Chapter 168

The male cultivator who had his ankle cut by Yunchu was very angry. He never thought that he would be tricked by such a little female cultivator. In a fit of rage, he swung his fully charged fist towards her.

In the devil world, it is not easy for women to cultivate.It is perfectly normal for male cultivators to discriminate against female cultivators.

As a male cultivator, if he is defeated by a woman, he will be ridiculed by his companions for at least three months when he goes back. That's why the male cultivator who was plotted by Yunchu will be particularly angry.

His fist was wrapped in a hurricane, if such a blow hit Yunchu, it is estimated that half of her bones would be lost.

However, she still didn't dodge the male cultivator's attack, she even turned her back and continued to run towards the only exit, completely ignoring the man behind him who was about to beat her violently.

Seeing her reaction, the fist-wielding male cultivator felt a little surprised in his heart, but before he had time to adjust his body and sacrifice the magic weapon, his body fell down suddenly, his whole body was paralyzed, and he couldn't move.

With one hit, everything is only in an instant.

When the male cultivator fell to the ground, the male cultivators who were preparing to trap Yunchu in the other four directions also came back, sacrificed magic weapons, and besieged Yunchu together.

"She has poison in her hands, let her arms be crippled first!"

Lian Zhao, who was guarding the door, gave orders viciously.He never expected that Yunchu would have such abilities!
She was obviously just a weak female cultivator of the fairy sect, but she knocked down the guards he had carefully cultivated for many years with just one blow...

This... is really hateful!
The way Lian Zhao looked at Yun Chu changed again and again, with greed, disgust, hatred, and some nasty desires.

Yunchu just chose to break through from the right because she had made some calculations. Considering the terrain and her position, she made a seemingly difficult choice.

She concentrated, ignored Lian Zhao's fury, and at the same time as the four male cultivators were besieging her, she jumped up to the top wall of the cave with the help of another pile of corpses, and spilled all the medicine powder in her hand.

Then he fell again in a hurry, and before falling to the ground, with the help of the cover of the medicine powder, he used the Thunder Escape Talisman to disappear from his trace.

A male demon cultivator dispersed the medicine powder with a magic weapon, and then his eyes froze, he caught Yun Chu's figure, and he dodged to grab her, but when he picked it up, he realized that what he was holding was just a puppet.

He couldn't help but turn pale with shock, wondering how he could have made a mistake in his judgment, he clearly noticed the breath of this little female cultivator, but he didn't catch her.

The other three demon cultivators were also a little surprised. Could she still be invisible in such a small cave?

However, when they wandered around and couldn't find Yun Chu, a male cultivator's hair suddenly burned.

The faint blue flame illuminated the cave very strangely, and the male cultivator with his hair burned painfully scratched his head, trying to extinguish the flame.

The other demon cultivators around him also helped, but no matter what method they used, the fire didn't weaken at all, instead it had burned all over the male cultivator's body.

This time, even Yun Chu, who was hiding behind the pile of corpses, was a little surprised.She just dumped a little spark to the male cultivator, but she didn't expect it to be so violent that it would burn him to death.

Wow, when did I become so powerful!

She is indeed invisible now.

Master Yun Huan was rich and powerful, so he gave her a dozen stacks of life-saving talismans as if they were free.Yun Chu himself was extremely extravagant, and at the critical moment, he directly used a large number of Lei Yin Talismans.

One talisman can hide for more than a second, and she burned more than 100 of them, buying herself 2 minutes of escape time.

(End of this chapter)

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