Chapter 170 Murder

Seeing that Emperor Song had made up his mind, Cai Jing retreated wisely.

On the eastern border of the Song Dynasty, it was a hot day in March, and Wu Tian wiped his sweat while walking.

Suddenly he found someone following him quietly behind him, smiled slightly, pretended not to know, and moved on.

The figure slowly approached, getting closer and closer, and finally their shadows overlapped.

Wu Tian suddenly turned his head, and just as he was about to make a move, he found that the man was Shan Yun.

"Why are you here? Didn't you tell all of you to wait for my news at home?"

Shan Yun curled her lips: "I wanted to wait for you at home, but my adoptive father was afraid that something would happen to you, so he asked me to follow you and take care of you. If I hadn't reminded you last time, you would have killed that 'sword through the heart' so easily White Wing?"

Wu Tian smiled.

Five days ago, he walked to an inn, and when he was about to rest, the waiter in the inn sent him a letter, saying that a girl had given it to him.

The content of the letter is about "a sword piercing the heart" to kill him.

That night "One Sword Piercing the Heart" really attacked him, but he was already prepared, set a trap, and killed Bai Yi instead.

After killing Bai Yi, Wu Tian kept thinking about who was the one who informed him?
Today the truth finally came out.

"Shanyun, do you really want to go to Japan with me? That's too dangerous. Be obedient, you go back to Tokyo immediately."

Wu Tian persuades Shan Yun.

Shan Yun shook his head, took Wu Tian's arm, and leaned on his shoulder.

"Since I have come out with you, unless you go back with me, I will not go back alone. If you insist on forcing me to go back, then I can only die. What's more, without me, you Do you know how to get to Wa country?"

Wu Tian thought for a while, and said: "Well, since you want to follow me, then you follow. But I want to explain first, you have to be careful and vigilant along the way, we will not be peaceful on the way to the Wa Kingdom."

Shanyun smiled.

"I've thought about this for a long time. It's getting late, so let's hurry up."

Wu Tian nodded, and He Shanyun continued to set off.

This road is full of mountain roads, and there are few people.

Wu Tian and Shan Yun couldn't find anyone, so they could only live in a cave at the foot of the mountain.

That night, the moonlight was covered by dark clouds, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Wu Tian and Shan Yun went to bed early.

But after sleeping until midnight, Wu Tian heard footsteps in his ears, and there were at least four or five people who heard the sound.

Wu Tian woke up suddenly, four strong men with steel knives stood at the entrance of the cave with torches, pointed at Wu Tian and Shan Yun and said, "It's really hard to find anywhere, it's easy to get here!"

Shanyun also woke up at this time, looking at the four strong men in front of him in surprise.

"It's you!"

Wu Tian turned around.

Shan Yun said: "I know them. They used to be the guards of the adoptive father. After the new emperor ascended the throne, the adoptive father asked them to be loyal to His Majesty. Now they are the small captains of the Royal Forest Army, ranking fifth."

The four strong men didn't expect to meet Shanyun here, and they were all stunned.

After a long time, one of the burly men said: "Miss Shan, for the sake of you being the righteous daughter of Zuoxiang, we don't have to kill you, you can go, don't hinder us from carrying out official duties here."

"Come on, we really don't want to hurt you."

The other three strong men also spoke at this time.

Shan Yun shook his head, opened his hands to block Wu Tian, ​​stared at the four strong men and said: "Wu Tian is my official now, I don't allow you to hurt him. If you insist on doing this, you can use it from my dead body." Step over there!"

The four strong men looked at each other in dismay. They had received great favor from Prime Minister Zuo and didn't want to hurt Shan Yun, but when Emperor Song sent them out, he repeatedly asked them to execute Wu Tian!

"Miss Shan, if you are determined to stop us, then we will have to offend you."

(End of this chapter)

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