Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 117 These goods are all cannon fodder

Chapter 117 These goods are all cannon fodder

"Yu Zhong." Lan Ping looked at the leader of the demon cultivators, a middle-aged and strong man.

"You also know that I have cultivated my body and mind all these years, and I didn't want to do such a thing.

However, I am a very disciplined person, and my old problems are not easy to change.Do you still remember my three dislikes? "

"Remember...remember." Yu Zhong, the commander-in-chief of the Nether Palace Outer Hall who had been silent all this time, spoke with some fear and dejection.

"Hey, take it down! Don't let me see him again!"

Lan Ping's voice was very soft, and his tone was limp and weak, but when he heard it in Yu Zhong's ears, it made him tremble like a torrent of bells.

Fearing in his heart, he didn't dare to hesitate, got up and roughly pulled Moxiu out who had just shouted loudly.

"President Yu, what are you doing?" Moxiu, who was dragged away, struggled desperately, not understanding what happened, but also terrified.

What does the last name Lan mean?Can we deal with him?

Seeing him constantly shouting and struggling, Yu Zhong had a serious expression on his face, and he only desperately dragged him out.

Lan Ping, who was sitting on the big Wujin chair, narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a cold light, slowly raised his hand, and a ray of light shot out from his fingertips, extremely sharp, and shot straight at the struggling Moxiu.

Moxiu, who was pulled away, lost his life in an instant, and fell limp.

Seeing that the person in his hands suddenly stopped struggling and fell to the ground, Yu Zhong felt chills in his heart, and the movements of his hands froze.

He reacted for a moment before suppressing the fear in his heart, speeding up, and dragging the dead Moxiu out of the palace.

The remaining demon cultivators in the hall have not yet realized what happened.

Their partner just died for no apparent reason?
What's going on with Lan Ping, what do you think of them?They are all meticulously selected works by Mo Zun who has been trained for many years, how dare he do this?
But no one in the hall dared to speak out, they all knew that Lan Ping's cultivation level was beyond their reach, even if they joined forces, they might not be able to beat him.

Lan Ping casually killed a demon cultivator, but his face looked better, and asked everyone in the hall with a smile: "Is there anything else for you?"

"Don't dare to disturb Commander Lan!" A very witty deputy envoy hurriedly said.

Lan Ping nodded in satisfaction, waved his sleeves, and the servants he brought immediately stepped forward to disperse the crowd.

All the devil cultivators of the Nether Palace did not dare to stay. When they came, they were aggressive, but when they left, they were frightened and dark, with a withered expression.


After dispelling all the demon cultivators, the hall returned to silence.

Lan Ping tapped the small machine at hand, and the hunchbacked old servant standing behind him slowly moved forward and remade a cup of tea for him.

"How did this group of bastards be selected? Before these people came to the Nether Palace, what did the Mozun instill in them?" Lan Ping took a sip of tea and snorted lightly, "It really ruined the reputation of our Liaodu! "

"Because of ignorance, I am arrogant." The old servant bowed his body, his eyes were cloudy on his old face, "It was originally sent to be killed by the Demon Lord for fun. If they are smart, the Demon Lord will not bear it!"

"Oh, yes!" Lan Ping snorted again, "There were too many deaths in the past, and the Demon Lord was afraid!"

"The Demon Lord doesn't seem to be as violent as the previous years, I'm afraid he's about to break away from the Demon Lord's control!" The old servant's furrowed face was full of meaning.

Lan Ping rubbed the rim of the cup with his well-trimmed nails, and his gaze gradually became colder, "What's the point of being just a puppet forever. However, even if he can return to his cultivation level before the great war, he will never be able to escape the Silk Entangling Gu control."

The old servant nodded approvingly, and picked up the teapot again to make tea for Lan Ping.

 Author: My heart trembles when it’s cold, and my hands and feet feel numb. When it’s hard, I’m foaming at the mouth and my hair falls out... Woohoo, the world of cultivating immortals is so difficult, so I really want to write a present statement.

  A real passer-by: Sober up!It's you who is cool, it's the same for everything you write!
  Author: But the plot behind me is so difficult!I'm so afraid of losing my little cuties!
  Passer-by: Fate comes and goes and will eventually disperse, flowers bloom and fail to return to dust, it's all time and fate!

  Humble author: Then I can’t write well, so I can’t ask for votes...

  nonsense!If you know it and don’t change it, it’s all done by yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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