Chapter 189 Dead Warrior [19 more]

Tanaka Ichiro ran out, and not long after, seven men came to the house.

Those men were all wearing black kimonos, with Japanese swords hanging from their waists.

When they came in, Miko Tanaka stood up and saluted them.

When the seven men saw Miko Tanaka, they were slightly surprised.

Wu Tian and Shan Yun glanced at each other, and they saw fear in their eyes.

How can you have such an expression when you meet relatives you haven't seen for many years?
"Miko, why are you back?"

One of the men stared at Miko Tanaka and asked, with a sense of blame in his words.

Tanaka Miko told the people present what happened to her.

After they heard this, their eyes all stayed on Wu Tian's face, their brows were tightly furrowed, and their eyes looked like they thought he was troublesome!

At this time, two men in black rushed into Miko Tanaka's house, pointed at the Tanaka family present with Japanese swords, and shouted in Japanese: "Hurry up and hand over Miko Tanaka, or we will shoot and kill."


The seven men of the Tanaka family drew their Japanese swords from their waists, and they all stood up and lined up.

Before making a move, they winked at the two men in black.

The man in black understood, and the two sides began to compete.

Soon, seven men from the Tanaka family fell to the ground and pretended to fail.

Tanaka Miko was afraid and hid behind Wutian.

The two men in black pointed at Wu Tian with Japanese swords, and said in blunt Chinese: "Boy, if you don't want to die, get out immediately, otherwise your life will be killed in an instant."

Wu Tian smiled, picked up the chopsticks on the table and said: "If you want to catch Tanaka Miko, unless you can win the chopsticks in my hand."

As he said that, Wu Tian broke some chopsticks and hit the man in black.

The man in black danced the Japanese sword to protect his whole body.

At this moment, Wu Tian moved quickly and turned around behind the two men in black.

One person and one palm hit their backs.

The man in black fell to the ground, spitting blood.

Wu Tian stepped on their backs and said coldly: "Who sent you here?"

The two men in black glanced at each other, pulled out the dagger at their waist, and wiped their own necks.

Wu Tian was surprised, this is a dead man.

At this moment, the seven men who fell on the ground suddenly stood up, and seven Japanese swords struck Wu Tian's back.

Wu Tian hurriedly avoided, taking advantage of this gap, they hijacked Tanaka Miko.

"You?" Miko Tanaka was surprised.

At this time, the old woman came out of the kitchen and was shocked to see this scene.

"Second brother, third child... what are you doing, Meizi is your eldest brother's child, why are you treating her like this!"

The second child said: "Mother, we can't blame us for this, we were also forced.

Back then, the elder brother was unwilling to cooperate with Miyamoto Musashi and was killed.

Our Tanaka family fell into ruin because of this.

Today, Miyamoto Shenmu is cooperating with us, as long as we hand over Miko to him, he is willing to speak kindly to the second prince for our Tanaka family.

At that time, our Tanaka family will be able to return to its former glory. "

The old woman: "Even if you are like this, you can't exchange Meizi's life. If your elder brother is alive, he won't forgive you!"

The third child said: "We are not afraid of big brother's forgiveness. He is responsible for the decline of the Tanaka family. He owes us this!"

Tanaka Miko listened to their conversation, the more she listened, the more confused she became.

"What did you mean by that just now? What does my father's death have to do with the second prince?"

(End of this chapter)

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