Chapter 174 Pirates Haunted [Fourth Update]


The two youths and the eight yamen servants acted separately.

"Everyone, start queuing up to check in and board the boat now."

Merchants at the wharf line up to check tickets and board the ship.

The ship is five meters high, has a frontal area of ​​400 square meters, and can carry more than [-] people at a time.

Wu Tian and Shan Yun were arranged in the east seat, which happens to be near the window, so the air is smooth.

No sooner had they sat down than the anchor was drawn, and the sails were set out to sea.

Along the way, the sea was turbulent, Shan Yun wanted to cheer up and stay awake, but in the end he couldn't help it, and fell asleep on Wu Tian's shoulder.

Seeing her like this, Wu Tian couldn't bear to wake her up when he thought that she hadn't slept all night.

He himself was very tired, but he dared not sleep.

There was a premonition in his heart that kept reminding him that something would happen tonight.

The ship cleaves the wind and waves all the way, advancing rapidly and steadily.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the third watch, and most of the people on board, except the crew who guarded and controlled the ship, had already fallen asleep.

Wu Tian smiled helplessly, thinking that he was suspicious.

Just when he was about to close his eyes, many bright spots suddenly appeared on the sea level in the distance outside the window.

At first he thought it was moonlight reflecting off the sea level.

Later, he felt that something was wrong, and the bright spot was getting bigger and bigger.

"It's lights!"

Wu Tian woke up and shouted.

Shan Yun was also awakened by Wu Tian at this time, she rubbed her eyes and said, "Officer, what's wrong with you, did you have a nightmare?"

Wu Tian pointed out the window and said, "Don't sleep, the pirates are coming."

Shan Yun heard the "pirate", completely sleepless, and looked in the direction Wu Tian pointed, and there were bright spots on the sea surface. With the faint moonlight, it can be roughly seen that those are ships!
"It really is a pirate!"

At this time, there was also a commotion on board.

The crew armed with long guns, escorted the ship and prepared for battle.

Pirate ships gathered from all directions and surrounded the big ship.

The big ship couldn't rush out, so it had to stop.

"My lord, this ship is so big, we are going to make a fortune this time!"

On the pirate ship blocking the way, a young man smiled and said to a woman in armor and holding a machete.

This woman looked to be in her early twenties, with a pretty face and a heroic spirit between her brows.

She is the leader of this group of pirates, her name is Miko Tanaka, and because she likes the Central Plains culture, she gave herself a domineering name—Xiong Biao.

Because he was a pirate, his name was not known to many people except those close to him.

On the contrary, the name Xiongbiao spread throughout the sea routes between the Great Song Dynasty and the feudal vassals.

Miko Tanaka glanced at the young man, and said with a weird smile on the corner of her mouth: "We are definitely going to make a fortune this time. There are more than [-] boxes of jewels sent by shipping envoys to the island country on board. This alone is worth a lot of money." It is enough for us to use it for several years! Not to mention, there are many merchants on board this time. When you get on the ship later, you have to be smart, and you can't hurt anyone, and you can't leak anyone. Otherwise, don’t blame me for taking care of you.”


The pirates cheered, took out the rope and threw it at the big ship, set up the rope ladder and began to board the ship.

The crew resisted, but were quickly taken down by the pirates.

With all the crew under control, one of the pirates whistled at Miko Tanaka.

Then Miko Tanaka boarded the boat along the rope ladder.

"Catch me the biggest officer on board."

A pirate brought an old man to Miko Tanaka.

(End of this chapter)

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