Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 155 Please respect the respected ancestor

Chapter 155 Please respect the respected ancestor
The faces of the other elders who came to find fault were also very ugly... It's nothing more than shameless!They even conspired against the same sect, how did such a scumbag get into their inner sect of Tianyi?

No wonder the master was so angry, he didn't expect such a thing to happen!

At this moment, they all felt that Yun Huan's behavior that day was not incomprehensible, on the contrary, they were the ones who glared at their ancestors for no reason, and they were a little guilty at this moment.

This is really... I don't know why, but my face is so painful, I'd better slip away!

A few thin-skinned and honest-minded elders couldn't stay any longer, pretending to have something to do, and fled the scene quickly.

There are also a few thick-skinned ones, such as Cihe, who are still trying to make a round of it and find some face for themselves.

"For this reason, the master shouldn't punish the disciple privately, it should be handed over to us!"

Cixuan's cold eyes swept across his face, and he said with a soft smile: "Junior brother is right, when the master is out of the customs, I will wait for you to comfort me! The master is very virtuous, let us be the etiquette of the younger generation , there will always be some!"

Words and words are blocked, the meaning of the sect leader... is that they, as juniors, did not persuade the master at that time, so it is their fault that she beat someone?

What's the point of this?
Cihe was dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't dare to express it on the face, and finally met the cold gaze of the head master, and left in despair.

Ci Hai, who was a little far away, touched his half-bald forehead and sighed twice, thinking: Even that kind of image can be faked, his upright senior brother who always respects the rules, was also misled by that little master Yes!
However, according to his understanding, most of the false images were created by the master. He, the senior brother who has never been close to women, can't make such a fragrant and flamboyant scene.

With Master Yun Huan's personality of revenge, she not only wanted the lives of those two, but also ruined their reputations.

Even if they die, they will be nailed to the pillar of shame and scolded by others.

Uncle Ci Hai snickered: This little master... really has something!
Today's excitement is really good, haha, it's not in vain!
"Let's go! Let's go back!" Ci Hai thought happily for a while, then let out a soft cry, signaling Chang Ci standing behind him to follow.

However, the long resignation did not move, and just asked in a low voice, "Master, is the ancestor seriously injured? Why haven't you left the customs until now?"

Ci Hai raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, since when did he start caring about others, a little apprentice who always had nothing to do with himself?
"Fortunately, it's not too heavy. It's nothing serious. If you don't come out at this time, you may have overslept!" Ci Hai joked casually.

Could it be that his apprentice was also taken away by that little master?
Just as Ci Hai was a little depressed, he heard Chang Ci's apologetic voice, "Master, it's my fault. I didn't take good care of her, which caused all these disasters!"

"I don't blame you, it's the master who is not good, you don't have to blame yourself!" Ci Hai sighed, and the tight string in his heart was slightly loosened.

Chang Ci didn't say anything anymore, but frowned tightly, lowered his head slightly, followed Ci Hai, and went back to their little Lingfeng.

As Ci Hai walked further, Yao Mudan's face was blushing and dripping blood. She bit her lip, knelt on the ground with tears in her eyes, "It's because I didn't teach good disciples, please punish me!"

There was always a slight smile on Ci Xuan's face, but his eyes were cold and devoid of warmth, and he showed no pity for her tears, "You go back first! This matter will be decided after the master leaves the customs!"

 ... What's going on... Was the message swallowed again?
  Woohoo, please vote.There is only one day left in the new book list, please take a screenshot of a better ranking ""

  So beg for another vote with the audacity.

  Hee hee hee~~

(End of this chapter)

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