Chapter 156 Sister's Pain
Yao Mudan no longer had the aura of being unforgiving before, she softly answered yes, got up and left with the group of disciples behind her.

However, they turned around and were about to leave when everyone heard a shrill woman screaming from the cave, it sounded extremely painful and terrifying.

Ci Xuan's face turned pale, disregarding his usual demeanor, his expression was stern, and with a single tap of his toes, he shot towards the cave like an arrow leaving the string.

Yao Mudan behind her was stunned... This is, what's wrong?
Why was the head's face so ugly just now?Could it be that something happened to the master inside?

The head of the sect is too concerned about that master!

Thinking of this, Yao Mudan's face was also a little ugly, and the feeling of anger and unwillingness lingered in her heart, which made her snort coldly in her heart.


Inside the Qingling Cave, Yun Huan was dying of pain.

She had already taken care of her body recently, and with Cixuan constantly replenishing the elixir for her, her cultivation had already returned to the peak level.

She originally planned to leave the customs today, make some preparations, and then go to the ghosts to find her sister, but just when she adjusted her breath for the last time, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her body, which was heart-piercing, as if her internal organs had been twisted Together, and then lit a fire, it was crackling, and she screamed in pain...

When Ci Xuan rushed in, he saw Yun Huan curled up on the white jade stone platform, his face was pale, he was screaming in pain, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

He immediately rushed over to hug her, put his hands on her back, and channeled her spiritual power.

Yun Huan's face was distorted by the pain, looking at his pale little bun's face, Ci Xuan felt extremely distressed.

He frowned, and was amazed in his heart. He didn't understand what happened, how could she be in such pain...

Although he was puzzled, he didn't hesitate in his actions. With one hand, he sent her spiritual power to relieve the pain, and the other hand flashed a sword light, trying to strengthen the blockade of her five senses.

However, just as the sword light in his hand was sacrificed, Yun Huan suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed his hand tightly, and cried out in pain: "Don't..."

Cixuan's face was gray and a little angry, "Yun Huan, you are dying? Why do you share the pain with her? What's the point?"

Although Yun Huan was in so much pain that she couldn't move, her consciousness was still very clear. She knew that this pain came from her sister, and this was the pain her sister was enduring...

So...she can't hide!She has to bear it with her sister, so she can know what her sister has gone through.

If she couldn't feel the pain in her sister's body now, then she couldn't bear the pain in her heart!

Her sister, she is so beautiful, so gentle, so kind, what did she do wrong, why did she have to bear it!

She hates it!I really hate it!

She hated herself, hated the world... hated everything that tortured her sister!
Why?What happened?
I beg you, don't torture my sister anymore, everything is directed at me, okay!

Don't hurt her...don't hurt her!

don't want……

Yun Huan's tears fell down, and her body was trembling uncontrollably.

She felt her skin burst open little by little, and every time it hurt, it was so painful that it convulsed.

She knew that what she was enduring now was not all the pain of her sister.Ci Xuan sealed the five senses for her, if it wasn't for such intense pain, it would be impossible to break through the restriction and transmit it to her.

Therefore, at this moment, my sister is suffering hundreds of times and thousands of times more than her...

(End of this chapter)

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