Chapter 169 The blue flame

The male cultivator who was set on fire fell to the ground and howled in pain, his voice was shrill.The remaining male cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, somewhat panicked in their hearts.

How is this going?

Why is this flame so weird.

While burning, it seems to be still devouring the spiritual power in the human body.

Lian Zhao, who was standing at the door, shrank his pupils when he saw the raging blue flame.

Why is this flame blue?

He frowned in thought, then was overjoyed.

The only people in this world who can use blue flames are the Qinghuang clan that has disappeared for thousands of years.

Could it be that the legend is true?
I didn't expect it, and there was a surprise!If the Qinghuang family really still has blood, even if it is impure, he can make good use of it!

Thinking of this, he sternly said, "She's still here! Line up, don't let her get close! Abolish her arm, and let Xiao Wang catch her alive!"

The remaining three male cultivators immediately took up positions, and even the one guarding the door joined them.The magic treasures in the hands of the four people were shining brightly, gathering together, covering the entire cave.

Yun Chu, who was hiding behind the pile of corpses, felt a dangerous sense of oppression, and wanted to throw a few more sparks out immediately, but after rubbing his fingers for a long time, he couldn't wipe a single one off, and he didn't know what was going on...

Damn, why is she such a fool!Whether it's a magic weapon or spiritual power, it always loses the chain at the critical moment!
Woohoo, let's run first!
Her original plan was to lure the male demon Xiu who was guarding the door over, and then break through from the poisoned Lian Zhao.

Now the conditions are basically fulfilled, but the battle these four guys have created is a bit big, and it always feels like there is no way out.

But now this situation can only be done bravely, she has already used up all the Thunder Hidden Talismans, and it is useless to hide, let's go hard!

Yun Chu calculated the route of the hard charge: use the cover of corpses and puppets to avoid the four burly monks, and then use a brick to slap the head of the third prince who didn't know he had been poisoned, all in one go, the plan Perfect.

just do it...

Not daring to delay for a second, she first threw a handful of thunderstorm talismans, splashing the broken flesh and bones of the surrounding bodies, and then threw out the puppet talisman,

Taking advantage of the opportunity of being invisible in the last few seconds, I got out from the puppets, threw out the magic weapon of bricks, and shot straight at the third prince...

Although the brick magic weapon is not very powerful, it has a large area of ​​force and it is difficult to miss it. At least it can hold Lian Zhao for three seconds.

Her series of movements were all in an instant, and before the magic weapon in the hands of the four strong Moxiu gathered around over there was taken back, she was almost in front of Lian Zhao.

The brick hit Lian Zhao accurately...everything went very smoothly.

However, just when Yunchu thought he was about to succeed and was about to sacrifice the little white boat he hadn't seen for a long time to escape, he suddenly trembled and was struck by a bolt of lightning...

Hiss - With a scream, she lost all her strength and fell forward, falling straight in front of Lian Zhao.

The brick magic weapon was also blocked by a male cultivator at the last moment, and all her efforts fell short in an instant.

Lian Zhao's face was livid, he looked coldly at the woman lying in front of him, and laughed loudly.

But just as he laughed a couple of times, a sharp pain suddenly came from inside his body, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood with a pop.

"You..." Lian Zhao stared in shock at Yun Chu who was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't get up, gritted his teeth and asked, "How dare you poison this king!"

Yun Chu's whole body was numb and he couldn't use his strength, so he couldn't answer his question at all.

She wasn't ready to answer either, she just sneered in her heart: Go to hell, disgusting bastard!Even if I die, I will take you to be buried with me!

(End of this chapter)

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