Chapter 376

"Isn't it enough to just kill them, why bother?" Leaving Yunmeng Immortal Mansion, Qing Xie's face turned cold, showing disdain.

Yun Chu rolled his eyes at him, "Forcibly breaking through will touch the magic circle. Yunmeng Immortal Mansion has three thousand inner disciples and eight thousand outer disciples. Is it possible to kill them all?"

"Why not?" Qing Xie sneered, "It's just a bunch of pious people."

"Qingxie!" Yun Chu scolded in a cold voice, "Go back to your Demon Realm with arrogance!"

"You will lose your temper at me, why don't you see you being so hard-nosed towards those people?" Qing Xie's eyes were cold, he didn't like the way Yun Chu flattered those gatekeeper disciples just now.

Why should his people be so condescending?

Yun Chu was speechless and stopped talking to him.Qing Xie also snorted and turned his head away.

Xi He took a deep look at Qing Xie with a complicated look on his face.

Ao Zhan was so happy to see Qingxie devastated, he happily hummed a little tune that he didn't know where he heard it.

"It's so noisy!" Qing Xie frowned impatiently, staring at Ao Zhan.

Ao Zhan pulled one corner of his lips, provocative.However, the evil spirits were not enough, and the two immediately fought together.

Xi He glanced lightly at the two fighting skills, and caught up with Yun Chu.Anyway, the two of them played several games every day, and they were used to it.

"The demon king's order should be in Yunmeng Immortal Mansion, related to that Meng's daughter. Do you have a plan?"

Yun Chu nodded, "Try to find a way to sneak in, it's best if you can fight without bloodshed."

Xi He glanced at her, only to feel that those bright eyes were as bright as stars, and people could look into them if they were not careful, "You take advantage of the wedding day?"

"Their wedding seems to be quite low-key, but the guards at the entrance are very strict, like guarding against thieves, and there is something weird everywhere." Yun Chu smiled slyly, his eyes bent into crescents, "Go back and rest for a few days."

"If there is anything you need to tell me, I also have some powers that I can mobilize in Yunmengxian Mansion. If nothing else, it's not a big problem to be the bait."

"Sister Xihe is really amazing!" Yunchu admired him from the bottom of his heart, and asked with a smile, "Sister, how did you get here all these years? It's not easy to have so many little demons listening to you."

"You want to talk to me again?" Xi He looked composed, still indifferent, "Probably because he is naturally charming!"

Yun Chu's eyes widened, he was a little dazed, and after a long while he hissed, following up with Xi He who was striding away, he felt a sense of warmth in his heart.


When the four of them returned to the town, Yunchu locked himself in the inn to fiddle with things, and did not allow anyone to disturb him.

Qing Xie was afraid that she would run away, so he insisted on living with her despite the obstruction.Yun Chu was bitterly angry in his heart, but on the surface he didn't care, and let him come and go.

Ao Zhan sneered at Qing Xie's shameless behavior, mocking it to the fullest.Qing Xie's face was livid, and he finally compromised, set up an enchantment in Yun Chu's room, and tied a strange silk thread around her wrist, before letting her be alone.

Xi He was injured because he was hunted down before, so he couldn't recover quickly, so he locked himself in the room to recuperate.

Two days later, the four of them reunited and set off for Yunmeng Immortal Mansion again.

"How do we get in later and break the barrier?" Ao Zhan looked puzzled. Today he changed into a rather coquettish crimson robe with a white jade belt, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and a folding fan. , appearing more and more unruly.

Qing Xie only took one look at his equipment, and then put on an expression of wanting to throw up, "Those who don't know think you are the groom!"

Ao Zhan waved his folding fan nonchalantly, with a "You are not as good-looking as I am, you are just jealous!" expression on his face, "Any man should not try to surpass me in front of Xixi at any time!"

Yun Chu twitched the corners of his mouth, and kindly reminded him: "Master Zhan, you can worry too much, in fact, the groom doesn't even look like a human being."

Ao Zhan put away the folding fan in a hurry, was amazed for a moment, and then returned to his flirtatious style. He chased Xi He and asked, "Xi Xi, do you think I look good today? Does it match the image of the groom in your mind?"

Xi He ignored him from the beginning to the end, not even giving him a look.Ao Zhan pursued him relentlessly, and he insisted on taking a good look at him before giving up... Xihe couldn't bear to be bothered.

Xi He was dressed in a white dress that fluttered like a celestial being. He was so beautiful, when they walked together, there was a sense of a mixture of vulgar and elegant, yet completely natural.

"Aren't you cheap?" Looking at the entangled figure in front of him, one red and one white, Qing Xie couldn't help complaining.

Yun Chu agreed, "It's pretty cheap!"

Unexpectedly, she would respond, Qingxie took a surprise look at Yunchu, and his eyes collided with each other. Yunchu immediately avoided it, walked forward swaggeringly, and muttered softly, "I'm as good as you."

Qing Xie heard it, but there was no anger on his face, instead he looked like a child who was praised, with a smile on his lips.

"His Royal Highness, how long will it take for you to break through the great array of guardians in Yunmeng Immortal Mansion?" Yunchu just blocked Ao Zhan who was harassing Xihe, and asked while grabbing him.

Ao Zhan thought for a while, "A quarter of an hour, why are you asking this? You don't want me to smash the formation, do you?"

"No, I'll just ask." Yun Chu smiled, then turned to ask Xiang Qingxie, "What about you?"

"Half a quarter of an hour!" Qing Xie raised his head slightly, and tilted Ao Zhan contemptuously, the expression on his face seemed to say: I am stronger than you, you can't beat me at all, I am always letting you down!You weak chicken!

"Where's sister?" Yun Chu asked Xi He again.

Xi He thought about it seriously, "It's hard to open it on my own, and I need some means. If it goes well, it will take half an hour."

Yun Chu nodded, frowning and thinking for a moment.The ranking of the strength of the four of them is: Qing Xie, Ao Zhan, her, and finally Xi He... If Qing Xie puts all his strength, it is impossible for her and Xi He to win together.

Do you want to wear down the ability to dump evil first?

Yun Chu groped for his chin, walking carelessly.Suddenly, a strong force hit her wrist, pulling her into her arms.

"Be careful, you will lose your mind no matter how you walk." Qing Xie's complaint sounded above his head, and Yun Chu realized that he had just lost his mind, strayed off the road, and almost hit a boulder.

When she came back to her senses, she quickly pushed Qing Xie away, a little embarrassed and said calmly: "Thank you!"

Qing Xie, who was pushed away, looked deeply, "You don't have to test me, and I don't want to force you. But you have to know that you are still in my hands, and you cannot escape."

"I was thinking about how to break the barrier without being discovered..." Yun Chu muttered, and the four of them had already reached the edge of the magic circle in a remote Yunmeng Immortal Mansion.

Qing Xie stopped talking, and stood at the end with her hands behind her back, squinting her eyes at Yun Chu: If she dared to run away and find Yuan Ji, he would immediately take her back and drug her to marry her!

It wasn't in his nature to be so patient.Since it was what he wanted, why bother to work so hard.He is not Yuan Ji, who can spend three to forty years with her.

(End of this chapter)

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