I love you

Chapter 75 I'll Protect You

Chapter 75 I'll Protect You

Chapter 83 I'll Protect You

Lan Mo directly chose to ignore it, but the bitterness that was suppressed in her heart seemed to be stirred up by him, and gradually faded, and her mood suddenly became brighter.

What is going on here?
"Go back and rest!" Yukimura stood up and pulled her up.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Lan Mo stood up and slowly looked around the entire rose garden, and said with a smile, "Are there really many things happening here?"

"Take tomorrow as a new life, if you give up, you will gain. Maybe God will give you another kind of compensation in the future?"


"It's not maybe, it's definitely!" Yukimura replied firmly.

Lan Mo glanced at him and said nothing.

After the camp, Lan Mo and Tezuka returned to Tokyo. After the weekend, she returned to Kanagawa again to start her boring study life.

As usual, Lan Mo stepped into the campus of Lihai University, carrying her schoolbag in one hand and covering her mouth with the other, yawning, and walked slowly on the main road of Lihai University campus.

sleepy!I stayed up late last night to organize those materials, and I only slept for less than four hours, and my eyelids could hardly be opened!
"Ha!" I don't know how many times the yawn reappeared, Lan Mo helplessly raised her hand and gently wiped away the small drops of water from the corners of her eyes.Just find a place to catch up on sleep. Even in the classroom, I guess I will sleep on the table, and it will affect other people's study.

Thinking of this, she simply closed her eyes and turned to the right, planning to find a place to sleep.

"Look, look, it's her!"

"It's her. I can't see anything wrong."

"Idiot, you can't tell that. I heard that as long as you come into contact with someone with that virus, you will be infected."

"Ah, really? It's terrible. Could we be infected by her? Should we go to the hospital for examination?"

The chirping sound from the side made Lan Mo stop suddenly after walking a few steps, her chaotic brain slowly started to work, she glanced calmly at the two girls who had just spoken, and a trace of doubt flashed in her heart.

"Ah, she looked at us, hurry up! Run!" There was a burst of dust, and the two girls who were gesticulating behind Lan Mo disappeared instantly.

Lan Mo turned around and looked at the back who had already run away, a little dumbfounded, and shrugged helplessly.Forget it, forget it, I'd better go find a place to sleep, and wait until I feel refreshed before I have the energy to deal with all the troubles in the tennis club.

In the morning when Lan Mo was asleep, the entire campus of Lihai University was boiling!
"Have you heard?"

"What is it, so mysterious."

"It's Xing Ruo Lanmo from Class D, she is not a good person."

"Who said it, and what did it say?"

"I heard that she is a disaster star, killed her biological parents, and has a perverted younger brother who likes men."

"Ah, is that younger brother of hers the one who messed around with the tennis club last time? He doesn't look like a good person. He turned out to be a pervert. What else, what else?"

"I heard that she often comes home at night and hangs out with dubious men. Maybe she even had an abortion."

"What a terrible person. He even killed his own children like that. How can such a person stay in Lihaida? We should drive her away, so as not to pollute Lihaida's reputation."

"Yes, yes, I heard that everyone in our school has mobilized to make her have no place in Lihai University. How about it? Do you want to support this action?"

"Yes! Such a woman is absolutely not allowed to stay in Lihai University, let alone approach the prince shamelessly, resolutely..."

"You all shut up, and don't speak ill of Lan Mo." Marui couldn't bear it and shouted at the girls gathered together, "Lan Mo is not that kind of person, you all shut up."

"Wentai, calm down." King Ren glanced at the group of women with half-closed eyes, and smiled mischievously, "Speaking ill of people behind their backs will cut their tongues out."

"I'm going to ask the director if he knows where Lanmo is?" Fumita Marui from Class D rushed out of the classroom like a fly, and then sneaked into the classroom of Class A, holding Yukimura's sleeves with both hands, and said anxiously: "Mr. , what they said is not true, Lan Mo is not that kind of person."

Yukimura patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "We all believe that Xiaomo is not that kind of person, Mrs. Wen, don't worry."

"Lan Mo didn't enter the classroom all morning, so I don't know where she went. What if she hears those messages and does something stupid?" Marui anxiously tugged Yukimura to go out.

"Wentai, Xiaomo may be sleeping at home, so she didn't come to class, don't think about it, she will be fine." Yukimura raised his head, and a sternness flashed in his normally gentle eyes.I don't know who she offended, but someone would spread those rumors, and the person in the dark must be found out.

"But... But no one answered the phone at her home, and the mobile phone couldn't get through either."

Yukimura frowned slightly, and looked at Yanagi Renji and the others who had just arrived at the gate of Class A.

Liu Lian Er walked up to Yukimura, opened the notebook calmly, "Hey!" She tore off one of the sheets and handed it to Yukimura, and said confidently, "This is where she often stays and rests."

Yukimura glanced at the addresses above, and after thinking for a while, he spit out a few words: "She must be under that big tree."

"It's 100% there. According to the people who saw her coming to the school at that time, she was turning right." Liu Lianer also nodded in agreement, expressing her inference.

"Ring ring ring..." The class bell rang at this moment.

"Go back to class first, and look for someone during the lunch break." Yukimura simply dismissed his companions, sat down, and opened the textbook.

Something was wrong. When Xiao Xia first entered the tennis club, although she also encountered the coldness of the girls in the school, she did not have so many negative effects.Xiaomo is just a transfer student, even Liu couldn't find her personal information, how could anyone else know such details.

Yukimura rubbed his temples, frowning slightly.

These messages are mixed with some facts, and they are definitely not created for no reason. The person who distributed this message must be familiar with Xiao Mo's family situation and what Xiao Mo cares most about.

Why on earth would that person do this?What kind of animosity does he have with Xiaomo that would cause him to spare no effort in creating these rumors.

If you want to know who is behind it, you have to ask the person involved!

"Mr. Shimizu!" Yukimura stood up and bent over to the teacher who was giving a lecture, "I feel a little uncomfortable and want to go to the health room."

"Ah." Teacher Qing Shui was slightly taken aback, then nodded quickly, "Go, go."

"Thank you." Yukimura quickly walked out of the classroom, and then ran to the destination.

Although the weather in mid-June was already very hot, it was cool under the lush tree on the campus of Lihai University.A young girl leaned on a tree trunk, closed her eyes, and fell asleep with even breathing.If you observe carefully, you can find a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

When Yukimura came under the big tree, he saw such a gentle picture.

He knelt down, patted her cheek lightly, and said gently: "Xiaomo, wake up, wake up." Although he didn't want to wake her up, the current situation cannot allow it to spread any longer. It will be her who will be hurt.

"Hmm..." The sleeping person frowned slightly, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Don't bother me."

"Don't sleep anymore, it's already noon."

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Lan Mo simply ignored him and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

"Xiaomo, don't sleep anymore, I have something to do with you." Yukimura raised his hand and gently helped her smooth the hair on her face, with deep affection in her violet eyes, "After the matter is resolved, I will definitely Don't bother you anymore, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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