Chapter 389

"Okay!" Yan Ling, who was sitting on the throne of Vulcan, couldn't bear to see Yun Huan limp in Cixuan's arms, his face pale, "It seems that I can't choose today, so I will give you another chance. Here you are." Five days, after five days, the one who is not selected by A Huan, just obediently die!"

After she finished speaking, she got up, walked down from the high seat, pulled Yun Huan in Cixuan's arms, and pulled her to her side, led her out of the main hall, then turned around and said: "Take them down! Make arrangements, Don't neglect! There will be someone who will be my sister-in-law in the future!"

Yun Huan was in turmoil, she didn't know how to protect Cixuan and Changci, she obviously didn't want to see anyone get hurt, but she also knew that Yan Ling was not joking, she asked her to choose one, and the other died, there is no doubt decision.

She only has five days, what should she do?

When recalling the memories about Ji Ze, she felt a little bit of resentment towards him.But a long resignation is a long resignation. They used to be fellow disciples and had experienced a lot together, and she couldn't watch him die.

As for Cixuan...she was even more reluctant.He was so kind to her, accommodating her everywhere, tolerant of her... When she was with him, she felt like a spoiled child.But she just likes this feeling, and likes Cixuan who treats her so well.

If it wasn't for the current situation, she would definitely choose to be with Ci Xuan without hesitation... But now, she hopes that he can live well.It doesn't matter if we can't be together, as long as we are safe with each other.


"A Huan, I'm not joking! You can only choose one of these two men!" Yan Ling supported Yun Huan, his voice was cold.

Yun Huan was silent for a while before saying: "I know, my sister is doing it for my own good."

Yan Ling smiled with satisfaction: "It's good that you understand. Yun Huan, in this world, I'm the only one who treats you with sincerity and is only for your best."

The two walked through the corridor surrounded by immortal attendants, and Jun Yi walked over, seeing Yun Huan nestled in Yan Ling's arms covered in tears, asked strangely, "What's wrong with my sister?"

Yun Huan glanced at him with some disgust, then turned her head away.

"It's all right!" Yan Ling waved his hand to ask the fairy servant to support Yun Huan, while he walked to Jun Yi's side, pulled his lapel, pressed against his chest and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

The voice is charming to the bone.

Jun Yi's eyes were almost sunk on Yan Ling's body, and when she heard her voice, her heart felt numb, and she couldn't help but pull her into her arms, hugged her by the waist, and hurried back to the bedroom.

Yun Huan supported the hand of the fairy waiter, watching the two people leaving, the disgust in his eyes could hardly be concealed.He closed his eyes and went back to his bedroom.

She can't act rashly yet... No!
She has to save Yuan Ji, Chang Ci, and Ci Xuan... She has to hold on!

"Where are you taking me?" Yun Chu followed Qing Xie and flew all the way. Seeing that he was about to fly back to the Demon Realm, his expression turned a little bit bad.

Qing Xieyun calmly said: "Going to the heaven to save people is no small matter, such a strong opponent, of course you have to make some preparations!"

"You want to..." Yun Chu's heart jumped for joy, she knew that the opponent of Qing Xie's theory was Yan Ling.Although he refused to let her go, he was willing to go with her to save people... This was simply the best result.

"Do you really dare to confront Vulcan? Are you not afraid anymore?" Yun Chu asked intentionally.After all, the time he saved her from Vulcan was extremely difficult.

Vulcan is such a terrifying existence!

Qing Xie said nothing, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

Yun Chu narrowed his eyes, "You don't mean to trick me back, do you?"

"I want to take you back, do I need to cheat?" Qing Xie looked back at her with a funny face.

Yun Chu choked, too.This guy has all kinds of means, but it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

"Go back and get something, get ready!" After a pause, Qing Xie said, "Besides, you are the one who wants to make an enemy of Yan Ling, not me! You two are of the same origin, it has nothing to do with me. When the time comes You hold her back, and I'll help you save her. How about it, isn't it very righteous!"

"It's true, thank you!" Yun Chu smiled.

"Yunchu, there is actually something, I lied to you!" Qing Xie was overjoyed, and suddenly said: "And you are not the remnant soul of Vulcan..."

"What did you say?" Yun Chu was stunned, "What do you mean, I'm not her remnant soul? Then what am I?" She finally accepted this setting, don't bother, okay?
"Vulcan is indeed very powerful, not to mention her remnant soul, even if a little bit of her former consciousness remains, it can become a very dangerous existence."

Yun Huan frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It means that you are actually Yan Ling. And that arrogant person is actually just the consciousness separated after Yan Ling's death." Qing Xie sighed and explained, "She also suffered a lot, and she was full of regret when she committed suicide. So I separated all the pain, guilt, unwillingness and part of the power of the Vulcan from the body. Those consciousnesses thought that they were Yanling, her last attachment to this world, so they merged into the Vulcan statue in the underground palace and hibernated. Waiting for the day when I can be reborn..."

"You mean, the current Vulcan is just the consciousness of the former Vulcan? Are you kidding me?" Yun Chu couldn't believe it.

Qing Xie said calmly: "It's not a joke, it's the truth. When Yan Ling died, she really hoped to cleanse herself. She didn't want to die with pain and regret, so she sealed and stripped all her memories. From beginning to end, she probably I just want to be a simple and harmless ordinary person!"

"Without too much power, without a disgusting background, it was her original hope to live in the world like that. So... she became you!"

Yun Chu was completely stunned, not knowing what mood he was in.

"It's just that her wish is very simple and beautiful, but it is very difficult to realize. The malice can be stripped away, but it will not disappear. She has become a simpler you, but the malice has gradually accumulated into a more terrifying power." Qing Xie's voice lowered, with unprecedented sadness, "The malice came from Yan Ling in the past, and it should belong to you now. Therefore, only you can defeat her and save her!"

Yunchu swallowed, and stared at Qingxie closely, "Why are you telling me this now, why did you lie to me before? Qingxie, which one of your sentences is true and which one is false?"

"I didn't lie to you, Yuan Ji didn't let me tell." Qing Xie sighed, "The truth will make you suffer, and he also wants to protect you. I think that would be beneficial to me, so I agreed."

"However, now is the time for you to face it. Yan Ling divided herself into black and white before she died, and she didn't know that she could be reborn... She did a lot of things wrong, but deep down, She actually wants to be a good person.

Now, it's your turn to face it.I also want to see if black swallows white, or if white can cover black..."

(End of this chapter)

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