Chapter 377 Deceiving...

Yun Chu took out a few talismans, and smiled at Xi He and Ao Zhan uncertainly, "I don't know if it will work, I'll try first!"

"Try it, let's see your ability! I heard that when you crossed the catastrophe, you were the same as me. It's amazing! Maybe you can do it in a quarter of an hour." Ao Zhan folded his arms next to Xi He Watching the play, occasionally glance at the evil with the tip of the eye, full of yin and yang, "Fortunately, you know how much you weigh, unlike some people who like to pretend to be big and talk big!"

Qing Xie pretended not to hear, and still stared at Yun Chu intently.

Yun Chu chuckled twice, threw out the talisman, clasped his palms together, and formed a magic seal that no one else could understand. Following a flash of golden light, the barrier of the magic circle did not move at all.

"Failed!" She curled her lips with a look of frustration.

Ao Zhan encouraged her kindly, "This is the first time, try more! It's still half an hour away!"

Xi He painted Yun Chu with a dejected face, then looked at Qing Xie whose eyes were burning and unwavering, his heart moved slightly, he walked up to Yun Chu and asked, "Do you want me to help?"

Yun Chu nodded, and pulled Xi He to his side, "Sister can just stand here. I don't seem to have enough spiritual power, so you can lend me some later."

Xihe should be good.

"Do you want me to help? I have a lot of spiritual power!" Ao Zhan also licked his face and came over.

"No, you are a man, and spiritual power cannot be reconciled when mixed together." Yun Chu said something perfunctory.

Ao Zhan backed out with a sullen face.Seeing him deflated, Qing Xie took back the steps she was about to take.

Yun Chu released a handful of talismans again, and he made the ten seals in one go, and the barrier still remained motionless.Ao Zhan thought she had failed again, and before he could utter any words of comfort, he saw a blue flame rising from his body two days later, and as the flame burned out, her and Xi He's figures disappeared outside the barrier.

"Xi He!" Ao Zhan yelled in horror, but Yun Chu and Xi He couldn't be seen all around.

Qingxie clenched his fists tightly, his nails dug into the flesh, dripping with blood.Everything happened too fast just now, she was really lying to him, she planned to escape from the beginning!
"Break the barrier!" Qing Xie roared at Ao Zhan, raising his hand to cast a spell.

Ao Zhan's frightened and worried expression turned into dissatisfaction, "Why should I listen to you?"

"They went in, if you don't listen to me, you don't want to see her again!" Qing Xie roared, his whole body filled with killing intent.

Ao Zhan had an expression of "how old are you, I won't listen to you", he knew that Qing Xie meant to let him join hands with him to break the barrier as soon as possible, but he didn't want to hear it.

He had already seen that Yunchu hated this guy, and wanted to run away a long time ago, and finally took such an opportunity, he couldn't cheat her...

Besides, the situation between him and Xi He is different from that of this guy.He and Xixi are in an alliance, there is always a chance to reunite!

Thinking in this way, Ao Zhan looked calm, turned around and left.

Qing Xie, who was madly trying to crush the enchantment circle immediately, saw that he was going to leave regardless, and was so angry that he wanted to kill him directly.

But he really couldn't care less, the longer the time dragged on, the farther Yunchu would be from him, he couldn't gamble on it, he could only use all his heart and soul to tear up the barrier in front of him.


On the other side, Yun Chu took Xi He and Gou into Yunmeng Immortal Mansion relaxedly. Seeing no one around, he felt that he was disguised as Yunmeng's disciple, and ran towards the main hall where the master lived.

"I'll just go, you can go!" Xi He held Yun Chu who was about to run wildly, and shook his head firmly.

Yunchu turned back and smiled and said, "It's okay, there is still time! Even if it would not take half an hour for Qingxie to tear apart the barrier, but with so much commotion, disciple Yunmeng would definitely round him up. With so many people, he would not be able to escape for a while. Let's go!
Besides, I'm not bad for a while, so it's good for the two of us to take care of me! "

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Xi He no longer tried to dissuade her, and stuffed a Demon King Token into her hand, "There is a weak induction between the tokens, and you will find them when you get close. Let's split up. I'll go to the main hall, you go." Looking for a wedding room!"

"Be careful!" Yun Chu nodded, without much hesitation, the two speeded up and separated after a few jumps.


Although there was a wedding ceremony to be held, Yunmeng's arrangement was not very festive, so the red color became particularly conspicuous.Yunchu followed a female disciple holding a red silk tray, and soon found the wedding room, and sneaked in.

Seeing that the Demon King Ling in his arms really emitted a faint halo, it was even more confirmed that the Demon King Ling should be in the wedding room.

Yun Chu pinched an invisibility talisman and hid behind a screen.At this time, the bride was sitting on the extravagantly decorated bed in the back room, surrounded by many maids with heavy makeup.

I couldn't help but clicked my tongue in my heart: This Meng's daughter has such a great style, but it's a pity that this evil spirit... is so strong that I can't hide it!

It's really strange that the head of Yunmengxian Mansion wants to marry his son a banshee.

The upright sect of cultivating immortals is in company with the demon clan who are causing harm to the world. If the news is known to the other four sects, what will happen?

She didn't know whether to say that Yunmeng Immortal Mansion was bold, or that they had no brains?
But this time she was only here to find the Demon King Ling, and there was really no need to get too involved with these demons, otherwise, when Qing Xie caught up, all her previous efforts would have been wasted.

Without hesitation, Yunchu scattered a handful of talismans, and the talismans were quietly pasted on the noisy group of female demons. Except for the bride sitting on the bed, the rest of the demons were frozen, and continued to chatter mechanically like puppets. hollow.

The bride realized that something was wrong, she got up quickly, and was about to call someone, when her neck suddenly tightened, her breathing became stagnant, and a terrifying murderous intent permeated the surroundings.She timidly asked in a low voice: "Who are you? You are so... courageous!"

"This is exactly what I want to ask. Little fox demon, who gave you the courage to go to the fairy gate to act wildly?" Yun Chu appeared behind the bride, his fingers pinched her slender neck fiercely, and gradually exerted force, "Say Well, where is the Demon King Order?"

"Don't think about it!" The fox demon bride's eyes were ruthless, and after hearing the words of the demon king's order, she looked deathly at home.

Yun Chu pursed his lips and chuckled, and moved his hand up from her neck to cover her mouth. Then, the next second, the other hand stretched out behind her, and with a sudden force, pulled off an invisible fox tail .

"Ah—" the fox demon let out a miserable scream, but Yun Chu stopped her in her mouth.

"There are three more, I'm not in a hurry, I can play with one by one." Yun Chu's smile was very strange, his lips were red as if dripping blood.

The fox demon was in so much pain that he was exhausted, "Woo - it's useless for you to kill me! You don't want to get the demon king's order! I..."

"Could it be that you made some kind of deal with the head of Yunmeng? He said he could protect you?" Yun Chu held up the chin of the fox demon, seeing her charming and charming face wrinkled into a ball, feeling pain The appearance of groaning is somewhat unbearable.

Alas, I don't know when it started, she is also used to killing, and she is getting used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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