Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 153 Asking for "Fairness"

Chapter 153 Asking for "Fairness"

She made a plan today and brought this group of people together to seek justice for her apprentice and nephew.

The elders are all there, and the head of the quantity does not dare to protect that evildoer!

She has only been traveling for two months, and she will be humiliated when she returns. If she does not avenge her revenge, she will never give up!

"I was waiting to see Master, but I just wanted to ask her a few words! Now that she has passed the time of retreat, could it be that she is deliberately avoiding us and refusing to come out?"

The elder Ci and the yin and yang, who have always watched the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, have been angry with Yun Huan before, and he has long wanted to make up for it.Later, when he learned that Yun Huan whipped Yao Mudan's disciple for no reason, he kept holding his breath and wanted to wait for an opportunity to retaliate.

As juniors, the few disciples guarding the cave were unable to fight so many elders, and they all had some headaches, and it was difficult to reply to the words of reconciliation.

Just when the other party was unwilling to give up and was about to throw them off and rush into the cave, a clear cry of a crane came from the sky.

Everyone turned their heads one after another, and they saw Cixuan, the otherworldly sect master dressed in white, jumping up and down from the crane. His robes fluttered lightly and his figure was elegant, which dazzled many people's eyes.

Yao Mudan was a little stunned. The cultivation and aura of the sect leader seemed to have advanced to a higher level. This is really, enviable!
As soon as the headmaster appeared, the group of people who were chattering and preparing to force their way in immediately fell silent, and stood in a line to salute and greet.

With one hand behind his back, Cixuan walked into the crowd in fluttering white clothes, smiled and nodded, showing good manners.

"Everyone, what is this going to do? The ancestor is still in seclusion. If she disturbs her old man and ruins her practice, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it for the younger generation!" , no one dared to look at him.

Everyone froze for a moment, they had prepared a full stomach of indignant words, but suddenly they couldn't utter them in front of Ci Xuan.

Even Yao Mudan herself didn't know how to tell the difference.

Ci Hai, who had just arrived with his beloved disciple, was far behind Ci Xuan, and he felt emotional: as a senior brother, protecting that little master is just like protecting a calf... Sigh, he shouldn't have come, what's the use in this situation look at him!Why can't he change his meddling behavior recently!
The aura of the sect master was so amazing that no one dared to speak.In the end, Yao Mudan, who was still furious and unwilling, was the first to speak, with grievances in her words, "The matter of my apprentice... the head master did you know!"

"The reason for this matter has not yet been ascertained, Junior Sister, don't be too impatient!" Ci Xuan said with a relaxed posture and a faint smile.

"My apprentice has always been sensible and courteous, diligent in cultivation, and kind to others. He has never provoked disputes, how could he hinder the eyes of the master and let her behave like that!

My master is highly respected, I dare not speak disrespectful words, but my heart aches for the loss of my beloved apprentice, so what should I do!Who can be the master and apprentice for me? "

Yao Mudan's face was full of pain, and she shed tears halfway through her speech.Seeing this, the elders at the side were all sympathetic, and even secretly hated Master Yun Huan for being too unscrupulous.

Ci Xuan's smile remained unchanged, he looked down at Yao Mudan condescendingly, and said lightly: "Junior Sister, I heard that you and Ci Bai are very good friends, and your disciple and his disciple have ever engaged in a marriage contract?"

"There is absolutely no such thing!" Yao Mudan was taken aback, her eyes widened, embarrassment and embarrassment appeared on her face.

Ci Xuan looked at her with a smile, his eyes were clear and unwavering, but with a compelling courage, "No marriage contract? That's a private appointment for life."

(End of this chapter)

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