Chapter 291

At the same time as she released the talisman, she pressed the red flame in her hand into her chest, and the flame quickly melted into her body, and in the next moment, the flame blazed brightly, and Yunchu turned into a blazing fireball.

At this moment, the overwhelming black scales approached the eyes, and the round barrier wrapped by the spell was directly cut into pieces by the sharp scales, like golden snowflakes, blowing down with the wind.

The hard magic talisman barrier failed to resist the attack of the black scales, and they were about to be nailed into the body of Yunchu who had turned into a burning man one by one, and there was no way to avoid it...

Hui Jiao stared at the big black eyes, and looked at Yun Chu who was about to be cut into pieces without blinking, and let out a contemptuous breath from his big nostrils: Overestimate one's abilities!Do you think anyone can break into its territory?Really courting death!

As it fell with a soft hiss, the black scales were nailed into the fire, and there was a muffled sound of sharp knives piercing into the flesh...

The long beard on Huijiao's head moved: dead?No, why didn't you call me?It is impossible for someone to bear the pain of being cut by its scales and still keep silent!
something is wrong, something is wrong...

Huijiao, who was surprised and puzzled, suddenly felt chills on his back, and when he looked closely, he found that the burning fireman disappeared together with the scales he shot!

There was only a touch of dampness in the air, which was the water mist that hadn't completely fallen back into the lake after being blasted.

Not far away, when Yuan Ji saw the fireball that Yunchu turned into disappeared, he frowned slightly, paused slightly, and stepped back several tens of feet suddenly.

At this moment, the disappearing fireball suddenly appeared on the top of Hui Jiao's head, and Hui Jiao, who was not dazed, noticed it was intentional, and exploded with a bang!
The original black scales have turned crimson at this time, and when they shot towards the flood dragon, they drew light smoke in the air, which is the smoke formed by extreme heat and cold, which shows how high the temperature of those scales is...

"Excuse me! Return it to you!"

A clear female voice came out slowly when the fireball exploded.

Huijiao felt his big head buzzing, and the fireball that exploded suddenly was only two feet away from it. When it exploded, it was like a goddess scattering flowers. …

How can this be done?

All this happened in an instant, Huijiao didn't have time to think about how to get out of the body, but instinctively retracted his head, his long body protected his head, entwined and locked into a ball, relying on himself to be extremely hard shell to resist.

With such a short distance and such a wide attack range, this is the best defense it can make.

The crimson scales collided with Huijiao's hard body, making metallic clanging sounds.In just an instant, its exposed back became bloody and bloody...

Huijiao endured great pain and let out bursts of wailing.It never thought that the invincible armor it had carefully cultivated would be shattered just like that!
The burnt red scales were scattered, only a small part was shot at the Huijiao, and a small part was shot at the surrounding withered trees and bushes. The tall dead trees were all bald, and the soil was splashed, which was extremely tragic.

More than half of the last ones scrambled to be nailed into the water of the black pool, stirring up bursts of thick fog and white smoke, covering the entire black pool.

Under a dead tree beside the black pool in the distance, Yuan Ji pinched a red scale that was still smoking with his cold white fingers, shook his head and smiled wryly: This is really an indiscriminate attack...

The little thing is really powerful now, the burning scale is so powerful that even his enchantment can't stop it.

But having said that, the scales of this Huijiao are really hard, and they can be used to refine some defensive magic weapons for small things to defend themselves.

With this in mind, Yuan Ji raised his eyebrows lightly, and raised his hand to recover the scales of the surrounding dragons that had been nailed deeply into the soil, and then raised his eyes to see a slender figure gradually emerging from the mist.

Today Yunchu was wearing a plain white Taoist robe with a tunic and a purple gauze smock over it. When he moved in the air, he looked like a purple butterfly flying, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

Yuan Ji continued to appreciate it with relish, and the black cannon on his body was still as clean as ever, without being splashed by the splashing mud at all.

Huijiao was seriously injured on the back, but it just howled twice in pain, and soon concentrated on attacking mode, and was bound to catch Yunchu for revenge.

At this time, the resentment value in its heart was full, and it was about to explode. When it caught Yun Chu's figure, it rushed over regardless, spraying poison, sweeping its tail, and roaring in one go, making Yun Chu hard to guard against. anti.

However... when the woman with the purple gauze flying over her body faced Huijiao's aggressive attack, she just raised her eyes lightly. The original amber eyes were dyed a light red. The moment she looked at Huijiao, Killing intent filled the air, breathtaking.

Huijiao's back full of scars felt chilly again, and the woman in front of him seemed to be a different person, becoming a little scary...

The instinctive shrinking made it want to take back the offensive, but he was too fierce just now, and now he is opening his mouth wide, and he can't even take it back.

Down below, Yuan Ji's complexion changed, his brows were furrowed, and he looked at the woman whose aura suddenly changed with some surprise.

"You, do you want to die once too?"

The corners of Yunchu's lips curled into a strange arc, his pale face was filled with a smile, and his figure flashed to meet the rushing Huijiao, he suddenly raised his hand and directly pressed down on its head.

Her movements were so fast that it was almost impossible to catch them, and the humid air around her trembled violently with her movements.

Hui Jiao, whose head was pinched directly, was stiff all over, and felt pain like burning where her hand touched.

Huijiao struggled in pain, twisting his body to resist, but found that he couldn't move at all.

It was just that Yunchu held his head down, but Huijiao completely turned into a dead fish that couldn't even move.

In the next moment, as Yunchu's fingers pressed hard, a burst of crackling and cracking sounds came from the body of Huijiao.That was the sound of its bones breaking apart in the body...

Huijiao instantly softened into a puddle of mud, and its huge body fell from the air with a bang, hitting the black pool with a bang, causing a huge splash.

"Yun Chu!" Yuan Ji called out in a hoarse voice, rushing towards the beautiful figure.

At this time, the white mist gradually dissipated, and he finally saw clearly the woman who smashed Huijiao's bones with her palm.

The purple silk gauze blouse trembled in the wind, and the girl who was originally smiling and charming had disappeared...

Yuan Ji clenched his hands into fists, stopped abruptly, and looked up at the familiar yet unfamiliar soul from bottom to top.

The woman squinting at him from a high place was full of hostility, with white skin and red eyes, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"Yuan Ji, you're still alive!" She looked at him with a smile, her eyes were cold and arrogant mixed with hatred.

"You... where are you?" Yuan Ji frowned tightly and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I will come back to you soon..."

The woman laughed wildly and stared at him, as if she wanted to swallow him alive, and then blend into her own flesh and blood little by little.

  That's right, just so abruptly, a big guy suddenly appeared, jumping up and down...

(End of this chapter)

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