Chapter 186 Life in a dead end
It was Yuan Ji who gave him the chance to live and promised him that one day he would be truly free.

Now, he is really free and doesn't need to depend on Yuan Ji to live, but he is not happy at all.

He has only a cold heart, full of disgust for the world.Always want to destroy something.

It seems that only in this way can he find the value of his existence.

Ke Yuanji, he is not allowed to do this!
He thought they were connected, but in fact, he didn't understand Yuan Ji.

I don't understand at all.

He watched Yuan Ji being used, misunderstood, and hurt time and time again... But Yuan Ji was still calm and never cared about those malice.

Why, he was also born from the gathering of demon spirits in the gestation of demon energy, why is he so different from Yuan Ji?

Qingxie fell into deep confusion, his eyes were wet and sore...

His eyes widened in disbelief, and there was a hint of joy mixed with the infinite sadness.

His heart seemed to have a little warmth.

The wide black robe shook its wings like a butterfly, and Qingxie jumped off the eagle's back and plunged straight into the magma.

Yuan Ji's body was restrained by Qing Xie's magic spell, and he was unable to break free due to the torment of the Silk Entangling Gu. Seeing Qing Xie jump off the eagle's back, his handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, and blood overflowed again from his mouth.

The mournful cry of the black eagle broke through the sky again, and the white-clothed man on the eagle's back also screamed up to the sky. After a mournful cry, he jumped up in the air, his white robe trembled, and snowflakes floated around again.

The year-round hot lava canyon is slowly covered by snowflakes, and the dark red land is gradually dyed white.

Yuan Ji's eyes were closed, suspended in the air, his lips squirmed, and he chanted an ancient spell softly.

He raised his hand to wipe the blood from his lips, and sprinkled the blood beads into the magma in the canyon.The lava canyon, boiling and surging like a violent fire dragon, suddenly became quiet.

Yuan Ji swooped down, and the white figure was also submerged in the fiery red magma.


Yun Chu once again thought that she was dead, and this time she was quite sure that she was half dead.

What else is there to survive if you fall into the magma?
I learned in my middle school geography class that the temperature of lava is above 900 degrees, not to mention she is a person, even if a stone falls, it will be turned into ashes.

And when she fell in, there was not even ash left.

Ever since she was entangled by the strange black mist, she had given up struggling.

She was so tired, physically and mentally exhausted... It felt like there was no end to these tortures.

As long as she is still alive, there are hundreds of ways to die waiting for her...

Since it is the life of a cannon fodder, let's end it earlier in the way of cannon fodder!

When he saw the hot magma gushing towards him, before he died, Yun Chu, who had already looked down on everything, was a little distracted again.

Looking at the magma rushing towards her face, an inexplicable feeling arose in my heart, as if the magma wanted to hug her into her arms, so they came here to greet her specially!
I am probably crazy!
Yun Chu pursed his lips and smiled lightly, closed his eyes, and calmly greeted this inevitable situation.

However, after being submerged by the magma, she didn't feel the burning pain, only felt that the surroundings were quite warm, and something was flowing around her, gently stroking her skin.

At first she thought it was the feeling caused by the soul drifting away after death, but gradually she realized something was wrong.

Her consciousness is still very clear, and her memory has not been lost at all.It was completely different from the experience of drinking "poisoned wine".

It's just a little hot, dry, and a little bored in my heart.

 I just found out that one of the chapters last night was set at the wrong time... There is a chapter missing in the middle~
  Woohoo, I'm so confused.

  Little cutie, can you just look over there?

  Isn't it obtrusive?Hahahaha, ashamed

(End of this chapter)

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