Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 188 Miko Tanaka's Family 【18 More】

Chapter 188 Miko Tanaka's Family 【18 More】

"what happened?"

Seeing Wu Tian's face suddenly became serious, Shan Yun asked in a low voice.

"It looks like someone is following us."

Wu Tian said in a low voice.

"Sent by Miyamoto Shenmu?"

Wu Tian shook his head: "It's not sure yet, let's go, lead them to the alley ahead, capture them, and if we press them, won't we know everything?"

Shanyun nodded, pulled up Miko Tanaka, and followed Wutian.

Miko Tanaka didn't know what was going on, and wanted to ask, but Shanyun signaled her not to speak.

Wu Tian turned into an alley, and the three ronin who followed them also entered the alley.


The three ronin stopped, Wu Tian and the others disappeared.

"Are you looking for us?"

The three of Wu Tian came down from the cliff and stared at the three ronin coldly.


The three ronin chattered loudly.

Miko Tanaka translated: "They want us to go back to the station immediately, or they will be rude to us."

Wu Tian's face turned cold, and he showed his martial arts skills, killing them all on the ground.

He stepped on the back of a Japanese man, and said to Miko Tanaka: "Ask him in Japanese, who sent him here. If he is not, I will abolish him."

Tanaka Miko quickly translated Taketen's words to the ronin.

Ronin's face suddenly turned pale, and he muttered.

Tanaka Miko's face was slightly surprised.

"What did he say?"

Miko Tanaka: "..."

"Speak quickly!"

Miko Tanaka said: "He said that Miyamoto Shenmu sent them here, the purpose is to keep me from getting close to my people."

Wu Tian frowned.

"Then you ask them why?"

Miko Tanaka chattered and asked those ronin.

The ronin shook their heads.

Miko Tanaka said, "They don't know either."

Wu Tian let them go, and the three ronin fled immediately.

Miko Tanaka said: "Miyamoto Shenmu won't let me see my clansman. It seems that he already knows my identity. I want to go back and see my clan. There must be something strange about it."

Wu Tian nodded and escorted Tanaka Miko home with Shan Yun.

Since the death of the leader of the Tanaka family, Tanaka Shinro, even though they are surrounded by the power of the crown prince's retainers, they have suffered disastrous defeats day by day.

Miko Tanaka pushed open the door and walked into the home where she reunited after a long absence. Memories of the past invaded her mind at this moment.

Looking at the familiar home, she felt both joy and sadness in her heart.

An old woman in a kimono came out from inside, and when she saw the three of Wutian, she frowned and asked in Japanese, "Who are you? How dare you break in without permission?"

Miko Tanaka tore off the beard on her face, leaned over, and said in Japanese: "Grandma, it's me, Miko Tanaka!"

The old woman stared at Miko Tanaka carefully, and recognized her granddaughter who had been lost for many years. She was very happy, and quickly stepped forward to hug her, and said comfortingly: "You are finally back, grandma has finally hoped for you to come back."

Miko Tanaka hugged the old woman tightly, and cried, "Grandma, your granddaughter is unfilial, which makes you worry."

"Don't say that about the child, as long as you can come back safely."

The old woman patted Miko Tanaka on the back.

After a long time, the old woman let go of Miko Tanaka, pointed at Wu Tian and Shan Yun and said, "Who are these two?"

Miko Tanaka introduced: "They are my friends. It is thanks to them that I can come back safely this time."

When the old woman heard this, she would kneel to Wu Tianxia.

Wu Tian hurriedly supported the old woman, and asked Miko Tanaka to tell her that there is no need to be polite.

The old woman invited them in, and Miko Tanaka's cousin, Ichiro Tanaka, was also at home.

"Ichiro, go and call your uncles and uncles, and tell me that Miko is back."

The old woman told Tanaka Ichiro.

(End of this chapter)

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