Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 187 The Strange Woman in the Illusion

Chapter 187 The Strange Woman in the Illusion


"Master, you are finally here!"

"I thought my perception was wrong, I couldn't believe it at first!"

"Master, it's really you, you finally came to pick me up!"

The child's voice was full of endless joy.

Yun Chu remembered this voice, he was also so eager last time, asking her when she would come to pick him up, saying that he had been waiting for her.

The surrounding magma was like hot spring water, supporting her up and down, but the voices of children in her ears became increasingly blurred and chaotic. She could faintly hear many, many voices, and felt that her spiritual consciousness was about to be squeezed out.

Some of those voices were angry, some were contemptuous, some were regretful, some were deep... All kinds of people, all kinds of voices, Yunchu couldn't hear what they were saying at all, but felt that they were talking to him Full of displeasure and malice!

What's wrong?What did she do wrong again?
She felt as if she was being accused by a bunch of people, and she was so depressed that she couldn't breathe.

Just when she was about to shout loudly, "You have found the wrong person", a dazzling white light suddenly appeared in her consciousness.

Annihilate all sounds, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness and emptiness.

Yun Chu's consciousness was slackened for a moment, and when she opened her eyes again, she found that she was in an empty illusion.

The surrounding scene was constantly changing, she looked at it a little blankly, and suddenly heard the sound of crisp bells coming from a distance.

Yun Chu looked around, blinked, and the misty mist gradually dissipated. She saw a girl in a red dress sitting barefoot on a stone by the pool.

The young girl's demeanor was unrestrained, her petite feet dangling wildly, fiddled with the water in the pool, splashing water droplets everywhere, her little face was upturned, and the flowers trembled with laughter.

It was a beautiful scene, and Yun Chu also felt comfortable looking at it, the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously, as if the girl's joy could be conveyed to her, making her empathize with it.

But after a while, the girl's figure was submerged in the mist again.

Yun Chu looked intently again, and for some reason, a raging fire started to ignite around him, and it was crackling, and the figure of the girl in red slowly appeared in the raging fire.

But at this time she seemed to have grown up, dressed in a complicated and gorgeous red robe, tall and slender, with stern eyes, and half a golden mask on her cheeks, she didn't look as cheerful as a girl at all, but looked majestic , full of contempt...

She walked out of the gorgeous and majestic palace step by step, with raging flames under her feet, looking magnificent and poignant.

Soldiers wearing strange armors poured out of the flames, surrounding the red-robed woman ferociously, as if they wanted to force her back, or——kill her!

The red-robed woman standing proudly had no fear of the soldiers besieging her. She walked down the white jade steps step by step, forcing everyone to retreat, then raised her head and smiled arrogantly and strangely.

"You sinful people, dare to block the way of this deity?"

"What Qinghuang clan? What Qingtian realm? Self-righteous nobility!"

"This deity just hates your face! So, you... all go to die!"

Before the bleak laughter fell, she raised her hands, the red robe fluttered and fluttered, and flames surged out of her palms, like a nimble fire dragon, flying towards the soldiers who besieged her.

Where the fire dragon passed by, there was a wail of mourning, and the surrounding armors became less and less, and finally even the palace behind her collapsed when she stepped down the last step.

 Thank you for your sweet votes and comments~
  The author is so moved.

  Hee hee hee

(End of this chapter)

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