Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 176 She is my woman, no one can touch her! 【6 more】

Chapter 176 She is my woman, no one can touch her! [Six more]

"Yes, that's the way to do it. I have worked so hard to wait in the sea for several hours, but what I got in exchange was a pile of stones. This breath, I really can't swallow it!"

"Your Majesty, just give the order!"

At this time, Miko Tanaka's anger has also subsided a lot. She calmed down and pondered for a while, then shook her head and said, "No. Even if we kill them now, it will not do us any good. Bringing them all back to the desert island is what we are lacking. Labor, wouldn’t it be a pity to kill them?”

When the little pirate leader heard this, his eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

The young men began to gather all the guests on board.

Shan Yun wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Wu Tian.


"There are so many people here, if you do something here, I'm afraid you will hurt innocent people. Let's follow them to the so-called desert island to see what happened."

Shanyun looked at the panicked people around, and stopped.

Xiao Luo divided the people on the boat into five groups and loaded them with their boats.The remaining empty ship was burned by order of Tanaka Miko.

The fire soared into the sky, illuminating the entire sea.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Tanaka Miko's mouth, and she waved her hand to signal the ship to set off!

The boat sailed all night until dawn when it arrived at a deserted island.

The island is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, only the east side is a beach, and there are three piers built on the beach.

There are seven or eight boats parked at the pier, guarded by seventeen young men with knives.

The boat where Wu Tian and Shan Yun were on was the first batch to set off, so they arrived first.

Xiao Luo escorted their husband and wife off the boat.

A little pirate leader guarding the shore smiled and led the seventeen young men towards Wutian and the others, looked at each of them carefully, and proudly said: "You will be the slaves of our deserted island from now on. Now, work hard, we will never treat you badly, if you are disobedient, we can only kill you and throw your dead bodies into the sea to feed the fish."

As he said that, the little pirate leader walked up to Shan Yun, staring at her with his eyes, and the corner of his mouth was still drooling.

Shanyun's face darkened.

"Sister, what's your name?"

The little pirate leader reached out to touch Shanyun, but was blocked by Wu Tian.

"What do you want, boy?"

The little pirate leader's expression was displeased, Wu Tian not only spoiled his good deeds, but also dared to stare at him, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Wu Tian said coldly: "She is my woman, no one can touch her!"

The little pirate leader was stunned for a moment, then let out a loud laugh.

"It turns out that this girl is your wife. So what, now we pirates are in charge here, we can do whatever we like! If you don't want to suffer here in the future, get out immediately, and don't disturb me and this girl's relationship. "

As he said that, the little pirate leader stretched out his hand to push Wu Tian.

Just as Wu Tian was about to use force to execute him on the spot, Tanaka Miko's ship arrived.

She stood on the deck and immediately shouted: "What are you two doing?"

Seeing that it was Miko Tanaka, the little pirate leader stopped his hands quickly, and bowed to her with a smile and nodded: "It turns out that the leader is back, and I am just selecting some young and strong people to work for us. It just so happened that when I saw this young man, he was as tall as a horse." Big, should have the strength, so I tested him, there is no other meaning."

Miko Tanaka got off the boat and walked up to Wu Tian, ​​slightly surprised.

There is such a handsome man in this world, like a banished fairy, especially those eyes, which are as bright as stars, even a person like her who licks blood from the edge of a knife and is used to seeing big scenes can't help but be moved.

(End of this chapter)

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