Chapter 180 Let them go!

Thinking that he had done such things in the past to force people to submit, it would inevitably be even more bitter when he put it on himself.

Probably this is the way of heaven and reincarnation!
Now he has lost too much blood, lost his spiritual power, and his body is weak. It is estimated that he will not live long.

Well, it's good to be alive.

Zhuo Gu has always been by his side, taking care of him for more than 100 years, so he should leave a way for him to survive.

"Xiao Ke... Willing to commit suicide! Monarch, just erase his memory... He won't say anything against you, please, let him go!"

Lan Ping used his last strength, and his voice sounded a little sad.

Qing Xie stared at him coldly, unmoved.

He has seen a lot of people like this... He keeps saying that he is willing to die for others, but what is the reality?It's not about pushing others out to block the knife for yourself.

Lan Ping has always been a shrewd man, good at calculating, he will give up his life for a servant?

Oh, it's a joke!
On one side, Qingxie was still in a stalemate with Lan Ping, on the other side, Yuan Ji had already hugged Yun Chu, whose arms had returned to their original state.

Yun Chu huddled in his arms a little bit, and rolled himself into a small ball.

Holding her like this, Yuan Ji seemed to have returned to the days when he was not separated from her in Nether Palace, and couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips.

But soon, the smile disappeared again.

Thinking of the pain she had suffered, my heart was pulled again.

He leaned over and pressed his cold lips to her forehead lightly. Feeling her scorching temperature, another longing rose in his heart.

He gently stroked her reddish cheeks, and held her tightly in his arms.

Yun Chu didn't dare to avoid it, she was a little weak now.Although her injuries had already healed, the two consecutive days of tossing had made her exhausted, and she was no longer able to resist any of his movements.

Moreover, she did not dare.

Can live or live well!Why bother to find yourself unhappy!

It's better to be haunted by a gentle big devil than to be tossed to death by a pervert!

Because the people around were almost dead, Yun Chu also heard the movement from Lan Ping.

She privately felt that Lan Ping was miserable, but she was not going to do anything.

It's not easy to protect yourself, let alone meddle in your own business.

She is not a heroine, she has the aura of a protagonist.She is just a cannon fodder, she must live carefully.

And in the current situation, if Yuan Ji wanted to kill someone, she would think it was normal.

Yun Chu guessed that not many people in the entire Demon Realm knew that the Demon Lord Yuan Ji was actually two people, so... of course such a big secret must be kept secret.

Dead man, the strictest mouth!

If it were her, she might not have left such a big hidden danger for herself.

Traveling to the present, she, a law-abiding citizen in a civilized society, has also begun to have calculations in order to survive.

This is really the greatest sorrow this terrible world has brought her!

It was also the last thing she wanted to see!
She became someone she would never accept before.

But so what!She still followed her heart and never violated her conscience.

That's enough!She didn't want to be a saint, nor did she want to be a perfect person.

It is already a blessing to be able to follow the crowd and be an ordinary person.

Yuan Ji didn't know what was going on in her heart, but felt a trace of sadness from her hot spiritual power.

He frowned imperceptibly, trying to comfort her sadness, but he didn't know how to do it.

"It's not a big deal to let them go!" After a moment of silence, Yuan Ji suddenly sent his voice to Qing Xie.

If her grief stemmed from this, then he wouldn't kill anyone!

It's no big deal anyway...

Those threats are nothing to him!
As long as she stays by my side well, that's enough!
(End of this chapter)

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