Chapter 602 Assassination (3)

They caught Furukawa to a remote corner outside the barracks before releasing him.

"Who are you and what are you going to do to me?"

Those people tore off the veil to reveal their true colors.

When Furukawa saw it, he was very surprised.

These people are Herisse's confidantes, even dog legs.

"Brother Guhe, we were sent by Prince Heliser to assist you. We heard outside just now that Guan Sheng will rest in the camp with Gongsun Sheng tonight, and you will personally lead the army to guard the outside. God really favors us. , gave us such a good opportunity! Tonight we will work hard and try to get rid of Guan Sheng and Gongsun Sheng together in one fell swoop."

"In this case, the entire Liang army will be in turmoil because of the loss of the coach, and we will have the opportunity to attack the Liang army and completely change our current passive situation. At that time, Prince He Lise will be very happy, and you will be rich and prosperous in the future." You can't enjoy it enough. When the time comes, don't forget that brothers have worked so hard to help you today."

Furukawa glanced at Herisse's confidants, smiled coldly, and did not speak.

He killed Gongsun Sheng not because He Lise took his family as a danger.

As for the people in front of him, to put it bluntly, they were here to help him, and to put it bluntly, they were sent to supervise him.

If he had the slightest intention of repenting, they would probably attack him.

Seeing that Gu He disdained them, the confidants were very angry, but they also knew that the key to successfully killing Gongsun Sheng and Guan Sheng this time was Gu He.

If he was unwilling to cooperate, it would be impossible for them to get close to Gongsun Sheng and Guan Sheng.

"Brother Furukawa, I know we offended you just now, but there is nothing we can do about it. We quietly entered the Liang army camp, and we must be careful in what we say. If there is something that offends, I hope you will not be as knowledgeable as us. We Let’s continue to act according to the plan, so as not to have long nights and dreams.”

Furukawa pondered for a while, relying on himself, although Guan Sheng and Gongsun Sheng both drank, it was still very difficult to kill them.

With the help of this group of people, the situation would be different.

"Okay, let's continue to plan, but there is one thing I want to explain here first. You must obey my orders and don't mess around! If anyone doesn't obey my orders, don't blame me for being rude to him."

The confidant and others nodded.

"Brother Furukawa, you can rest assured that we will do whatever you want us to do."

Seeing that they all agreed, Furukawa nodded.

"You are resting in my camp for the time being. I will go to you and ask you to replace me when the guards change at four o'clock tonight. It is also the time when people sleep the most. Get twice the result with half the effort."

The confidantes nodded.

"Okay, let's go. I'm going to deliver bedding to Guan Sheng. After being out for so long, Guan Sheng and the others must be waiting impatiently."

After finishing speaking, Furukawa turned and left.

As soon as he left, the leader's confidantes waved their confidants to come closer and said in a low voice, "Prince Heliser has an order. Once Gu He kills Gongsun Sheng and other Liang Guo generals, he will be removed immediately, so that no future troubles will be left."

The confidantes were all surprised and looked at the leader confidant in disbelief.

"No matter what Gu He said, he is kind to Prince Heliser. Wouldn't it be like this..."

"Although this kid was very indifferent to us just now, he is of the same kind as us after all. I am afraid that no one will accept such a dangerous action after word of it spreads like this."

The leader's confidant glanced coldly at all the people present, and said coldly: "We are getting the salary of Prince Heliser, and we will do whatever he wants us to do. Where does so much nonsense come from. Let me tell you, if you don't want to die If you don’t, don’t talk so much nonsense, just do what you need to do! If you have any opinions, after the matter is settled, you can go to Prince Heliser and talk to him. It’s useless to talk to me here.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Where would they have the guts to tell Haliser about this.

With Heliser's personality, if they talk about this, they will probably die!
"Your Excellency, don't be angry, we are just talking nonsense, there is no other meaning."

"Yeah, our brains suddenly flooded."

Seeing that they had all softened up, the leader's confidant snorted coldly.

"Know that your mind is flooded, so don't express your opinions randomly. This matter is over, everyone go down and get ready."



Furukawa entered the camp with the quilt and spread it out for Guan Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng glanced at Gu He, saw his serious face, seemed to have something difficult to say, couldn't help but said: "Gu He, do you have something on your mind, you are frowning?"

Gu He was slightly surprised, thinking that Gongsun Sheng had seen through it, and quickly explained: "The villain just feels a little uncomfortable, it's nothing serious."

Hearing this, Gongsun Sheng waved his hand and said, "Since you are not feeling well, you don't need to be guarded tonight. I will change someone else. You should go back to rest early tonight."

Hearing this, Furukawa was even more surprised, and said: "Commander, Furukawa just feels a little uncomfortable, and it won't affect the matter of guarding the camp tonight. The coach should let Furukawa stand guard here."

Gongsun Sheng smiled.

"Furukawa, I will give you a chance to guard the commander's camp in the future, so go back to rest tonight."

Furukawa knelt down at this moment.

Gongsun Sheng was surprised, and got up to help Gu He up himself.

"Brother Furukawa, if you have anything to say, just say it, why bother to kneel down at every turn."

Furukawa bowed his hands to Gongsun Sheng and said: "Thanks to the trust of the coach in Furukawa, Furukawa has already made all the preparations for the guards. If the word is changed at this time, if it is reported, others will criticize Furukawa. So Furukawa has the courage to ask the coach to take back the order."

Gongsun Sheng saw that Furukawa was determined, thought for a while, and nodded.

"Okay, then you can do it."

Furukawa happily retreated.

As soon as he left, Gongsun Sheng turned to look at Guan Sheng and smiled slightly.

Guan Sheng understood the meaning of Gongsun Sheng's smile, and said, "Brother Gongsun, the time has not yet come, and I'm afraid it's too early to draw conclusions."

Gongsun Sheng smiled.

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Gongsun Sheng lay down.

Guan Sheng also lay down, but he didn't dare to fall asleep, so he turned a blind eye.

In the long night, apart from the sound of soldiers patrolling and walking, there were no other strange things happening outside.

Guan Sheng couldn't help muttering in his heart, could it be that he was overthinking, and Furukawa was really innocent?

But Guan Sheng still couldn't let go of his doubts about Furukawa.

Guan Sheng was very upset, but he had no place to vent.

(End of this chapter)

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