Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 349 Why Are There So Many Idiots In This World?

Chapter 349 Why Are There So Many Idiots In This World?

However, he didn't want to tear himself apart with Chang Ci today. The child has not even recovered half of the water god's power, so he really can't be considered a threat.

He wants to deal with him, and the future will last forever.Killing the Xiantian Emperor's only son now would really give him a bad reputation.

"If you refuse to accept the position of Emperor of Heaven, then you have to bear the responsibility of God of Water!" The Emperor of Heaven smiled and waved his hand to tell him not to leave in a hurry, "The position of God of Water has been vacant all these years, and no one is capable I just wait for you to come back. Now that you have finally ascended and returned, you can make the little fairies in charge of water affairs relax!"

Changci’s face was calm, but he couldn’t help laughing in his heart. First, he used the throne to test, and now he tried to use the position of water god. Jun Yu really hasn’t made any progress in these years. count.

"It's really hard for Xiaxian to take on such a heavy responsibility, so I ask Emperor Zun to choose someone else. Xiaxian resigns!"

He saluted and withdrew as he said that, and did not give the Heavenly Emperor another chance to keep him.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at his back as he left wantonly, narrowed his bottomless black eyes, sharp and sharp, cutting on Chang Ci's back like a knife.

Changci didn't seem to notice anything, he straightened his back and strode away.

After a long time, the Heavenly Emperor finally sneered, and told Zi Wujun who was standing by his side: "Go and send him off!"

Zi Wujun wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took his life tremblingly.


The lower realm, under Wushan Mountain, is the Vulcan Underground Palace.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Facing the eyes full of broken walls and ruins, Junyi's expression was slightly cold, and he hesitated a little in his heart, "Water demon, if you lied to me, you should know what will happen!"

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Xihe cherishes his life, and is determined not to dare." Xihe, who was fluttering in white, bowed and stood behind Junyi, nodded with a faint smile, and then changed his voice, "It's just that you need to pay a heavy price to revive the God of Vulcan .I ask you again, do you really want to?"

Junyi snorted a little funny, "Oh, I don't want to, you little monster will come to me on purpose? You have spotted me a long time ago, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"Your Highness has great affection for Vulcan." Xi He glanced at him with emotion.

The handsome young man had strong expectations and admiration in his eyes, even a little crazy.The look in his eyes did not match his appearance.

Maybe it's because I can't get it, so I'm obsessed with it!
She really knew that Jun Yi would not refuse, and he would not refuse any chance that might revive Vulcan... What she wanted was this passionate and insane relationship, and this was the only chance to bring back that same crazy Vulcan.

"Your Highness, please restore your real body." Xi He no longer hesitated, bowed his head respectfully, and guided every step of the way.

Jun Yi smiled, said nothing, and opened her mouth to spit out a bead into the palm of her hand.This is the bead to suppress his divine power, in order to be able to confuse Tianyimen without being noticed.

As soon as the beads came out, his body changed, his stature was taller, and his facial features also grew a little. Although the change was not great, but when he returned to his real body, he looked even more handsome and straight, with a fairy appearance.

"And then?" Even the voice became more ethereal and clear.He put away the beads, and looked back at Xi He sideways.

Xi He nodded, took a step forward, faced the shattered Vulcan statue, raised his hands and made a seal on his forehead, and activated the formation that had been prepared.

The golden light shrouded in an instant, and there was a crackling sound around, and the shattered Vulcan statue condensed in an instant, and it was restored to its original state.

For the scene in front of her, even Junyi couldn't help but marvel: "It's really a magic trick, you are not like an ordinary water monster." The Vulcan statue is not made of ordinary materials, it is not easy to break it, and it is even more difficult to piece it together.

What is this Xi He's identity?

However, at this time, he didn't plan to delve into it.Reviving Vulcan is what he wants now.

"It's just a chance, and I accidentally learned some ancient spells, which made His Highness laugh at me." Xi He smiled lightly, took a step back and made a gesture of invitation, "Reviving the Vulcan requires half of His Highness' blood and divine power... Your Highness please!"

"You said that if I personally resurrected the Vulcan Lord, she would only see me, didn't you?" Jun Yi didn't move, she looked at the Vulcan statue in front of her, her expression blurred, and the corners of her lips slightly raised.

Xi He bowed his head and said bluntly, "I think what Your Highness wants is a real Vulcan, not a puppet that belongs only to you."

"Who allows you to presume my intentions!" Junyi turned her head and stared at her a little angrily, only to see Xihe's plain face was expressionless, especially feeling bored, she sneered and turned around, raised her hand to hold the palm of her right hand. Cut through, let the blood flow wantonly.

Xi He saw him start fighting again, Jun Yi's blood turned into a red light and flowed into the Vulcan statue.He raised his eyes and stared closely at the Vulcan statue, and seemed to see her move in a trance, and was suddenly overjoyed and eager, and cut the other palm, the wound was deep enough to see the bone.

Xi He glanced at his palm lightly, and sighed softly: How come there are so many idiots in this world?

And she, who always takes advantage of other people's feelings for profit, is perhaps the more pitiful idiot!

Yunchu sneaked out of the upper heaven, and found himself lost when he arrived in the lower realm.But it doesn't matter, she was thinking of contacting Yun Huan first, but just as she took out the small mirror and hadn't injected spiritual power, suddenly the mountains shook and the river surged.

what happened?Could it be that there are big monsters haunting?But she didn't smell any strong evil spirit!

"Yun Huan! Yun Huan!" Yun Chu flew to the sky to observe, while holding up a mirror, he called Yun Huan eagerly.

Yun Huan was arguing with Ci Xuan in the Zhengxin Hall at this time, when she heard her sister's voice in her arms, she immediately took it out to read.

"Sister, why have you not heard from me for so many days! I...you are not in Heaven? Where are you?"

"Heavenly Court wants to put me under house arrest... Let's not talk about this, Yun Huan, I feel that something big is going to happen!"

"House arrest? Why are they? What's the big deal?" Yun Huan had a strange expression, glanced at Ci Xuan beside him, and motioned him to listen to the big news of his sister.

"Look for yourself!" Yun Chu flipped the mirror upside down, allowing Yun Huan to see the scene below.

Seeing the landslide, rolling gravel, the earth bursting, and the lake flooding, Yun Huan was a little confused for a while, "Is this, an earthquake?"

"It's not as simple as an earthquake." Yunchu said with a serious expression, "The head is here too, what's going on? Why do I have a bad feeling..."

Ci Xuan glanced at the mirror, judged the location of Xia Yunchu, his face gradually darkened.

It's near Wushan Mountain, and if it can cause such a large-scale earthquake, I'm afraid that something happened to Vulcan's underground palace.He and Yun Huan looked at each other, the worry in their eyes was self-evident, Yun Huan understood in seconds, and immediately said to the mirror anxiously: "Sister, just stay there and don't move, I'll go find you!"

(End of this chapter)

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