Chapter 157 The Weird Life Lamp
Thinking of this, Yun Huan could hardly bear the pain in her heart. She grabbed Ci Xuan's sleeve and begged bitterly, "Please, save her, save her! Help my sister! Please... "

Ci Xuan looked at Yun Huan who was struggling in pain, his heart was gripped tightly, seeing her crying, moaning and pleading, he felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

This little master had always been lively, quick-witted, lazy and unrestrained, as clear as glass in his dealings with others, and rarely cared about anything, how did he become like this now.

"Sister... sister!" Yun Huan's lips twitched, and he kept calling.

Sitting cross-legged, Ci Xuan held her tightly in his arms, and was a little surprised when he heard her calling for his sister.

What sister?When did Shizu have a sister?

"Ah—" Yun Huan shrank into Cixuan's arms and screamed again, Cixuan hurriedly withdrew his thoughts, accelerated the transmission of spiritual power, and checked her body by the way.

Both her body and soul were intact, and her pain really came from another person.

"Yun Huan, where's the lamp?"

Ci Xuan wanted to know what happened, so he grabbed Yun Huan's hand, wanting her to summon Yun Chu's life lamp.

But Yun Huan was already in so much pain that he couldn't use any strength, Ci Xuan hesitated for a moment, then leaned down and pressed her lips...

Yun Huan, who was in so much pain that she couldn't think, could only feel being hugged, and her lips felt numb. She didn't realize what happened, and her eyes were still clouded with mist.

Ci Xuan's lips pressed against hers, and he gave her a big mouthful of his natal spirit, and then quickly withdrew, looking at her in panic, his heart beating wildly, and impatient.

"Yun Huan, summon Yun Chu's life lamp!" Ci Xuan, who had stabilized his mind a little, urged again.

Yun Huan was still a little dazed at first, but the pain in his body was relieved a little. When he heard Ci Xuan's voice, he suddenly woke up, his eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand in a panic.

A pinch of flames appeared in the petite palm, emitting a faint blue light.

At this time, Yunchu's life lamp has become extremely weak, with only a little bit of bleak light.

Seeing this, Yun Huan's heart became cold again, and her tears fell again, and she couldn't stop it no matter what.

Ci Xuan looked at Yunchu's life lamp, but his eyes were a little strange, what's the matter with this life lamp, why is it such a color?

"Ci Hai! Come here!" Ci Xuan frowned, and transmitted his voice to Ci Hai who was heading back to Xiaolingfeng.

Ci Hai was sitting cross-legged on his flying talisman wine gourd at this time, he was stunned for a moment when he heard Ci Xuan's voice, and felt that there was something wrong with his tone, so he immediately turned the head of the gourd and went back to Holy Spirit Peak.

"Long speech, you go back first!"

Ci Hai's voice disappeared into the clouds, Chang Ci stood on the flying sword in a daze for a moment, his eyes were a little dazed, but an uncomfortable feeling emerged in his heart.

With a condensed expression, he stood blankly, looking at Yun Juan and Yun Shu in the sky, and after a long while he urged the flying sword to return to Xiao Lingfeng.


Qingling Cave.

When Ci Hai arrived, Yun Huan had already passed out from the pain.

Seeing her gradually stabilized expression, Ci Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, slowly picked her up, and placed her on the ice crystal couch deep in the cave.

Ci Hai stood outside, watching Ci Xuan's cautious movements calmly, feeling a little strange in his heart.

When did it start?

His senior brother in charge seems to have more than ordinary love for the little master!


"Dao Jun, come and take a look!" Ci Xuan returned to the white jade platform used for meditation, and summoned Ci Hai.

(End of this chapter)

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