Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 169 I, this villain, have made a decision this time

Chapter 169 I, this villain, have made up my mind this time

Cai Jing stroked his beard: "Then you should know why the old man invited you here?"

Bai Yi nodded.

"Go, as long as you kill Wu Tian, ​​I will reward you with 3000 taels of gold when you come back."

Bai Yi cupped her hands, turned and left.

He walked away, but the housekeeper came over and asked Cai Jing in a low voice: "Master, can this white wing kill Wu Tian?"

Cai Jing rolled his eyes at the butler, and said with a smile: "You dog slave, you really don't know much. He can call 'a sword piercing the heart', and his martial arts are naturally strong. Even if the scene of Longze is still there, he may not be able to win against him."

The butler smiled.

But five days later, a news reached Cai Jing that Bai Yi was killed by Wu Tian!
When he heard the news, Cai Jing was surprised and speechless on the spot.

After a long time, he regained his composure and stared at the person who reported the letter: "Are you right? Bai Yi was really killed by Wu Tian?"

"Grand Master, how dare you report a mistake, Bai Yi was really killed by Wu Tian."

Cai Jing opened his mouth wide and remained silent for a long time.

He originally thought that it was luck that Wu Tian was able to beat Long Ze in the arena last time, but he didn't expect that he really has strength, and his martial arts are also very strong!
"Go down, I will rot this matter in my heart from now on, don't tell it."


The messenger retreated, the butler leaned over and said in a low voice: "Master, do you want me to find another master of the rivers and lakes?"

Cai Jing shook his head: "Our people can't deal with Wu Tian at all, it seems that the old man underestimated him."

At this time, another spy came in and reported the remarks of Li Kui, Wu Song, and Lu Zhishen to Cai Jing.

Cai Jing was overjoyed, clapped his hands and said: "With these remarks, His Majesty can personally deal with Wu Tian."

The next day, in the early morning, Cai Jing reported the remarks of Li Kui and others to Emperor Song.

After reading Cai Jing's memorial, Emperor Song pondered for a while, and said to the eunuch, "Please invite the grand master to the imperial study."

The servant and eunuch went to pass it on.

Emperor Song finished processing the rest of the memorial and stepped into the imperial study. Cai Jing hurriedly greeted him and knelt on the ground to salute.

"Teacher, get up."

Cai Jing did not leave, but knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, I hope your Majesty will pay attention to the matter of the old minister's memorial. This Wu Tian is now the most dangerous figure in my Great Song court. Keep him here, to Your Majesty, to the Great Song Dynasty. For the dynasty, it is simply too dangerous."

Emperor Song fell silent.

Cai Jingdao: "Your Majesty, the old minister is thinking of you, Your Majesty, you must listen to what you say."

Seeing Cai Jing's loyal look, Emperor Song said, "Grand Master, I don't know what you mean. It's just that I have sent him to the Wa country to participate in the competition. If he is killed on the way, the competition will fail." , then I, Da Song, am I going to lose face?"

Cai Jingdao: "Your Majesty's concerns are justified, but compared with the peace of the Great Song Dynasty, what's the harm in losing a little bit of face?"

These words hit Emperor Song's heart.

"And if this Wutian survives a catastrophe, kills Miyamoto Shinzo, and escapes from the Wa country, his prestige will be even better at that time, and if you want to touch him again, Your Majesty, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult. Difficult."

Emperor Song's face was slightly surprised, he really hadn't thought about this level.

"So Your Majesty, now is not the time for women's benevolence, please make a decision early."

Emperor Song sighed slightly, nodded and said, "For the safety of our Great Song Dynasty, I, this villain, have made a decision this time."

(End of this chapter)

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