Chapter 381 Get out...

Yun Chu glanced at the panic-stricken disciple Yunmeng, and he didn't plan to delay any longer when his goal was achieved. If Qingxie came, she wouldn't be able to leave.

Ruthless and heartless, he rushed towards the direction of those disciples...

Head Xue's only blood-stained eye was almost gone, he tried his best to support him, staring at Yun Chu's figure tightly and refused to let go, but when she rushed into the crowd, he couldn't move anymore. distinguish.

"Where are you running? Take your life!" He roared, his reason completely washed away by his anger.Because his mind was corrupted by the demon pill, in this state of rage, he no longer knew who he was, and his only thought was to kill Yunchu.

But seeing Yunchu disappear in the crowd, he completely lost his sanity, rushed towards the group of Yunmeng disciples, and started to attack indiscriminately.

There was an instant scream from the crowd, Yun Chu took advantage of the confusion and left.

"Arrangement, quick formation!" A few elders with high cultivation stood in front, and they could only block the head of Xue for a moment.

The chaotic disciples fled in all directions, most of them didn't hear the shouts of the elders, they just wanted to run away quickly to save their own lives.

The elders were sent flying by headmaster Xue, vomited blood one after another, struggled to get up and started to run away.

It's too scary, they are no match for this monster at all.

Where is the master?If the head is here, maybe there is a way!Relying on them alone will only lead to death, so let's escape first!

Anyway, there is only one monster, and it is impossible for everyone to chase it. At this time, it depends on who will recite it on time...


When Qingxie arrived, there was chaos in front of the main hall of Yunmeng Immortal Mansion. He frowned, but he couldn't find Yunchu's figure. He was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly saw a black shadow rushing towards him.

"Bitch, take your life!"

Qing Xie saw the thing that was rushing towards him, narrowed his eyes slightly, took two steps back, and looked disgusted, "What is it? It's disgusting!"

Headmaster Xue flung his fangs and claws at Qingxie ferociously, and then hit a huge ice wall with a bang, cracking several bones.

Seeing this scene, the people who were running quickly seized the opportunity and escaped more quickly.

"You..." Qing Xie stared at Master Xue who kept hitting the ice wall, frowning, seeing his blood gushing, she looked away in disgust.

"Yunchu, get out! I know you're still here!" He gave a cold snort to the surroundings, and his sharp eyes swept across the fleeing disciples.

Yun Chu supported Xi He, and hid behind the inner hall door. There were some disciples who hadn't escaped in time and did not dare to escape, so she mixed with Xi He and Yi Rong.

"It's really lingering!" Yun Chu pursed his mouth, his hateful teeth were about to be crushed.Such a strong old monster Xue can't stop him for a while, it's really bad...

Xi He regained his indifferent expression, and pointed to the previously hidden secret passage, "I'll deal with him, you can go while you're in trouble!"

Yun Chu shook his head, "He's a ghost, he won't listen to you at all. If you go out now, I will be exposed too."

Xi He pondered, and felt that what she said was reasonable, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"You said... Yuan Ji was injured? Is the injury serious? Is there any way to cure the Gu on his body?" Yun Chu asked anxiously.

"I don't know how to cure Gu." Xi He frowned and shook his head, "When I left before, I wasn't injured too badly... But Yan Ling will definitely not let him go."

Yunchu looked lonely, "Actually, even if I go, I won't be able to save him... Maybe it will anger Vulcan even more."

Xi He held her hand, looked at her seriously, his beautiful eyes were clear and calm, "Except for you, no one else is possible!"

A smile bloomed on Yunchu's face, and for a moment, it was like a bright sun, "I know, I've made up my mind. I don't want to live in the same quilt, but I want to die in the same hole..."

"No!" Xi He's expression became serious, "You have to live a good life, you have to believe in yourself, in Yuan Ji, in your sister, in those who love and support you, including me! You are Yun Chu, It is unique and irreplaceable! You must believe it!"

Yun Chu was a little sluggish, and couldn't understand what Xi He meant.

Xi He covered his chest, let out a long breath, and continued, "Yunchu, don't care if you are the Vulcan or not, and don't care if the past belongs to you! Everything is a new beginning, and what you have given up is just a new beginning. Let them disappear completely, stop clinging to the past! You are Yunchu, and everything starts from the best moment. You are you!"

Yun Chu listened in silence, then nodded heavily after a long time, "I see, thank you."

Xi He smiled, looking a little tired.

Yun Chu saw her for sure, and followed suit: "Xi He, you too! You are Xi He, so don't dwell on the past anymore..."

Xi He interrupted her, shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm different from you."

Yun Chu thought why, but seeing Xi He's expression, he couldn't ask after all.

"Let it be, I don't have anything that I have to miss." Xi He sighed softly, and his eyes fell on Qing Xie outside the hall, "It's useless to say these things now, I have to get rid of that annoying man outside gone."

Yun Chu had a headache, "I'm afraid it's difficult, his nose is sharper than a dog's. Even if my appearance changes, he can still recognize it. Now as long as I move, he will immediately notice it. Alas, just now I thought that Old Daoist Xue was very difficult." It's entangled, but compared with that pervert Qing Xie, it's really nothing."

Xi He apologized, "I'm the one who dragged you down!"

Yun Chu shook his head, "It's all because of me that you got hurt..."

Xi He's eyes darkened, and then suddenly brightened again, "Yunchu, I thought of a way. Did the Demon King order you to get it?"

"Hmm!" Yun Chu took out two Demon King Tokens and handed them to Xi He, and asked, "What method?"

"The old Taoist wanted to obtain the Demon King's Token to suppress the demonic energy in his body because he had over-cultivated the Demon Pill and could not control the demonic energy in his body." Xi He explained, "I have all the Demon King's Tokens in my hand. There are seven pieces in total, all of them are given to him! The Demon King Token has a lot of demon power, which can make him instantly increase his demon power, and he can fight against Qingxie!"

"Will it be too risky? If it gets out of control, wouldn't Xue Laodao become a big disaster?" Yun Chu asked nervously, always feeling that this method is very risky.

"He won't last long. A monk in the real fairyland of the human race can only last half an hour if he absorbs the demon power of seven demon king's orders!" Xi He affirmed.

Another question popped up in Yunchu's mind, "The Demon King Order is so powerful, why didn't the Demon King you assisted earlier collect it?"

Xi He's eyes flickered, "It's more troublesome to search, and it only wants to take a shortcut, thinking that it can easily steal the power of the Vulcan. The more important point is that compared with the power of the Vulcan, even if there are seven A hundred demon king tokens may not be enough."

Yunchu gasped: How powerful is this Vulcan!

(End of this chapter)

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