Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 181 I just want to do what you want

Chapter 181 I just want to do what you want
He was about to carry out his evil taste to the end, but he was stunned when he heard the voice in his consciousness. He frowned, a little puzzled, and said:
"Why? Are you sick again? Are you keeping them just to give them a chance to stab you with a sword one day?"

"Let him go! Didn't you hear?" Yuan Ji spoke again, with a cool tone in his voice, not as indifferent as before.

Qingxie withdrew his hand bitterly, flicked his sleeves, and said angrily: "Okay! It's up to you! With your temper, you will kill yourself sooner or later! Now that you and I are no longer connected as one, don't get involved with me any more. I!"

"From now on, I am me, you are you, you can come and go freely." Yuan Ji said lightly, without any emotion in his tone.

He was so angry that he wished to tear Lan Ping and his old servant into pieces. He gritted his teeth, threw up his sleeves angrily, and jumped onto a boulder by the side of the canyon. With his arms crossed, he stared angrily at the noisy and boiling magma below. , no more words.

Lying in Yuan Ji's arms, Yun Chu blinked his eyes at Qing Xie's sudden annoyed behavior, a little strange.

"He is Qingxie, and he was born from the darkness and chaos, just like me." Yuan Ji noticed her doubts, and explained gently, "From now on, I will talk to you slowly."

Yun Chu was a little dazed, before he came back to his senses, Yuan Ji had already jumped up with her in his arms, his white robe trembling, and landed lightly in front of Lan Ping who was kneeling on the ground.

Lan Ping didn't react much to what happened in front of him, he only felt that Qing Xie was leaving in a huff, and then another figure fell in front of him.

He raised his head slightly, only seeing a section of white robe, and felt a strong coercion, which made him unable to breathe.

If the demon lord who had just left was terrifying and frightening to him, then this one now made him just want to worship, kneel at the feet of those who came, and become his most devout envoy.

Lan Ping was shocked by his inner feelings, he suddenly realized that maybe the one before was not the demon god Yuan Ji, but the one standing in front of him now.

Because of this feeling, he has never experienced it with the Demon Lord!

It turns out...the real demon god exists like this!How ignorant I was in the past, please help me!
What a joke!

"You, that's Lan Ping?" Yuan Ji's voice didn't fluctuate, and he looked down at the blood-stained man in purple robe who was kneeling on the ground with a calm expression.

Lan Ping hurriedly responded, but when he spoke, he found that his voice was hoarse and he couldn't utter a word at all.

"Take your people away! Go back and tell Mozun that you don't need to send people here anymore!"

After staring at him silently for a moment, Yuan Ji spoke lightly again.

Lan Ping raised his head in disbelief, and met a pair of dark and indifferent eyes, his heart suddenly shrank, and what surged in his heart was not fear, but... devout admiration.

"Thank you Mojun!" He slammed his head heavily on the scorching ground, his eyes were wet for some reason.

"Let's go!"

Yuan Ji hugged Yun Chu and turned around. Yun Chu raised his head in surprise, stared at his perfectly curved jaw, and asked in a low voice, "Is that how you let him go?"

"He didn't do anything to die!" Yuan Ji lowered his eyes, staring at her deeply, with a faint smile on his lips, which was the unique comfort and joy when looking at her, "Besides, don't you wish Did I let him go?"

(End of this chapter)

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