Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 299 I miss you...I miss you so much

Chapter 299 I miss you...I miss you so much

"No... I've finished drawing the spells, and I'll let the puppet hand over to the elders. Wherever I go to get rid of demons, I'll go! I want to go!" Yun Chu immediately denied, speaking in a hurry and confusion.

Yuan Ji held back his smile, leaned over and pressed against her ear, and asked in a low voice, "Did you miss me?"

Yun Chu's face turned purple, and even his breathing was stagnant.It took a full three seconds for the little devil in my heart to start shouting: Aww, this damned man is really seductive when he is serious...

"I don't think... I don't think so." She hummed softly.

"I miss you so much." Yuan Ji pointed to his heart with a smile, and continued to speak in a nonchalant manner, which made Yun Chu feel like he was about to pass out.

She didn't dare to look at him, she lowered her head slightly to look at the ground, her cheeks were blushing, reflecting her fair face, she was so charming.The subtle atmosphere made her short of breath, and she couldn't help but lightly part her red lips, trying to get more air to make herself feel better.

Yuan Ji stared straight at her, every subtle expression and movement of her fell into his eyes, and even the voice in her heart, he could hear clearly.Probably because he was pleased by her shy appearance, he couldn't bear it after all, suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist, and pressed a deep kiss on her lips.

The heavy and long kiss took away Yun Chu's breath again. She tried hard to push him away, but she couldn't exert any strength. Her soft and boneless hand pressed against his hard chest, which aroused the man's possessive desire even more. ...

The soft lips intertwined, and the cold and hot blended again.Yun Chu held his breath, his heart was as tight as a rope that was stretched to the extreme, and it would break completely if it was any tighter.

It wasn't until she couldn't stand the intense feeling that she began to tremble that Yuan Ji seemed to notice something, and reluctantly let her go.

"Let's go!" He stabilized his mind and stopped looking at her, trying to regain his sanity, and then rose into the air with his arms around her waist.

Yun Chu was in a trance and let him take it with him.


Flying out of Baifu City invisibly, Yuan Ji summoned the black-feathered black-eyed eagle, and led Yunchu along at top speed.

Today's Yunchu is used to the "roller coaster", no matter how fast she will not throw up, she likes the feeling of extreme speed Lingfeng very much.

She didn't speak a word along the way, her face was still blushing violently, and she was still in a mess when she was held in Yuan Ji's arms.

Is she sick?Why is my whole body on fire, so uncomfortable...

"It's here!" Yuan Ji's voice interrupted Yun Chu's thoughts, he smiled and pressed his lips to her forehead, "Stop thinking about it, you are very good..."

Yun Chu smacked his words, always felt that there was something unclear about the meaning, what does it mean: she is very good?
"Don't you want to meet more monsters? There are all monsters here. It's just that the monsters here have always kept their duties and didn't cause trouble."

Yun Chu calmed down her chaotic mood, followed Yuan Ji's expectations, and saw a very special small town in a jungle in the distance, which completely attracted her attention.

The town looks small, the houses are all low wooden houses, there are large tracts of farmland, and the streets are also simple dirt roads, but there are many residents, all of them are busy, there are laughter everywhere, and it looks very lively.

"Are they really demons?" Yun Chu was a little surprised. Those people were dressed simply and looked no different from ordinary people. Most importantly, she couldn't smell any demonic aura standing here.

"There is an enchantment, what you see outside is not all, you will know when you go in."


Yuan Ji nodded, "In order to prevent malicious intrusions, most of the monsters here are not strong in combat, and they are little monsters who only look forward to a peaceful life and have no ambitions. Thousands of years ago, when monster disasters happened frequently, many harmless monsters were killed. Innocent massacres. A golden fairy took pity on them, so he set up this enchantment here, so that these harmless and weak monsters can have a shelter."

Listening to this, Yunchu suddenly remembered the Huiwu City in the ghostly ghosts.It was built by Yuan Ji, and it was also for a group of people who had nowhere to go.

Thinking of this, a warm current flowed in her heart, and she took the initiative to hold Yuan Ji's hand.

"This enchantment is so weird? If you want to protect them, shouldn't you completely hide this demon town?"

"The monster clan is so lively. If there are always a few little monsters alone, they will lose the fun of living. The barrier is very unusual, and it can block people who have malicious intentions towards the monster." Yuan Ji smiled deeper, and She wrapped her soft hand carefully in her palm, and explained carefully, "Yaozu is good at things that many immortals can't make. The craftsmanship is excellent and quite interesting. I will show you!"

"Okay!" Yun Chu smiled sweetly, feeling that the time spent with him like this was simply too good to be true.

The two passed through the barrier smoothly, only then did Yunchu see clearly the inside of the town, which was indeed very different from what he saw outside.

From the outside of the enchantment, it is a rather lively and simple town, but from the inside, it is suddenly realized that this is a fairyland on earth.

There are mountains and water here, which is more than ten times larger than it looks from the outside.The trees are shady, the grass is Yiyi, the flowers are everywhere, full of vitality.

The nearby mountains are full of flowers. Once you walk in, you will feel as if you are in the brocade and flowing clouds, which is dizzying.The fragrant wind is blowing on the face, and the birds are singing, which is like a poem and a picture.

There is a quiet lake in the distance, the water is shimmering, blending with the mountain light, reflecting the delicate green and bright red of the lake, which is prosperous and beautiful.

Under the cover of the mountains and the lake, the sparse houses and the little monsters with strange costumes are the best embellishments in this fairyland-like beautiful picture.

The green peak is pretty and the water is exquisite. In the mist of the distant Dai Hanyan, there are thousands of charming and charming moon shadows hanging down, and the streamer is colorful and intoxicating in the spring breeze.

For the first time, Yunchu had the feeling that the monster race could be so cute, and he was mesmerized watching it.Although after entering the enchantment, she smelled a strong evil spirit, but the evil spirit was not disgusting.

"It's so beautiful here!" Unlike Tianyimen's holy place for cultivating immortals, the beauty here is a beauty that comes from nature and is full of vitality.

Yuan Ji smiled, seeing her stare blankly enjoying the scenery, felt another itch in his heart, endured it, and dragged her into the crowd of busy monsters.

The things sold in Yaozu's bazaar were even more bizarre, and Yun Chu was so interested in seeing them that his eyes were not enough.

The little demons are not afraid to see outsiders, and enthusiastically sell the gadgets on their booths.

Most of these monsters can only be transformed into half-human form, so the shape is also very strange, some look like some kind of animal, some look like strange plants, when the body swings, it is really beautiful, it is strange for Yunchu to see endlessly.

"This flower dew is really fragrant, it smells so good..."

"This fruit is delicious, what's its name?"

"Is this dress made of straw? It's not rough at all, and it's smooth to the touch!"

"What is this stone? It glows! It's colorful! It's so beautiful!"


Yun Chu was amazed all the way, and Yuan Ji accompanied her, the smile on his face could not be contained.

(End of this chapter)

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