Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 118 The Devil's Little Lady

Chapter 118 The Devil's Little Lady
"Let's also meet the new favorite of the Demon Lord!" Lan Ping waved his hand to stop him, and his smile was a bit sinister when he spoke.

"It's rare that the devil can get close to women, so I have to go and see what it looks like, so I can have an explanation with the seventh princess when I go back."

The old servant frowned slightly, "The Seventh Princess..."

A hint of contempt appeared on Lan Ping's pale face, and he interrupted the old servant, "That's a princess after all, she doesn't want to marry me, she wants to marry the devil, so I have to fulfill her no matter what, don't I?"

As soon as the words fell, he raised his head and laughed endlessly, the laughter was piercing and sharp.

The old servant had a little helplessness on his face, and reminded him kindly: "Master, you didn't come here for such a trivial matter!"

Lan Ping's arrogant and shrill laughter stopped abruptly, and his long and narrow eyes shone brightly.

"The Silk Entangling Gu occurs once every hundred years. The Mozun just wants me to see what the Yuanji Gu poison will look like when it occurs. This is also a trivial matter!
Compared to this, I'm still more curious about the appearance of that little lady... How did a little girl of unknown origin get valued by Yuan Ji? "

"There is still Mingyou by her side, I'm afraid it's not easy to make a move." Seeing the killing intent in his master's eyes, the old servant felt a little uneasy.

Lan Ping squinted his eyes and sneered, the teacup in his hand instantly turned into fine powder, which was thrown out when he got up and disappeared in all directions.

"Yuan Ji is not here, if I want to kill people without anyone noticing, do you think there will be accidents?"

The old servant kept silent, seeing that he had strode out the door, shook his head lightly, and followed him slowly.


Yunchu returned to the dormitory, lying on the bed, drawing a map in his spiritual consciousness.

She has been obsessed with this recently, depicting the terrain of the Demon Realm and the structure of the city in the form of images in her consciousness, and then silently memorizes them.

It is convenient to run in the future so that you will not get lost, and it will also prevent you from crashing into the tiger's mouth again, which is doubly sad.

After working for several hours, he finally got a clear picture of the topographical map of the ghosts and creatures. Yun Chu got out of his consciousness and stretched on the bed.

"Youyou, you haven't gone back yet?"

At this moment, Mingyou was leaning against the doorway with his arms folded around his chest, feigning sleep.She strengthened her five senses with her spiritual power, kept an eye on the changes around the bedroom, and gave a soft "hmm" when she heard Yun Chu's question.

Yun Chu lazily turned over on the bed, "Go back and rest, I'm fine here."

As soon as the words fell, Mingyou, who was leaning against the door, suddenly opened his eyes with a serious expression, "I can't leave, something is coming!"

"Huh?" Yun Chu lazily hadn't reacted when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside.

She got up with a grunt, and then a strange man's voice came from outside the door.

"Lan Ping, envoy of the Liao capital, please see the little madam!"

The voice sounded slightly shrill and feminine, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in the ears.

Yunchu looked at Mingyou hesitantly, and Mingyou sent a voice to her: "He is the envoy from Liaodu, the twelve personal guards belonging to Mozun, the leader of the No.11 guard, the Lan family."

Yun Chu nodded, she has recently studied several major families in the Demon Realm, and she also knows about the Lan family.

One of the four most famous families in the Demon Realm, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has always been loyal to the Demon Lord.

"Why did he come to see me?" Yun Chu was puzzled, and asked Xiang Mingyou by voice.

"I don't know." Mingyou answered quickly. She always uses force but doesn't use her brain. She really doesn't know about such things.

Yun Chu was a little depressed, "Then can I see you?"

Mingyou said casually: "Okay. If you don't want to see Madam, don't see her." In her opinion, whoever she serves is the biggest.People like Lan Ping don't matter if we don't see them.

 The teary-eyed author Jun stared at the tsundere little bun and drooled...

  The vigilant Yun Huan frowned displeased: What are you doing?
  The author rubbed his hands: Well, you haven't come out for a long time, come out today and help me get a ticket!

  Yun Huan: Oh, why?
  Author: I... control your sister's life and death!
  Yun Huan: Uh, count yourself as cruel! ...Well, everyone who has a ticket will hold a ticket venue, and those who don't have a ticket will hold a personal venue

  Little Baozi's master righteousness is awe-inspiring: Anyone who checks in to vote will be covered by this seat from now on!

(End of this chapter)

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