Chapter 175 Miko Tanaka

"Are you the high official on this ship?"

Seeing Miko Tanaka, the old man froze for a moment: "You are Xiongbiao?"

Miko Tanaka looked at the old man in a daze, with an unbelievable expression on her face, and laughed triumphantly: "I am Xiongbiao. I didn't expect that such a masculine name as Xiongbiao would be a woman, right?"

Old man: "..."

Miko Tanaka: "We are just asking for money, as long as you obediently hand over all the money and go with us. We promise that we will never hurt you. If you are disobedient and insist on resisting, then I can only kill you. Throw it into the sea and feed the fish."

As soon as the words fell, a crew member suddenly broke away from the pirate guarding him, and charged at Miko Tanaka with a long gun in his hand.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Tanaka Miko's mouth, and then she took out a dart from her pocket and shot it at the rushing crew.

With a sound of "whoosh", the dart was impartial and hit the crewman's forehead.

The crewman's eyes widened and he fell to the ground dead.

This scene frightened the guests on the boat to scream, and the old man trembled all over his body.

Just as Miko Tanaka patted the old man's shoulder, the old man immediately screamed in fright, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to Miko Tanaka for mercy.

"Your Majesty, please don't kill me. This old man is dying, and there is no threat to you."

Miko Tanaka smiled, her eyes were full of disdain for the old man.

"As I said just now, as long as you are obedient, hand over all the silver, and then go with us, I promise I won't hurt you. However, that crew member is just disobedient and wants to attack the king. This is simply looking for death .”

"You old man is different. Those who know the current affairs are the best. Alright, now take me to find the batch of jewels from the Shipping Envoy."

The old man did not dare to disobey, and led Tanaka Miko to the inventory under the boat.

The eight yamen servants guarding here saw the old man leading an outsider in, and pulled out the simple knife. Before they could make a move, eight darts flew in front of them, piercing their throats.

In the next second, they all fell in front of the box, with blood gushing from their necks.

The old man turned pale with fright.

Tanaka Miko looked indifferent, kicked the trembling old man, and cursed: "What are you still thinking about doing? Hurry up and open the box for me!"

The old man didn't dare to be negligent, he opened the box, his complexion became even paler, the box was full of stones!

Miko Tanaka stepped forward, was taken aback, pushed the old man away, and opened the rest of the boxes, which were also stones.


Miko Tanaka left the old man behind and turned back to the board, and the little pirate leaders all gathered towards her.

"My lord, are there more than thirty boxes of jewels down here?"

"My lord, should I tell my brothers to go down and move?"

"My lord, it's better for us big men to do this kind of rough work. You can just sit aside and supervise."

Miko Tanaka darkened her face and glared at the little pirate bosses who were talking.

Only then did the little pirate leader realize something was wrong.

One boldly asked: "Your Majesty, you look depressed, is there a change in the information?"

"Yes, there are more than [-] boxes of jewelry there, all of which are stones, we were deceived!"

Tanaka Miko roared.

Hearing this, the little pirate chieftains all darkened their faces.

"My lord, since they dare to trick us, we might as well kill everyone on board and burn the boat down!"

(End of this chapter)

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