Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 382 What a powerful little devil

Chapter 382 What a powerful little devil

"The real Vulcan used to be the strongest existence in the heavens. Her strength is only comparable to two gods. One is the demon god Yuan Ji, and the other is the water god Ji Ze." Xi He had a little nostalgia on his face. "It's comparable, but if you really fight, Vulcan is still slightly better."

Yun Chu only felt a headache: "Uh..."

Seeing her uncomfortable expression, Xi He smiled, "After all, it is the strongest bloodline of the Qinghuang clan, and it has only been born in tens of thousands of years."

"Okay! The more you talk, the more I feel hopeless." Yun Chu lowered his head slightly, observing the trend of evil outside.

Xi He looked at her deeply, his beautiful eyes were as bright as stars, and there were rays of light circulating: Yunchu, you were born only in those tens of thousands of years.I believe that all evil spirits will eventually dissipate one day.You are worth everything in this world.

"Are you sure it's possible?" Yun Chu glanced back at Xi He and asked again.

Xi He nodded and stood up slowly, "I'm going, you can leave when the time is right!"

Yun Chu tugged at the hem of her skirt, raised his head and asked, "Where can I find you?"

Xi He smiled, "Don't look for it for the time being, you said it, that ghost outside is very scary, if I know where you are, he will know too. I'd better not see you for the time being. Let's see fate!"

After speaking, she disappeared among the fleeing crowd.

Yun Chu looked at her back, sighed, and moved secretly towards the secret passage.

Outside the main hall, Qing Xie caught Xi He's sight at a glance, his eyes shrank, and his voice was as cold as ice, "Where's Yun Chu?"

Xi He ignored him, and suddenly seven rays of light shot out from his hand, heading towards the mutated head Xue. After doing all this, she immediately disappeared into the crowd again.

Qing Xie wanted to go forward and grab her, but she didn't expect her sudden movement, but it was too late to stop her.

Seven rays of light converged on Master Xue's body, causing his already swollen body to expand several times, reaching the height of a two-storey pavilion.The tentacles on the back also changed from six to ten, and the eyes that had been destroyed by Yun Chu also regained their vision. The mouth opened, and the fangs were exposed, and the saliva dripping out was a disgusting dark green color.

Qing Xie's face instantly became ugly.The moment he saw the old monster's changes, he understood Xi He's intentions. He just wanted to use this monster to hold him back... and Yun Chu must have known it too.

But... She really doesn't care about herself at all?She completely disregarded his life or death?
Qing Xie frowned and covered her heart, and suddenly felt that she was ridiculous: So, the heart really hurts, it hurts so much!
Okay, Yunchu, I do what you wish.Kill this monster for you, and let this monster stop me for you...

In the end, there is no difference between me and this monster in your heart.

Qing Xie raised his head to the sky and roared, countless icicles appeared in the sky and hovered beside him.

Under the blessing of the seven demon king decrees, the monster that head Xue turned into has completely lost its humanity, and the evil spirit permeates, making the surrounding air sticky and disgusting.

Countless protruding eyes stared at Qing Xie in unison, with hatred mixed with killing intent, clearly making him the first target.As for disciple Yunmeng who fled in panic, he didn't completely let go, the tentacles on his back just moved casually, full of danger.If Xi He hadn't sacrificed the white silk to help them resist, several disciples would have almost died.

The corners of his lips were hooked evilly: If he allows this old monster to kill innocent people, with Yun Chu's temperament, he will definitely come out to stop him!

That way, he can find her without much trouble.And she didn't break her calculations on her own.

It's just...he doesn't want to do it anymore!

never mind!Just as she wished!Otherwise, she will be sad, regretful, and guilty... This is not what he wants to see.

Before Qingxie's smile faded away, dozens of icicles shot towards Old Monster Xue.The eyes of the old monster's head moved, sensing danger, and using its tentacles as feet, it moved quickly to avoid it.

And the evil ice also changed its direction, chasing it away.

The old monster screamed strangely as it moved, its protruding eyes turned blood red, seeing that it couldn't dodge the ice edge, it rushed towards Qingxie without hesitation.

Qingxie jumped up in the air the moment it was about to touch him, the old monster reacted very quickly and followed his movements, but the next moment, he was hit on the head by a huge invisible ice cube, and fell heavily back to the ground .

Taking advantage of the momentary paralysis when it landed, Qing Xie erected four walls of ice to trap it.Afterwards, hundreds of sharp ice edges were smashed into the cage cast by the ice wall.

For a moment, blood splashed, with a disgusting stench.

The old monster wailed miserably, struggling desperately in the ice prison.Qingxie smashed down a wave of ice edges, followed by a second wave, and a third wave...

Disciple Yunmeng who had originally escaped also forgot to escape at this time. They looked at the scene in front of them in shock, and were stunned: so strong... Such a terrifying monster, this guy of unknown origin, subdued him in an instant!
So powerful, so scary!
But they seem to be saved...

Everyone raised their heads and looked up at Qingxie standing in the air. The black robe and black hair fluttered in the wind. His appearance was so handsome that it was so strange. sentient beings.

Even Xi He, who was hiding in the dark to watch the excitement, couldn't help sighing: This lunatic guy, at this moment, is indeed quite attractive.

When that old monster slaughtered her disciple just now, her heart also shrank.It is not unexpected, but to achieve the goal, there is always a price.

She just didn't expect that Qingxie...would think about Yunchu.

If the old monster was really allowed to slaughter Yunmeng's disciples, Yunchu would come out to stop him in the next moment.But Qingxie didn't take advantage of this.

He was different from what she thought.

In the ice prison, Master Xue was almost dismembered by the falling ice edge, with broken tentacles, flesh and blood everywhere, it was really horrible.As for its body, only two broken tentacles on its back and a few eyes that could barely open remained.

Xi He frowned: Sigh, it's more useless than imagined!
Did she overestimate the Demon King Ling, or did she underestimate Qingxie?
Just when she was considering whether to block the evil by herself, and how long it could last, the old monster in the ice prison twitched violently again, and then a terrifying scene happened: the broken body began to swell again. The broken tentacles also grew back, the protruding eyeballs turned completely dark red, the torso twisted into an indescribable appearance, the red blood vessels swelled and protruded, and the skin turned a strange pink.


I don't know who exclaimed, and the crowd that had just quieted down became chaotic again.

(End of this chapter)

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