Chapter 170 Abandoned Her Arm
Seeing that she was dead and unable to move, Lian Zhao kicked her on the back and twisted her slender back, and then told a magician next to her, "Abolish her hand! See if she can still move." What kind of tricks are you playing!"

Moxiu stepped forward in response, grabbed Yunchu's two slender arms, and gently pulled her back... There was only a crisp click, and her bones were broken.


A heart-piercing cry of pain echoed in the cave, Yun Chu was so painful that he almost passed out, after screaming, hot tears rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably.

What kind of fate is she, she has suffered almost all the tortures during the trip... It turns out that broken bones hurt so much!

"Hand over the antidote!" Lian Zhao stared at Yun Chu who was lying on the ground trembling in pain, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up, squinting his eyes and asked.

The demon cultivator at the side had just stepped forward to check his body, confirmed that it was highly poisonous, and had already sent a message to tell everyone.

Lian Zhao was very angry, never thought that he would be tricked by such a lowly female cultivator, the anger in his heart was burning, and he was thinking about how to torture her to feel at ease.

Yun Chu was so painful that he was trembling even to breathe, and his eyes were sore, but under Lian Zhao's vicious gaze, he curled his lips and looked back at him mockingly.

Still sneering in the bottom of my heart: I don't believe in the poison of a big Luo Jinxian, and I might not be able to deal with a dog like you!

I want to see, which of us will die first!
The medicinal powder she sprinkled earlier was nothing, but the detoxification pill she coaxed Lian Zhao to take in the end was extremely poisonous...

This guy is stupid and vicious, even if he was buried with her, she would be disgusted!
Lian Zhao saw that her arm was broken, but she was still unyielding, without any fear, and became even annoyed immediately.

But after a while, his eyes turned, his smile became gentle and harmless again, he let go of the hand that was holding her hair, changed into a soothing posture, and gently touched her cheek.

Charm again!

Goosebumps arose on Yunchu's body, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

She found it more unbearable to have her face touched by such a disgusting thing than to break her arm.

But gradually, her eyes began to become blurred again, looking at Lian Zhao as if she was looking at her lover...

It made her sick from the inside out.

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Wang will cherish such a beauty!" Lian Zhao stared at her with strange eyes, and let a strong man Mo Xiu stand her up.

Yunchu felt that his body didn't hurt so much, and realized that it might be due to the influence of Lian Zhao's charm, and felt sick and uncomfortable.

It's just that after her arm was broken, her whole body collapsed, she had no strength at all, and her spirit became a little fragile.

She wanted to control her emotions, and didn't want to be deceived by the charm, but her consciousness became more and more confused, and all the originally chaotic thoughts turned into pure admiration for Lian Zhao.

Just when she lost her mind and completely fell into the charm and lost herself, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Black-clothed, black-haired, tall and straight, looking proudly...

His face is like snow on a high mountain, his eyes are like a silent pool, and every part of his body is just right as if carefully crafted.

She had to admit that he was as good-looking as the god in her fantasy, powerful enough to wanton, gentle enough to be beautiful...

Even though he was the beginning of all her nightmares, at this critical moment, she still couldn't help missing him.

It seems that only thinking of him can bring a little comfort to her fallen heart.

Yuan Ji... Do you know that I hate you very much?

Yuan Ji... because of you, I really hate myself now!

Don't show up again... I don't want to see you again!

I hate you!I will always hate you!
Tears fell again, but this time, there was no confusion and pain in her eyes, only tranquility and clarity and a touch of tenderness. if...a bit too miserable...

  Two chapters will be updated in the early morning, see you guys tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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