crime. Rather than being unable to guard against it, I might as well follow His Majesty's wish and take this opportunity to visit the Wa country, maybe it will be useful in the future."

Zuo Xiang's heart skipped a beat, listening to Wu Tian's words, he also knew that Emperor Song had already started targeting him.

"The national teacher thinks so, it is inconvenient for the old man to say more, the national teacher is careful along the way."

Wu Tian nodded, arched his hands to the left, turned around and strode away.

Not long after he left, Prime Minister Zuo winked at Shan Yun who was standing at the door.

Shan Yun understood, leaned over and said in a low voice, "What orders does foster father have?"

"Follow up and secretly protect the national teacher."

Shanyun nodded.

The news of Wu Tian's departure from Tokyo quickly spread to Liangshan heroes.

Guan Sheng was the first to explode: "Is your majesty out of his mind? Brother Wu Tian just killed Long Zeyishou, and now he is asking him to go to Wa country to accept the challenge of Longze Yishou's senior brother Miyamoto Shinzo, isn't that true?" Is the sheep going to the tiger's mouth?"

"I see that His Majesty did this on purpose, and the purpose is to use the hands of the Japanese to get rid of Big Brother."

Chai Jin interjected at this moment.

The rest of Liangshan heroes nodded in agreement with Chai Jin's words.

Li Kui couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and shouted: "This bird emperor actually wants to kill brother Wutian, and I will take an ax to kill him at the Golden Luan Hall and take the bird emperor's throne!"

Lu Zhishen rolled up his sleeves, raised his Zen stick and said, "Go, I'll go too, I want to let that dog emperor taste the power of Sajia's Zen stick, and see if he dares to treat Brother Wutian like this!"

Wu Song also stood up and wanted to follow.

Wu Yong and Lin Chong quickly stood up and blocked their way.

"You go like this, it's not obvious that you want to trap Brother Wutian for injustice."

"Brother Wu Yong and Brother Lin Chong, why did we fall into Brother Wutian's injustice? We just want to teach that dog emperor a lesson so that he can heal his scar and forget about the pain!"

Li Kui, Lu Zhishen and Wu Song burst out of temper and insisted on breaking through.

Wu Yong and Lin Chong tried their best to stop them.

"You forgot, Brother Wutian said that you all should be managed by me and Coach Lin. Now we have issued an order that you are not allowed to leave the barracks, and you all go back to me!"

Wu ordered with a serious face.

Li Kui, Lu Zhishen and Wu Song did not dare to disobey the order and turned around angrily.

Lin Chong comforted everyone: "Brothers, Brother Wutian left without saying goodbye because he was afraid that we would cause trouble. Now that he has set off for Wa Kingdom, I believe that with his ability, he will be able to clean up Miyamoto Shinzo. Here we are waiting for Big Brother Wu Tian to return in triumph."

Seeing that Lin Chong had said that, the three of Li Kui nodded and stopped messing around.

In Taishi's Mansion, Cai Jing was reading a book when the butler came in and said in a low voice, "Taishi, the master of Jianghu 'One Sword Piercing Heart' is here."

Cai Jing put down the book and said with a smile, "Please come in."

The housekeeper went out, and led a young man in a white robe and holding a long sword in after a while.

"You are 'a sword piercing the heart'?"

Cai Jing stared at the white-robed young man. The legendary high-level killer in the world was unexpectedly so young.

The young man in white robes cupped his hands towards Cai Jing: "Below me is the 'one sword piercing the heart' Bai Yi."

(End of this chapter)

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