I love you

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 82


"Is... my sister for a lifetime?" Lan Mo turned her head, not wanting him to see her expression at this moment.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?" Tezuka felt something was wrong and moved his body worriedly, wanting to see what's wrong with her.

"Ah, nothing?" Lan Mo turned her head, smiled at him, and said perseveringly, "Brother, you haven't answered the question just now?" Forget it, I knew it was impossible, so forget it. It's time to give up, after all, it can only be my sister.

"She is a very important sister for a lifetime." In order to reassure her, Tezuka especially emphasized his tone when answering her question just now.

"This is what you said, and you can't go back on it." Actually, I don't want to be your sister, not at all.

"No regrets!"

"I knew Guoguang was the best." Lan Mo smiled slightly. For the promise he made for a lifetime, he finally decided to give up the relationship that shouldn't exist. He called his name countless times in his heart. The first and last time out.

"It's brother!" Tezuka helplessly corrected her address, "Hi! Brother, I know I was wrong."


"Ah! The fish is hooked, brother, hurry up, hurry up!" Lan Mo noticed the trembling fishing rod with sharp eyes, and called Tezuka to quickly raise the rod.

Tezuka picked up the fishing rod, and with a push of his arms, a not-so-small fish was separated from the source of life, and it glowed with stars under the sunlight.

It was late at night, and the earth fell into silence.The door of the luxury villa was opened at this time, and the girl in pajamas slowly walked down the steps, walked into a bench deep in the rose garden and sat down, leaning back lazily with her eyes half closed.

I am really getting better at acting, and I can always pretend to be nonchalant and smirk in front of my cousin.

Laughing at himself, Lan Mo slowly opened his eyes.

It's not that I have decided to give up, why do I feel sad and sad like an idiot.And I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so I came here to get a hair dryer.

Fortunately, Lan Mo, fortunately, Lan Mo, you are an out-and-out fool!
Knowing that it's impossible, but still allowing yourself to get caught up in it, I'm afraid there will never be anyone more stupid than you in the world.

An elder brother can only be an elder brother, you just need to be his most important sister honestly, don’t indulge your feelings foolishly, once you are found out by other people, once you are found out by your cousin, you will lose him completely Painful, completely without face in front of him again.

Fortunately, Ruo Lanmo, giving up is right, right!

A gust of wind blew past, only making the roses in the garden rustle.

Lan Mo turned her head slightly, and was slightly taken aback when she saw the figure standing not far away!
"Ah?" Lan Mo hid the emotion in her eyes, and said to the visitor in a neutral tone, "If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, you want to be a flower picker again?"

"Hehe..." Yukimura smiled indifferently in the face of her ridicule, walked a few steps to her side, and sat gently beside her.

"You don't sleep most of the night, running to the garden to see the scenery is the weirdest thing."

"I sleep too much during the day, and I can't sleep with you at night..." Lan Mo suddenly stopped talking when she saw Yukimura's half-smile.This reason is really stupid.

"I couldn't sleep either, so I came out to get some air. I didn't expect to meet you." Yukimura followed her example, leaning on the back of the chair and slowly closing his eyes.In fact, he did suffer from insomnia, because she lost sleep over Tezuka's bright smile at dinner, and as for coming out, he just happened to see a figure sitting here by the window, and was a little worried, so...

Lan Mo glanced at him, and didn't worry about why he appeared here. In fact, he is also a good person. At least in this situation, he has not exposed his lies. Maybe he can also be a good listener.

"Hey, Jingshi."

"Huh?" Yukimura opened his eyes and turned to look at her, "What's wrong?"

"Listen to my whining." It doesn't matter, anyway, he has seen the most embarrassing things, and he has also known the secrets in his heart, so there is nothing else that can't be told to him.

"I'm so happy." Yukimura raised a shallow smile, moved his body slightly, raised his arms and gently wrapped her shoulders, and said jokingly: "I promise to forget everything you want to say tonight, You can pour out a lot of bitterness, I will never intervene, and be a loyal listener."

The person who was embraced frowned slightly imperceptibly, but in the end he didn't get up, and just leaned his head on his shoulder like that, smelling the faint scent of saponins on his body, and said softly: "I'm broken in love."

The smile on Yukimura's face froze, he lowered his head to look at her expression by the moonlight, but found that she was very calm, as if she was talking about someone else's affairs.

"It's not right." Lan Mo said to herself: "There is no love at all. Where did the broken love come from? My head really got flooded and I started talking inexplicable nonsense."

Yukimura slightly exerted his arm around her shoulders, looked at the moon in the sky and said softly, "You've already made your decision, haven't you?"

"Actually, I made a decision at the very beginning, and I knew what the result would be, but..."

"However, I still feel uncomfortable in my heart and feel empty, don't I?"


"Xiao Mo, have you ever thought that maybe your feelings for Ozuka-kun are not love, but just..."

"Impossible!" Lan Mo straightened up and retorted: "You are not me, you will not understand that feeling, not to mention you have never fallen in love with anyone, so you have no right to talk about my feelings like that."

"I have!" Yukimura put his hands on her shoulders and looked at her very seriously.

"What's there?" Shocked by the earnestness in Yukimura's eyes, Lan Mo's brain didn't turn the corner for a moment, stared at him blankly, and blinked his eyes in confusion.

"I have fallen in love with someone." Yukimura finally said it.


"Why, don't believe it?"

"I'm just a little curious about who has such a great charm and can conquer you, a dark-bellied beauty." Lan Mo patted off the arm on the shoulder, and slowly stood up.

"If I say that person is you, what would you do?" Yukimura suddenly wanted to know how she would react, so he expressed his true thoughts.

Lan Mo was slightly taken aback, looked down at Yukimura's handsome face, half-closed his eyes, trying to find some flaws in his smiling face.After staring at it for a while, Lan Mo was finally defeated.

"This joke is not funny at all." Said coolly, Lan Mo straightened up, walked slowly in front of a rose, squatted down, and pulled the rose petals one by one.

What is Yukimura Seiichi thinking?What happened to my heart trembling at that moment?

Must have been frightened by his words.

The hands continued to abuse the poor petals, and Lan Mo found a very reasonable reason for her heartbeat at that moment.

"Xiao Mo, I heard that the best way to cure a broken relationship is to find another lover." Yukimura got up and walked to her side, imitating her and squatting down, reaching out to hold her petal-destroying catkin.

"Ah?" Lan Mo raised her head and said with a smile, "That's a method only fools would believe."

"But maybe the stupid way is the most effective."

"You seem to understand very well." Lan Mo pulled out her hand and said jokingly, "Could it be that you, Chief Minister Yukimura, have used such a stupid method."

"I'm just looking for someone to try, Xiaomo, do you want to be my test subject?"

"do not want!"

"Why?" Wronged.

"No reason, I just don't want to."

"You don't think about it anymore?"

"No need." Lan Mo frowned slightly, raised her hand to touch his forehead, "Ah Lala, you don't have a fever, what nonsense can you say tonight."

"Unfortunately——" Yukimura shook his head regretfully, and complained very sadly: "I thought I could lie to you to be my girlfriend? I didn't expect to be rejected by you. It's really sad and uncomfortable." Sure enough, it still doesn't work. Woolen cloth?Forget it, now she has regained her spirits and is no longer so listless.

(End of this chapter)

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