Chapter 300

Only halfway through the shopping, Yunchu held a bunch of things in his hand, tried some of this, tried that, and picked out several gadgets that Yun Huan liked.

"There is a wine shop opened by the bamboo demon over there. It tastes good. Do you want to try it?" Yuan Ji took the things in her hand and pointed to a chic wine shop full of bamboo in front.

Yun Chu's eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously, full of interest.

"Are you tired?" Yuan Ji put away her messy things, smiling helplessly and dotingly.

"I'm not tired, I like it here." Yun Chu smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked, like a child who got his favorite toy, "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me." Yuan Ji took her hand and walked towards the bamboo demon's wine shop, "It's enough for you to be happy."

Yun Chu smiled like a child who stole honey, with infinite brilliance in his eyes.

"Shopkeeper, a pot of green bamboo wine." Yuan Ji brought Yun Chu into the shop and shouted inside.

A woman in a bright green skirt with green bamboo hairpins on her head ran out in a hurry, and said to the two apologetically, "Guest officer, I'm sorry, today's wine is sold out."

Yuan Ji raised his eyebrows lightly, scanned his surroundings with a faint smile, and his eyes fell on a woman in white who passed by him.

Yun Chu also turned around following his gaze, caught a glimpse of the back of the white-clothed woman, and said in his heart: Such a monster, such a beautiful figure!

Seeing them looking at the woman, the woman in the wine shop immediately explained: "It's the guest officer who bought all the stock these days. I'm really sorry to let the two of you go for nothing!"

Yuan Ji said indifferently: "No problem!" But his gaze was fixed on the woman who was about to go out.

Yun Chu was also fascinated by watching, and suddenly saw something falling from the woman's body, blinked, stepped forward to catch it, and found it was a silky and soft brocade handkerchief in his hand.

"Girl, your handkerchief fell off!" She stood up and raised the handkerchief, subconsciously shouting.

The woman turned her head when she heard the sound, and smiled lightly at her.

Yun Chu was stunned for a moment, staring straight at the woman in front of him, sighing in his heart: How can there be such a beauty in the world?
There are many beauties in the world of cultivating immortals, but those who cultivate immortals are not ugly, so I see a lot, and it is rare to encounter existences that are amazing just by looking at their appearance.

But the woman in front of me is different, she is an existence that can make people marvel at the ingenuity of the God of Creation at a glance!
Her beauty is refined, elegant and peerless, it is the kind of beauty that Yun Chu can't describe, but it fascinates her.

Yunchu remembered the sentence: This person should only exist in the sky.I deeply feel that the beauty in front of me is like this, she is born like a blue daisy from a distant mountain, she can only be seen from a distance, and cannot be played with... The demeanor and elegance of her body is heartbreaking.

"Thank you, miss." The woman didn't seem to notice Yun Chu's strangeness, or she was used to this kind of thing. The beautiful eyes.

Yun Chu stayed there for a long time before he managed to force out a smile, "It's a small effort, but it's nothing to worry about."

The woman put the brocade handkerchief on her chest and smiled softly: "This is my favorite thing. The girl's effort is very important to me. Let this pot of wine be a thank you gift for the girl!"

A hip flask suddenly appeared in her hand, and she handed it to Yunchu with a smile.

Yun Chu accepted it blankly, still feeling emotional in his heart, a beauty is a beauty, why is it so pleasing to the eye!It really can be painted with every frown and smile!

"Farewell!" The woman turned and left after she took the flagon, and her figure disappeared instantly.

Yuan Ji walked up to Yun Chu who was standing there in a daze, and frowned slightly.

"Yuan Ji, am I meeting an immortal? Why is she so beautiful?" Yun Chu asked a little fascinated.

"She's a demon!" Yuan Ji was speechless, a little bored in his heart, and said in a cold tone, "You're already drunk before you drink the wine!"

Yun Chu came back to his senses, and felt that his behavior just now was a bit embarrassing.She must have looked like a nympho just now!
Sensing that Yuan Ji seemed unhappy, she swallowed, and said with a smile: "Hey, I just watched it for something new. In fact, it's my family's lord who looks the best!"

Then he pointed to the jug in his hand, raised his face and tried to explain: "I was drunk by this wine! Yes, I was drunk! Hehe!"

Yuan Ji glanced at the flagon coldly, feeling a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that the banshee just now was very weird, so he ordered Yunchu with a stern look: "Throw away the flagon!"

Yun Chu was stunned, and hugged the jug tightly, "Don't, this is a thank you gift from a beauty, I got it with great difficulty! Smell it, it smells very good, what a pity to lose it!"

"Are you throwing it away?" Yuan Ji's tone became colder, staring deeply at her, leaning over to press her.

Yun Chu was forced back again and again by him, the restaurant owner sensed that the atmosphere was not right, so he ran away, and the little demons who were watching around also hurriedly dispersed.

Yun Chu felt a little dissatisfied with Yuan Ji's persecution, and it felt like he had returned to the time when he bullied him.A burst of anger welled up in my heart, and I pulled out the cork of the wine in a fit of anger, raised my head and gulped down more than half of the wine.

"You..." Yuan Ji stared at her in astonishment, he really didn't expect her to act like this.

But seeing that she was shaking violently immediately after drinking, she hurriedly stepped forward to wrap her around her, and scolded eagerly: "This wine is very strong! Why are you so nonsense!"

Yun Chu's eyes were drunk, and he tapped the tip of Yuan Ji's nose with his finger, and said angrily, "'re bad! Yuan Ji, you're bad!"

Yuan Ji's eyebrows condensed slightly, knowing that it was a matter of his attitude just now.He habitually ordered her and forced her again...

"You're too cold!" Yun Chu was very drunk, struggling to push Yuan Ji away.

Yuan Ji froze when he wanted to hug her, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly: His embrace was neither warm nor comfortable for her, she probably endured it in the past!

Yuan Ji grabbed Yun Chu's arm, hesitating whether to hug her, but Yun Chu was completely drunk at this moment, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Yuan Ji had no choice but to hug her horizontally and disappeared into the wine shop.

Quietly returning to Baifu City, Yuan Ji sent Yun Chu to the bed in the bedroom, stared at her flushed cheeks after drunkenness for a long time, then leaned over and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, I failed to take your mind into consideration."

The cold fingers slid across the hot cheeks, causing Yunchu to tremble.Yuan Ji immediately withdrew his hand, truly feeling his touch, which would actually make her uncomfortable.

Yuan Ji's eyes darkened, he gave a wry smile, and wanted to turn around and leave.Yun Chu opened his eyes at this moment, and reached out his hand to tightly grasp the hem of his clothes.

"It's my fault, I should listen to you." Her voice was very hoarse, her throat was burning from the previous spirits, and she was half drunk and half awake at this time, regretting her previous recklessness.

(End of this chapter)

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