Chapter 151 The Blood of Firefox
I knew clearly in my mind that I didn't really like him, but I couldn't help feeling happy when I saw him, and wanted to get closer.

This is simply a cruel torture for her.

But soon she ignored the torment of the charm, because her body changed again, the wine she just drank turned into a flame, burning her internal organs, and the excruciating pain made her Almost passed out.

What is this again?
Why is it endless!

What the hell did this bastard give her to drink?
It's so hot, so painful, I really miss...Yuan Ji, I really miss the refrigerator!
"It started so soon? You are really suitable!"

Lian Zhao's voice was a little excited, and even his breathing became short and tense.

"The blood of this fire fox can help you cleanse your body and reshape your spiritual veins. Although it is a bit hard, as long as you endure this time, you will be fine.

Be good, bear with me, I'm here with you!You can definitely do it! "

Lian Zhao's magnetic voice kept bewitching her, and Yun Chu slid down from the stone table in pain, fell to the ground, and twitched all over.

Wave after wave of heat swept through her body, and her skin slowly became red and hot. She curled up on the ground, accompanied by babbling and wailing, suffering in pain.

Lian Zhao's pupils tightened, and he took a few steps back slowly, so as not to be hurt by her scorching heat.Seeing her rolling and roaring on the ground, he became more and more satisfied, and the smile couldn't stop on his lips.

Quick, very good!He just drank the blood of Firefox, and he reacted, she was indeed the best container he had been looking for for many years.

It didn't take long before Yunchu's originally delicate skin began to bulge out a series of blisters, which looked hideous and terrifying, and she was gradually tortured beyond recognition.

The skin all over his body was terribly red, and the white blisters swelled and exploded. Blood water continuously splashed out from the blasted blisters, and fell on the ground, creating a puff of white smoke.

It can be seen that the temperature on her body has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Yun Chu was in agony, and she could clearly hear the sound of the blood in her body boiling and bubbling... The scorching flames made her unable to breathe.

The pain in the body has reached an indescribable level.She was in so much pain that she just wanted to die!Want to die immediately!

She hated being alive, hated this pain...but she couldn't die, and she bore all the pain clearly!
"...It hurts, it really hurts, how can it be so painful, kill me, kill me!"

She trembled violently and screamed in her heart, wanting to beg for relief...

"Why? Why do I have to bear this?"

"I didn't do anything wrong! I never hurt anyone...Why did you do this to me! Why did you make me suffer?"

Yun Chu's heart was sore and bitter, the pain in her body and the anguish in her heart intertwined, crazily destroying her will.

Her tears couldn't stop flowing, but they were instantly evaporated in the eye sockets.Her dry and hoarse voice was already glued together, preventing her from even shouting.

In the past, she wanted to be a kind and gentle person, but at this moment she just wanted to destroy... The pain in her body gave her many cruel thoughts, and she even wanted to burn everything around her...

At this moment, it seemed that only destruction could relieve her pain.

The water on his body bubbled up layer after layer, and the broken parts were bloody and bloody, but healed up quickly, and another layer of blisters exploded...

The ground covered with white stone bricks was stained dark red by her splattered blood, like a broken, withered, and full of hostility.

(End of this chapter)

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