Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 187 Controversy over the imperial power of the Japanese kingdom [17 more]

Chapter 187 Controversy over the imperial power of the Japanese kingdom [17 more]

Miyamoto Shenki looked at Miyamoto Musashi suspiciously.

"Master, forgive me for talking too much. Why did you kill Miko Tanaka's father back then? He was your most proud disciple, and he has always been loyal to you..."

Miyamoto Shenmu didn't dare to continue, Miyamoto Musashi's face had become very ugly.

"You really want to know about this?"

Miyamoto Shenki nodded.

"Well, there's nothing to tell you."

Miyamoto Musashi sighed slightly, "That's right, Miko Tanaka's father, Noburo Tanaka, is indeed my most proud disciple, and I once thought about passing on my mantle to him.

But the Tanaka family is the Crown Prince's retainers, and they swear allegiance to the Crown Prince to the death.

However, the second prince is kind to our Miyamoto family, and the Kendo Hall was also funded by the second prince for us to build.

Without the second prince, our Miyamoto family would be just a small warrior in Japan. "

"Back then, the second prince asked me to win over Tanaka Shinro, who had become the head of the Tanaka family, hoping that he could leave the crown prince and turn to the second prince, and promised that if the second prince succeeds to the throne and becomes the next emperor in the future, the Tanaka family will be in charge of the arsenal. .

At that time, I asked Xinlang to talk, but Xinlang was unwilling, and instead persuaded me to leave the second prince and join the crown prince. "

"The two of us have a disagreement, and Xinlang will tell the crown prince about it.

This is related to the life and death of our Miyamoto family. As a last resort, I attacked Noburo and said to the public that I wanted to marry her daughter as a concubine, covering up the truth of this matter. "

Miyamoto Shenki was shocked.

"Over the years, the power of the crown prince has been declining day by day, but the power of the second prince has been at the height of the sky. It won't be long before the second prince can replace the crown prince and become the successor of the next emperor.

Therefore, I don't want you to make mistakes in your future actions, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless as a master! "


Miyamoto Shenki responded loudly.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, Wu Tian has been staying in the post station, serving good wine and meat every day.

Shanyun was tired of waiting, so he took Tanaka Miko to find Wutian.

"Officer, it's rare for us to come to Japan. Wouldn't it be a waste to spend the whole day in this station? How about we go out for a walk?"

Miko Tanaka answered: "Yes, Mr. Wu, I'll be a guide for you two. Let's go out for a walk. There are many interesting places in Japan, such as cherry blossoms, rice balls, ramen and so on."

Seeing that the two of them were excited, Wu Tian nodded.

The three left the station and wandered the streets.

Although the streets of Wa country are not as prosperous as Tokyo city, they also have a special flavor.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, selling all kinds of daily necessities.

"This is the cherry blossom."

Tanaka Miko pointed to a group of pink flowers not far away and said happily.

Wu Tian and Shan Yun looked at Miko Tanaka's hand, and it really looked good, comparable to the peonies of the Song Dynasty.

"Sakura is the national flower of Japan, representing simple and beautiful love."

Miko Tanaka clasped her hands together and closed her eyes, as if praying.

Both Wu Tian and Shan Yun laughed.

After Miko Tanaka finished praying, she continued to lead the two of them wandering the streets and alleys of the country of Japan to see various characteristics of the country of Japan.

Until the sun was shining and Miko Tanaka was tired from walking, they rested in front of the steps of a hotel.

As soon as Wu Tian sat down, he realized that something was wrong. There seemed to be someone staring at them in the alley not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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