Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 375 Young Master Yunmeng's Marriage

Chapter 375 Young Master Yunmeng's Marriage

Before Yunchu could speak, Ao Zhan snorted first, and said to Xihe not to be outdone, "Xixi, we're here too! It's the mountain with the best scenery... and a lot of children will be born at that time. I envy them to death!"

Xi He's cold and stern eyes glanced at Ao Zhan, and he immediately fell silent. After a while, he scratched his head and explained flatteringly, "I mean, adopt a few little demons..."

Xi He ignored him, but Yun Chu laughed out loud.Inexplicably feel that the prince of the dragon clan is a little pitiful.

"What are you laughing at? His words make you so happy?" Qing Xie's face was a little ugly, and Yun Chu had never smiled at him like this before.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Yun Chu's face turned cold.

Qingxie got bored, twitched the corner of her lips, and turned her head to the other side.

And behind him, Ao Zhan, who was also frustrated just now, laughed when he saw that he was not much better than himself, "You even eat my jealousy! You fool! Hahahaha, how pathetic!"

Qingxie narrowed his eyes slightly, his black pupils filled with a dangerous aura.

Ao Zhan immediately restrained his smile and stared at him vigilantly, "Come on, this time we must decide the winner!"

Qingxie's black robe trembled against the wind, his face was full of disdain, and several icicles had condensed in front of him.

"It's endless, can't you two save some energy and get on with the business?" Yun Chu's angry voice could almost pierce the eardrums, Qing Xie and Ao Zhan were stunned for a moment, then restrained their murderous aura, each snorted coldly and turned around. turn around.

The corner of Yunchu's mouth twitched, suppressing the urge to kick these two off.

"Let's settle down in the town ahead!" Xi He's voice sounded at the right time, and the four of them landed in the town she pointed at, and walked into a tea shop.

The town looks small, but there are a lot of tourists coming and going, even a small tea shop is almost full, and many of them are wearing Yunmeng's disciple's clothes. changed his appearance.

He even gestured to Xi He with his eyes, but Xi He didn't care much.

Although her appearance is too beautiful, it always gives people a sense of coldness and alienation that is thousands of miles away from others. People appreciate it but don't make people want to get close.

However, she has too much demonic aura and attracts attention. Fortunately, Yunchu has a elixir that can temporarily hide the demonic aura.

Yunchu and his party walked into the tea shop, chose an inconspicuous square table and sat down, slowly sipped the not-so-tasty tea, and listened to the chatter around them.

"Hey, have you heard that the head of Yunmeng is going to marry his precious young master?"

"Isn't that son of his suffering from a madness...has he already been disabled?"

"Shh, I've been cured early! Keep your voice down!"

Yun Chu's ears are very good, when she heard about Yunmeng's young master, she remembered who they were talking about.That Xue Sheng, who was bullied and disabled by her, was actually cured?Still can marry a wife?
The head of Yunmeng is really good at it...

"How did you cure it? Which lady did you marry?"

"I heard that he just moved to our Yunmeng. His surname is Meng. His ancestors are also from a family of cultivators. The family has a lot of wealth and resources, so he is considered a well-matched family."

"Oh, what a blessing! That Mr. Yunmeng did a lot of evil in the past and killed many innocent women. It can be seen that the heavens are not fair, and such people are not punished. Instead, they can continue to marry wives and have children." One has not said much. The old man said with emotion.

As soon as this remark came out, someone around him immediately scolded him, with a low voice, "You old man, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Yun Chu sounded a little funny, but his eyes dimmed.

With such a serious injury, she thought it was a punishment, but she didn't expect Xue Sheng to recover.It seems that she should have listened to Yun Huan and Yuan Ji and killed him directly to avoid future troubles.

"What's wrong? You have such an ugly face?" Xi He, who was sitting on Yunchu's right side, asked a little strangely when he saw that her expression was not good.She guessed in her heart that she probably had some kind of feud with the young master Yunmeng that those people were talking about.

Qing Xie also looked at Yun Chu, with a cold face, and frowned: Could it be that she is involved with Mr. Yun Meng behind Yuan Ji's back?Bah, what do you mean carrying Yuan Ji behind your back?She is clearly mine now!
"It's okay." Yun Chu smiled, raised his glass and took a sip of bitter tea to cover it up, and when he put it down, his eyes had become firm, "I just think that the marriage of the head of Yunmeng is a bit weird. The big cultivator of the Meng family, you have you heard of it?"

Xi He shook his head, "No. But I don't know much about the Immortal Cultivation Clan of the human race."

She said and looked at Ao Zhan, "Does His Royal Highness know?"

Ao Zhan has been traveling in the human world for these years and has seen a lot.When he saw Xihe asking himself, he immediately smiled, "Meng family, I know, they are indeed a big family. The population is prosperous, and there are a few true immortals who have cultivated to cross the catastrophe. However, their family was originally from the northwest. How could the whole clan move to Yunmeng?"

Xihe pondered for a moment, then exchanged glances with Yunchu, "Go and check! I also think there is something weird here. Maybe... it has something to do with the Demon King Order."

"Well, the young master of Yunmeng's sect is called Xue Sheng. He was beaten and frightened by me in the martial arts competition back then. He was already crazy. I didn't expect him to recover." Yunchu added.

Xi He showed a clear expression, "So that's the case. It seems that we are going to visit Yunmeng Immortal Mansion tomorrow!"

Only then did Qingxie loosen her frown, and a somewhat ugly and embarrassed smile appeared on her lips.

Yunchu turned a blind eye to this, but in his heart he hoped that he would continue to be awkward, and it was best to never talk to him.


After resting overnight in the small town, Yunchu and his party set off for their destination.

Yunmengxian Mansion is located in a place surrounded by mountain streams, surrounded by fairy air, lush vegetation, flowers and pleasant scenery.

He stopped at the entrance of the magic circle, and handed the token of Tianyi Gate to disciple Yunmeng who was guarding the gate.

"The disciple was ordered by the master to deliver things to Elder Su." Yun Chu changed into a respectable senior brother in the sect, and said with a gentle smile.

The gatekeeper glanced at the token and exchanged glances. His attitude was friendly, but also very cold, "Our gate is approaching a happy event, and we won't let outsiders in these days. Please go back! But your gate's heart, I'll be sure to pass it on."

Qing Xie's expression turned ugly when he heard the words, and he coldly glanced at the dozen or so disciples guarding the gate, his black eyes full of murderous intent.

Yun Chu didn't want to cause trouble, so he tugged on his sleeve with a smile.

"Then allow me to keep my things? Brothers, please be considerate, otherwise I will not be able to explain when I go back to the master's school." Yun Chu smiled, and took out a handful of spirit stones and secretly stuffed them into the hands of the leading disciple.

The disciple's eyes moved slightly, and he quietly took it away, "Okay, you keep the things!"

A black wooden box appeared in Yunchu's hand, and he handed it up with a smile, "Thank you!"

The disciple waved his hand, "Okay, let's go!"

Yun Chu made a Taoist salute, turned around and left with Xi He and the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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