Chapter 160 Be sure to pick me up!
Yun Chu couldn't stand the child's crying voice, so he couldn't help comforting him: "It's okay, you are still young. Everyone is afraid and timid. We are all the same, it's not your fault!"

"Master, you are still so gentle!" The childish voice immediately regained its vitality, with an expectant smile, "Master, when will you pick me up! I have been lonely for too long...I miss you so much !"

"I... am not the person you are looking for!" Yun Chu smiled wryly again, her current situation is really embarrassing.

She is going to die soon, and her consciousness will also dissipate, so how can she pick up a child.

"Master, I see, you must not have awakened yet! You have been reborn, but you haven't regained your previous memories, right?"

The childish child began to talk to himself, and sighed like an adult, "Oh, you gods are really troublesome! Unlike our spirits, there is no such thing as reincarnation, and memories will never die. So I will never forget Owner."

The more Yun Chu listened, the more confused he became, what kind of god, what kind of spirit?This child must have identified the wrong person... She is just a cannon fodder who has just traveled here not long ago, and she is already cannon fodder now!

She thought hard, but felt something was wrong.

If she is dead, what is she doing now?If a person dies, shouldn't consciousness dissipate quickly?
But why did she feel that her consciousness became clearer and clearer, and the memories she had just lost came back again.

Thinking of this, her originally light body suddenly began to sink rapidly.

"Master, you must come to pick me up! It doesn't matter if you forget me... I can help you regain your memory!"

The child's voice in the consciousness gradually dissipated and became less clear, but still with strong eagerness and longing, "Must... come and pick me up!"

Yun Chu was dizzy, and before she could react, her body suddenly fell into the water with a "plop", and the strong water pressure immediately squeezed her, making her unable to breathe.

"It's so heavy!" After a long time, she groaned. The previous light and comfortable feeling did not come, and her body was as heavy as a stone, and she kept sinking to the bottom of the water.

where is this?

Yun Chu dazedly wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't use his strength.

In the process of slowly falling, the body began to become light again, as if being lifted by something, and the consciousness became clearer.

The water that surrounded her was extremely warm and comfortable, like a mother's swaddling clothes, permeated with a strong love, and made her feel the power of rebirth.

The scars on her body were slowly being repaired, and a scorching spiritual power gathered in her body, like a fire source that could continuously provide energy, and flowed to every corner of her body with the blood.

Yunchu's consciousness finally regained its clarity.

Is she dead?She came back to life?

When she clearly felt that her heart was still beating, she gently pulled the corners of her lips, wanting to laugh, but she couldn't tell what it was like in her heart.

Her current body is still a little hot, but it's completely different from the painful burning before.

The warm water washes and soothes her painful and broken body, transforming it into a more perfect body bit by bit.

Yun Chu closed his eyes and enjoyed the loving environment, his heart felt warm, and the previous resentment and violence had disappeared.

She found herself again, the gentle and straightforward Chen Yunchu.

(End of this chapter)

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