Chapter 161 Hellish scene
Floating and sinking in the water for a long time, until she was about to fall asleep, suddenly there was another "wow", as if someone opened the water valve, the water flowed away, and she slowly fell to the ground.

Lying on the cold and sticky ground, Yun Chu woke up, and only then did he feel the reality of being alive again.

She tried her best to open her eyes, but found that the surroundings were pitch black, and she couldn't see anything, but there was a smell of scorching and decay coming to her nostrils.

The ground was still wet and sticky, Yun Chu guessed—the ground should be covered with her own blood.

This scorched and rotten smell should also be caused by her being burned just now!

Thinking this way, Yun Chu raised his hand to touch his cheek.

I thought it would be disfigured, but I unexpectedly found that my skin was smoother and more tender, and it felt better... My body was also like silk and satin, and I felt very comfortable even touching it.

Only then did she realize that her body seemed to have undergone some changes.

After being washed and transformed by the blood of Firefox, her body became lighter and softer, her skin became fairer and smoother, and her eyes became clearer and brighter...

Feeling the changes in her body, Yun Chu couldn't help but smile wryly: If possible, she would rather choose not to change the body transformed through such pain.

She never wanted to experience that torture that was worse than death!
After blinking her eyes for a while, she tried to cast a small spell again, sat up, cleaned her body briefly, and changed into a dress.

Then he mobilized his spiritual power and lit a lamp in his palm, only then did he see the environment around him clearly, and he couldn't help being startled.

This is a dark, damp, terrifying and cramped underground prison, surrounded by corpses: some are rotting corpses of women who were half burned, some are indescribable remains of severed limbs, and some are corpses that were burned. Almost burnt black bones...

No wonder, there is such an unpleasant burnt smell!

Seeing the hellish scene in front of her, Yun Chu was very disgusted. She suppressed the discomfort and took out a brocade handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose.

There are at least hundreds of corpses in this prison, why are the death conditions so miserable?

Obviously they were all tortured to death!

How pitiful!It's inhuman...

She frowned, thinking of her current situation, she suddenly wanted to be clear.

These women should have also been taken captive, and then they were forced to drink strange drinks just like her, and they turned into such a terrible appearance.

It turned out that I was lucky among this group of people.

At least, she survived!

Yunchu sighed, and grief and indignation arose in his heart: That third prince... is really cruel and terrifying, even worse than evil spirits!
After torturing so many women to death, what exactly does he want to do?
Yun Chu suppressed his anger and calmed down for a while.She has never been impulsive.The most important thing at this time is to find a way to escape.

With the bright fire in her palm, she endured the nausea and discomfort, and checked the surrounding environment again.

This is a cave-like place, surrounded by potholed walls, and there is no exit.

She sent the magic weapon to attack, tried to chisel the wall, and unexpectedly found that the wall was restrained, and the surrounding area was covered under an enchantment.

Yun Chu sighed: That's right, such a dirty and terrible place, of course it needs to be "protected".

With no possibility of escape, she could only wait for the time being.

She took out a soft cushion from the storage magic weapon and cleared out a small clean place. She began to meditate and check her body.

Then she was pleasantly surprised to find that her spiritual power seemed to have become stronger, and it was driven very smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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