Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 290 Well, She's Really a Little Genius

Chapter 290 Well, She's Really a Little Genius
Seeing the drooling bloody mouth leaving from the top of his head, Yun Chu heaved a sigh of relief, but his eyes were still fixed on Hui Jiao, who was temporarily restrained. flew towards it.

Huijiao, who was accidentally tied up, hadn't realized what was going on, and was blown up by a bunch of thunderstorm talismans. His anger was ignited again, he yelled loudly, and then burst open with a bang. spell.

"What a hard shell!" Yun Chu's eyes flickered, his eyes were frighteningly bright, seeing nearly a hundred thunderstorm talismans exploding at the same time, and Hui Jiao's scaly body was still unscathed, the corners of his lips curled up in praise. One sentence.

Yuan Ji smiled lightly, and said lightly behind her: "Its bones are harder."

Yun Chu couldn't help laughing when he remembered that he and Yun Huan had said before that they wanted to use the bones of the dragon to make her a piano, and suddenly felt a little pitiful for the ugly monster in front of him...

"Here it comes! Want my help?"

Seeing the black and shiny Huijiao come back, Yuan Ji's cold eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked in a low voice.

Yun Chu half-closed his eyes and smiled, "No, try first!" Then a small ball of red flame appeared in his hand.

She has been repelling it before, but now she wants to accept it and control it...

Huijiao flicked its huge tail, roared angrily, and rushed towards Yunchu without hesitation, but when it saw the small flame in Yunchu's hand, it paused for a moment, and there was a shock in its dark eyes. There was a hint of fear.

But it took only a moment for it to recover again.The little girl in front of her has a low level of cultivation, and it can split her in two with one tail!Although there was a terrifying aura in that flame, judging from the experience of the fight just now, it could be said that she was playing tricks to deceive herself.

Ah!There is such a big gap between her strength and her own, there is nothing to be afraid of!
Huijiao sorted out his thoughts in his big head, and then stepped up his offensive.But this time, it also developed a mind, and instead of being affected by its own anger, it jumped up and attacked closely, but spewed out a large mouthful of venom from a place two or three feet away from Yunchu...

Unhurried, Yun Chu stretched out two fingers and quickly pasted three spells on his body. When the venom sprayed over, his figure had already flashed behind Huijiao.

Yuan Ji smiled helplessly, she hides even though there is an enchantment protecting her, is this simply ignoring him?
Or is it that she just wants to test her own strength, so she doesn't want to use her own help...

This little thing, now that he has a little ability, he is getting more and more floating!
Still... cute.

Yuan Ji couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, looking at Yun Chu who kept dodging Hui Jiao's attacks, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that his vision was really good...

Thinking that she didn't need her help for the time being, she simply chose a place that wasn't too much of a hindrance to sit down and enjoy quietly...

Yunchu's attention was all on Huijiao, and when he realized that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to dodge, he stuck two more speed talismans on his body.

As a krypton gold player, Yunchu did not spare these treasures that were hard to come by, and generously let them shine in his own battles.

Huijiao, who kept twisting and attacking wildly, was startled... huh?Did I read it wrong?This girl's cultivation is not as weak as I judged?

That's right, how could someone who dared to be so tough with him be an ordinary monk who didn't even have Ascension!She must have deliberately made herself underestimate the enemy so she hid her cultivation... Hmph, what a cunning woman!
See if I don't tear her to pieces!
Huijiao has a big head but a small brain. He thinks he has seen the opponent's tricks clearly, so he becomes cautious. The originally ferocious attack gradually slows down, for fear of falling into the opponent's trap.

Yun Chu just wanted to try the limit of the speed talisman, but Huijiao suddenly became timid, which made her unable to use it.But this didn't affect her mood much, the speed talisman couldn't be tested, it just tested the power of her natal fire.

Because Huijiao's attack slowed down, Yun Chu, who had six speed talismans on his body, did not have much difficulty in dodging. Just taking advantage of the gap between its attacks, he threw out the small fireball condensed from the flame that had been holding in the palm of his hand.

Huijiao, with its animal intuition, keenly sensed that the fireball was very strange, and it must not be touched, so it quickly twisted its long body to avoid it.

The fireball thrown by Yunchu was not fast, and it was gradually getting smaller after flying out.When Huijiao felt the danger and retreated, the fireball that had just flown three meters away was extinguished with a hiss, leaving only a wisp of light smoke floating in the humid air.

In this situation, Yunchu and Huijiao were stupefied...

Huijiao: 凎!I thought it was a big move!

Yunchu: Huh?Wasn't it possible to fly more than ten meters before?What are you doing, you lost the chain at a critical moment!
Yuan Ji, who stood in the distance watching the play with his arms folded, raised his eyebrows, wanting to take back the proud remarks he had made in his heart.

This little thing is still playing at this time... She dares to use spells in such a dangerous situation without practicing well. I have to say, she is really strong!

Yunchu didn't care about his mistakes, and he didn't panic when he saw that Huijiao seemed to be irritated by him again. He thought to himself, now he can continue to experiment with the speed talisman... Well, she is really a little genius!
However, Huijiao is not a low-level monster that she can play with at will after all. After the previous trials, it has discovered many flaws in Yunchu:

This girl is just relying on a bunch of weird spells to hold on, her real cultivation is really as weak as she expected...

It seems that this time it thought too much.

Huijiao, who was no longer "deceived", was full of anger and hatred, and didn't want to play this kind of petty game with Yunchu, but directly exploded with huge lethality.

I saw it spinning and moving in the air, jumping to a high place, and the scales on its body gave off a dazzling metallic luster with its movements, and Yun Chu couldn't open his eyes because of the piercing.

Then, accompanied by a crashing sound, the scales on Huijiao's body turned into countless sharp blades and attacked Yunchu in unison.

"Be careful!" Yuan Ji yelled, his body was faster than his voice, but he suddenly stopped in the middle of the air, and looked in shock at Yun Chu, who was surrounded by blades all over the sky and seemed about to be cut into pieces soon ...

That lavender figure is like a lonely butterfly flying in a blizzard, its thin body is crumbling, but it tries to shake its wings to fly.

At this moment, Yuan Jin felt a thrilling beauty.

He didn't save her, because she didn't need...

The seemingly helpless butterfly was actually resolutely independent in the wind and snow, slowly bursting out with amazing strength.

The moment the scales hit him, even though his eyes were closed, Yun Chu felt the danger.Like a conditioned reflex, she instantly spilled a lot of spirit mansion.

The Lingfu spread out one by one in the air, protecting her neatly in the middle, constantly revolving around her...

 Depressed, the next chapter is posted too fast, I forgot the title name... Woohoo, this is a very important chapter, please take a look.please
(End of this chapter)

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