Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 152 The source of the disaster

Chapter 152 The source of the disaster

Lian Zhao was only a few steps away, but when he saw her increasingly terrifying description and the splashing blood, he involuntarily took a few steps back.

It wasn't until he avoided dozens of steps that he stabilized his figure and frowned at the "monster" in the pavilion that had lost its human form and turned into a ball of bright red flesh and blood.

This scene was really shocking, even he had never expected it.

He watched the red flesh wriggling on the ground from a distance, feeling sick and disgusted in his heart.

It's really a pity that the beauty who was still like a flower just now disappeared, and now she has become like this.

Lian Zhao watched coldly, and waited until the mass of flesh and blood was no longer alive, no longer struggling to move, and no new swelling bubbles formed on his body, then he slowly walked forward to check.

After approaching, with a strong burnt smell coming, Lian Zhao covered his nose in disgust, frowned, and kicked the pile of flesh and blood.

I thought I got a good "container", and even did not hesitate to snatch it from Yuan Ji's monster... but it was still scrapped.

His vision is getting worse and worse!
Why can't I find the right one?
Lian Zhao's face was gloomy, completely lacking the gentleness and refinement he pretended to be on weekdays.

He raised his foot and wanted to crush the puddle of flesh and blood that Yunchu had turned into, but felt that his clothes would be stained, so he twitched the corners of his mouth, flicked his sleeves and left.

The originally peaceful and beautiful environment around him collapsed after he stepped out step by step. Under the beautiful illusion, there was a dark and damp underground prison...


Heaven is one door.

Recently, several major incidents happened in the sect, which required Cixuan, the head of the sect, to come forward, so he had to leave the retreat early, leaving Yunhuan alone to continue retreating to heal his injuries.

It was noon, Ci Xuan had just finished dealing with an important matter before leaving the Zhengxin Hall, when his chief disciple Song Changyuan greeted him anxiously.

"Master, something happened in Qingling Cave!"

Ci Xuan's eyebrows furrowed uncontrollably, worried about Yun Huan in his heart, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and jumped into the sky with a wave of his robe, "Go and see."

Song Changyuan tried his best to catch up and told him the reason of the incident through voice transmission.

"Master Yao made a big fuss in the Qingling Cave... he said he wanted to avenge his beloved disciple, and Cibai and other elders are also there."

Ci Xuan frowned, he knew about it.Yun Huan had injured a female disciple named Yao Narcissus earlier, and it was said that she had abolished her cultivation and directly beat her into a mortal.

This matter was indeed Yun Huan's impulsiveness.It's just... Yun Huan is seriously injured and hasn't recovered yet, so if this goes on, it may disturb her healing.

He still wants to protect his master!
Outside the Qingling Cave, Yao Mudan led a group of disciples on the peak, and was about to rush into the cave, but was stopped by several disciples guarding the cave.

"I'm just here to ask to see my master, please give me justice, what are you doing to stop me!" Yao Mudan, who was dressed in a bright red dress, was even more beautiful than her nephew Yao Naixian, her temperament was a bit enchanting, Even when she was angry, there was an alluring charm in her voice.

The disciples who were guarding the entrance of the cave were more conservative, they could only stand in front of her, and said sternly: "Uncle Master, please forgive me, Master Grandpa is still in retreat, the head of the sect explained that no one should disturb her!"

Yao Mudan became more and more irritable upon hearing the words: so what about Master?It's just relying on the head to protect it!What good things has she done in these years that are beneficial to the sect?

Thinking of this, she narrowed her phoenix eyes, with a grievance on her face, and tentatively looked at the elders who followed behind her. Seeing that their faces were unhappy, she couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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