Chapter 601 Assassination (2)

After Gongsun Sheng sat down, he glanced around, but he didn't see Gu He, and just about to ask, he saw Gu He coming in from outside the camp.

He walked up to Gongsun Sheng, bowed to him, cupped his hands and said, "Gu He was in the back camp preparing food for tonight, so he was late, General Gongsun, please forgive me."

Gongsun Sheng smiled, waved his hands and said, "You're welcome, sit next to this general."

Furukawa nodded and sat beside Gongsun Sheng.

Seeing Gongsun Sheng being so polite to a small soldier, Guan Sheng couldn't help feeling puzzled. He looked at Gongsun Sheng and said, "Brother Gongsun, what did this soldier do? Brother Gongsun values ​​him so much."

Gongsun Sheng pointed to Furukawa and said: "When Heliser rebelled, I led the army to conquer. On the way, the enemy army lurking beside me by Heliser suddenly attacked me. Fortunately, this brother Guhe, I was able to escape. People treat me But there is a great life-saving grace, so although he is my subordinate, he is my own brother in my heart."

Hearing this, Guan Sheng stood up and bowed his hands to Furuhe, and said with a smile: "It turns out that Brother Guhe saved Brother Gongsun, and that is the benefactor of our Brother Liangshan. Guan Sheng bows his hand to you here, thank you for saving Brother Gongsun's life. If you need anything in the future, even though you can come to our brother Liangshan, as long as we can do it, we will definitely help you brother Guhe."

When Furukawa heard this and saw Guan Sheng cupping his hands, he was very moved, and quickly stood up to return the salute.

"General Guan is being polite. Furukawa just did what he was supposed to do at that time, so there is no kindness."

Guan Sheng was very satisfied when he saw that Furukawa had made great contributions, but he did not take credit for it.

"That's the case, but you, my friend, have made an appointment with Guan Sheng. If you need anything in the future, you can come to Guan."

Furukawa nodded slightly, feeling a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

At the beginning, He Lise ordered the undercover agents around Gongsun Sheng to assassinate Gongsun Sheng, and Furukawa was one of them.It's just that at that time, he happened to have a stomachache and didn't arrive on time.

All those who participated in the assassination of Gongsun Sheng were all killed by Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng himself was seriously injured because of this.

Gu He came here at that time, and originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill Gongsun Sheng.

But just when he was about to make a move, Liang Jun came to support him.

Furukawa didn't dare to make a move, so he changed his strategy and stepped forward to save Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng didn't know, and was grateful to Furukawa for coming to rescue him.

Seeing that Guan Sheng was so polite to Gu He, Gongsun Sheng was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "Brother Guan, this Gu He is my personal soldier, if you say that in front of me, you are poaching my corner, that is not good. "

Guan Sheng naturally knew that Gongsun Sheng was joking, so he also laughed.

"Brother Gongsun, Guan is just making a suggestion, and you don't have to ask Furukawa to go to my place. You are too impatient."

Gongsun Sheng laughed out loud, and all the generals present also laughed.

Only Furukawa began to feel conflicted.

Gongsun Sheng regards him highly, it can be said that he has the grace of knowing him.

What's more, from a practical point of view, what he did was to maintain the stability of the Dali area.

As for Heliser, although he is kind to him, it is very unreasonable for him to use his family as a comparison to force him to do this.

But if he doesn't do so, I'm afraid his family will be in danger.

If He Liser's words were followed, the Dali area would still be in chaos, and the lives of the people would be even worse than they are now.

The more Furukawa thought about it, the heavier his heart became, and he lost his mind unknowingly.

This scene was captured by Guan Sheng, but he didn't speak.

Gongsun Sheng was only focused on talking to everyone and didn't notice this.

Until the banquet was over, Gu He didn't choose between killing Gongsun Sheng or not killing Gongsun Sheng, and he fell into a great contradiction in his heart.

By the time he decided to attack Gongsun Sheng, the banquet was over.

Furukawa was a little disappointed, he secretly clenched his fists, resenting himself for not making a timely move.

But soon, the opportunity came again.

Gongsun Sheng beckoned Furuto over, and said with a smile, "Brother Furukawa, I drank too much tonight, so you will personally lead the soldiers to stand guard for me. I wonder if you would like that?"

Hearing this, Furukawa was overjoyed, and the opportunity did not escape in the end.

"The coach trusts Furukawa so much, there is no reason for Furukawa not to agree. Don't worry, the coach, Furukawa will definitely protect you."

Gongsun Sheng listened and nodded again and again, very satisfied.

Guan Sheng felt a little worried, and personally helped Gongsun Sheng into the bedroom.

As soon as there was no one around, Guan Sheng whispered in Gongsun Sheng's ear with a serious expression.

Gongsun Sheng woke up suddenly, his face became very pale.

He stared at Gongsun Sheng, and said, "Brother Guan, are you overthinking? I'm not mean to Brother Furukawa, he has no reason to hurt me at all."

Guan Sheng said: "Brother Gongsun, now is a special period, and you should be careful about some things. I also hope that I am overthinking, but tell me directly, it is not that simple. In short, I will stay with you tonight." Here, if there is nothing wrong, then I am overthinking, and I will just apologize to Brother Furukawa tomorrow. If there is any accident, I can also help you fight against foreign enemies."

Gongsun Sheng listened to this, thought for a while, and nodded slightly.

"Okay, since you've covered this point, what else can I say, let's do it this way."

As he spoke, Gongsun Sheng shouted to the outside world.

Furukawa came in.

Gongsun Sheng said: "Brother Guan Sheng wants to stay here tonight, you go prepare a set of bedding and put it here."

Furukawa glanced at Guan Sheng.

Guan Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Brother Furukawa, it's getting late, and Guan is tired too, too lazy to go back to the barracks. I'll rest here tonight and go back early tomorrow morning."

Furukawa was dissatisfied, and Guan Sheng's staying here was just getting in the way.

But he had to force a smile on his face, and said: "It's very good for General Guan to stay here. It's getting dark, and it's not safe to go back. I'll go out now and bring in the bedding for you."

After speaking, Furukawa went out.

As soon as he left, Gongsun Sheng glanced at Guan Sheng, and said in a low voice: "Brother Guan, you see, this kid Gu He can't be as heartless as you said, he can't hurt me."

Guan Sheng smiled calmly, and said, "Brother Gongsun, it's too early to tell, but I hope it's really just me being suspicious."

Gongsun Sheng saw that Guan Sheng insisted, so it was inconvenient to say more, as long as there was nothing tonight, he could use this embarrassing Guan Sheng tomorrow to fight for Gu He's high position in the army.


Furukawa went out to get the quilt, and several shadows appeared on his back.When he turned around, he was captured by two men.

(End of this chapter)

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