Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 350 Vulcan's Rebirth, Yunchu's Disaster

Chapter 350 Vulcan's Rebirth, Yunchu's Disaster

Obediently, Yun Chu put away the mirror, seeing the landslides and ground cracks below, and the wild beasts running away, he couldn't bear it.Casting a handful of spells brought them up into the air, and sent them to a calm area dozens of miles away.


While she was busy helping small animals and accumulating merit, Jun Yi had already lost too much blood and knelt down on one knee at the Vulcan Underground Palace, but she persisted.

Xi He cast spells on the sidelines and ignored him. Seeing the fire god statue's light getting brighter and brighter, his worries gradually outweighed his joy of success.

What kind of demon she is going to release, even she herself doesn't know.But she has to do this again... Escape cannot solve the problem, and we all have to face difficulties in the end.

boom -

A loud noise sent Jun Yi and Xi He flying.The red light emitted by the Vulcan statue is like a sharp sword, piercing the ground sharply and heading straight into the sky.


Just as Chang Ci was about to leave the Heavenly Court, he saw a dazzling red light shooting towards the Tianyi Hall behind him.He turned his head suddenly, and after a loud bang, the huge Tianyi Hall was split into two halves.

Afterwards, there was chaos in the Heavenly Court, and the immortal officials from all directions rushed towards the Tianyi Hall, each with panic and fear, as if they were facing an enemy.

It wasn't until the figure of the Emperor of Heaven appeared above the destroyed Tianyi Hall that the situation was stabilized a little.

"Di Zun, it's not good, it's Vulcan... Vulcan is resurrected!"

"I knew she wasn't dead, she deceived us all!"

"Emperor, what should we do now?"

Standing in the chaotic crowd, Chang Ci sneered at the scene in front of him, turned and left.

Is Vulcan back too?It looks like it will be very lively in the future!
But, would Ling Huan be happy when Vulcan came back?It must be very worrying!

Vulcan is back, what should Yunchu do?

The majestic and inviolable Emperor of Heaven stared at the chaotic officials below him, and his icy voice penetrated every corner of the upper heavenly court, "It is a good thing to be able to come back! Ziwu, please go and let her return to her place!"

After receiving the order, Zi Wujun's forehead was covered with cold sweat: why all the dirty work is his!Could the Vulcan be moved by him?Even if you can move, why invite her back?Continue to disturb the peace of heaven?

Woohoo, his little fairy really doesn't understand the thoughts of these great gods!Can you let him go!

"She will come! Go!" The Heavenly Emperor raised his cold eyes, squinting at the trembling Zi Wujun.

Zi Wujun will be suspicious, but the order of the Emperor of Heaven cannot be violated, so he can only bite the bullet and go.

The next group of immortal officials calmed down, and after the Heavenly Emperor said flatly "Let's go", although they were still worried, they all left wisely.

When the immortals dispersed, the Heavenly Emperor's eyes suddenly turned cold. He squinted at the dilapidated Tianyi Temple under his feet, and with a wave of his sleeves, he rebuilt it as before.

The Temple of Tianyi has been restored, but the cracks in his heart have already been formed.

Presumptuous like a Vulcan, once again violated his bottom line!What about living again?If you can let her die once, you can let her die a second time.

Heaven doesn't need a crazy god!

Yunchu arranged the group of little creatures who were struggling to survive, and just as he was about to return, he saw a red light shooting directly into the sky, with an astonishing momentum, reflecting the vast sky and the earth into a fiery red color.

what is this?
She felt frightened, as if something terrible was approaching, making her want to run away immediately.

I haven't felt this kind of fear for many years.

She tried her best to suppress her fear, and while sacrificing the magic weapon of escape, she took out a small mirror and called Yun Huan.

"Yun Huan, don't come over! Don't pass..."

Before she finished speaking, a red light pierced her body, and the blood splashed, blinding her eyes.

In a trance, she saw a woman in a red robe and a golden mask appearing in front of her, looking at her with scrutiny and disgust.

"Who are you?"

The woman's voice was full of coercion, making it impossible to refuse any of her questions.

"Cloud... at the beginning."

Yun Chu's energy was as thin as silk, and his voice was weak.Her abdomen was pierced, and her vitality was being sucked away bit by bit. Her injured body was like a dead leaf, floating down from the air.

Consciousness gradually blurred, and she was so tired that she wanted to close her eyes.Suddenly, her neck felt hot, and her falling momentum stopped suddenly.

She was strangled by the masked woman and half hung in the air.As the other party pressed his fingers harder, her breathing became more and more difficult, her consciousness became more and more blurred, and the breath of death enveloped her again.

At this moment, Yunchu suddenly wanted to laugh.She thought she was already strong, but in front of the real strong, she was still so vulnerable.

This time, she is really going to die!

"Your Majesty Vulcan!" A familiar female voice came from far and near, and she dragged a comatose man to kneel in front of the masked woman, knelt on both knees, and bowed his head.

Vulcan's somewhat stiff neck moved, making a slight clicking sound, and the grip on Yunchu's neck loosened, allowing the dying Yunchu to breathe.

Yun Chu's eyes widened in shock, and he couldn't believe that the woman in front of him was the legendary fire god Yan Ling.

How did she survive?What happened?So the sky collapsed and the sky was full of red light just now was caused by the resurrection of Vulcan?
"Who are you?" Vulcan looked at Xi He with great interest.

"The little demon's name is Xi He, and she is your...servant." Xi He was extremely respectful, his voice was hoarse and trembling like never before.

"Xi He?" Vulcan murmured, "Raise your head!"

Xi He raised his head in response, and it was still that beautiful face that could change the color of the world.

"You are so beautiful!" Fire God brushed Xi He's snow-white cheeks with his hot hand, she seemed to be smiling, but also seemed to be mocking, "I like beautiful things, and I also like to destroy beautiful things." Something. Your beauty makes me want to destroy it!"

As soon as the words fell, she pinched Xi He's jaw, exerted force on her knuckles, and made a cracking sound of bones breaking.

"Don't!" Yun Chu got the strength out of nowhere, seeing Xi He enduring the pain, he subconsciously stopped him.

Vulcan turned his head, looked her up again with a pair of red pupils full of danger, and praised her lightly: "You are beautiful too! I like your face more... Why don't you just give it to me!"

She let go of the hand that was holding Xi He's chin, and touched her masked face, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Yun Chu secretly hated himself for meddling in other people's business, he was about to die, yet he still had the heart to protect others!

But for some reason, she just couldn't leave Xi He alone.Although he knew that she had plotted against him many times and that her approaching was out of good intentions, he just couldn't bear to see her suffer.

About when, I owed Xi He a debt, so I defended her regardless of life and death.

"He doesn't like me because I'm not beautiful enough! Give me your face, and he will probably like me!" Vulcan touched his face, talking to himself, with a sad expression.

(End of this chapter)

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