Chapter 162
The warm spiritual power enveloped her, filling her with infinite vitality.

This feels... so comfortable!

It turned out that the previous crimes were not in vain.

She hasn't practiced for a long time. During this period of time, she has been in the ghosts and ghosts, her spiritual power is limited, and she can't mobilize most of the time.

But now, she can release her spiritual power as much as she wants, and I don't know if it has something to do with leaving the ghosts and ghosts...

Slowly, Yunchu relaxed his mind, silently recited Taoist scriptures, and entered the state of meditation.


Qingxie flew to the sky above Huiwu City almost in an instant on the black-feathered black-eyed eagle.

In the foggy Huiwu City, the lights are still brightly lit, people come and go, and it is bustling.

Qing Xie stood on the eagle's back with a stern expression, and the backlog of anger accumulated like a mountain, which seemed to collapse at any time and destroy everything.

He looked far into the distance, and his consciousness spread out, covering the entire Huiwu City like a giant net.It didn't take much effort to find Lan Ping's breath.

The Black Feather Xuanjing Eagle let out a furious neigh, and swooped down like a sharp arrow, heading towards a flower bush in the southwest corner of Huiwu City.

There are all kinds of spiritual flowers and grasses planted there, which is one of the wonders of returning to Wucheng.

Lan Ping's temperament is that he likes to spend his mind on some small things, such as making tea, making flowers and other elegant things, he is quite patient and always does it himself.

He has a habit of making tea with floral dew from Huiwucheng, so whenever he has time, he will come here to collect some himself.

It was also a pleasure that he had never tired of doing.

After the palace banquet in the Nether Palace was over, he also wanted to evacuate, so he brought his old servants here to wander around and enjoy the flowers, and by the way, he collected some fresh floral dew and went back to make tea.

He had just filled the two small porcelain vases very contentedly, when he suddenly heard a shrill neighing in the air, aware of the danger, and hurriedly retreated.

The old servant behind him reacted very quickly, and had already opened a barrier to protect him.

There was a "ding dong", like sharp knives hitting each other, and a burst of lightning splashed.

Hei Diao's sharp claws grabbed the barrier, but he couldn't break through it for a while.

Seeing that the blow was missed, Qing Xie simply jumped off the eagle's back, and shot out a sharp icicle while falling.

Lan Ping showed a terrified look, not understanding why Yuan Ji attacked him suddenly, and so aggressively, as if he was here to take his life...

Surprised and flustered for a moment, seeing Yuan Ji's attack was imminent, he hurriedly sent out his talisman to counteract it.

With a bang, the barrier shattered, and the icicle was like a sharp sword, unabated, and approached Lan Pingmen.

At this moment, a powerful spiritual pressure came, and Lan Ping finally knew the strength of the Demon Lord, and the gap between him and the Demon Lord.

There is nothing to stop, nothing to avoid, only a dead end...

The hands of the old servant behind him quickly changed into seals, and a hard barrier finally blocked Lan Ping at the last moment.

The ice pierced through the barrier again, making a sharp drilling sound.It's just that this time the castration was slightly reduced, and Lan Ping's magic weapon folding fan barely blocked it back.

This blow was so dangerous that Lan Ping almost suffered a cardiac arrest from fright, and the hunchbacked old servant behind him was also pale, leaning over and panting.

Qingxie fell among the flowers, his black robe trembled, and countless spirit flowers were crushed under his feet, and the petals fell to the ground, and he crushed them into the soil.

He walked slowly, squinted at Lan Ping, and approached him.There was a sneer on his lips, and his voice was extremely sinister, "Lan Ping, where is my wife?"

Lan Ping didn't know why, his head was buzzing, and his mind was still stuck on the blow that almost killed him, and he couldn't recover.

 Today I am feeling...

  I'm actually a little scared when I write this. I feel that the cute little readers are slowly leaving me. The more I write, the less happy atmosphere I used to be.
  Will he no longer be liked by the cuties?

  At that time, I chose the coldest Xianxia, ​​and chose a subject that was not cool at all, and I didn't know how far it would go.

  From the beginning to the end, I want to focus on the plot and write stories that I like...

  I seem to be out of tune with the mainstream market~
  I don't want to write too routinely, but I'm afraid that my writing will become old-fashioned...

  If the grades are not good, you will be anxious, and if you get better grades, you will be more worried about gains and losses.

  I'm afraid I won't be liked by you, I'm afraid you'll all leave me... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the little cuties who came so hard!
  It's really not easy to write, and it's easy to be autistic.

  Hahahaha, the words of the seniors are so incisive!
  There are too many broken thoughts today, and it is very tiring to write these transitional plots. I really want to write sweet, rancid love!

  So ~ come slowly later!

  Slowly explore my own style from this book, I hope the future can be expected, I hope I can go further.

  Thank you so much for being with you all the way~Jiu Mi~
  Later, we will return to a more cheerful atmosphere, because Xiao Chuchu is going back to Xianmen!

  Finally, you don't have to wander around, and you can grow indecently with peace of mind!
  Love you guys!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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