Chapter 390

"Yunchu, people always have to pay for their mistakes. This sentence was told to me by Yuan Ji. I used to think it was ridiculous. Karma is simply an excuse for incompetent people."

"But seeing Yan Ling, I'm a little convinced. In this world, Vulcan himself can kill Vulcan! If you want to live better, you have to face the unbearable self in the past!"

"Although, you may not remember many things..." Qing Xie smiled wryly.

"I remember." Yunchu raised his head and glanced at the blue sky, "She killed many people... Those people also had relatives and friends. She deprived them of their hope of life and pushed them into the abyss. She also killed I killed my dearest and most loved person, and extinguished my hope of being a good person.”

Qing Xie looked at her with a smile, then suddenly raised his hand to touch her head, and said with a meaningful smile: "You and Yuan Ji are really the same person. Even the words you say are the same."

Yun Chu didn't quite understand what he meant, but saw that the smile on Qing Xie's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes became fierce again, threatening: "Stay with me for another half a month! I have to prepare, otherwise I won't go!"

"You backtracked again?"

"This time you're making trouble in the heavens, why don't you give me such a little time?" Qing Xie twitched his lips.

"Okay!" Yun Chu was silent for a moment, and she also knew that she couldn't fight unprepared. With her current state, she had no idea whether she could save someone or not.

Seeing her expression of no difficulty but compulsion, Qing Xie felt a lot more at ease, "You also have to prepare well, if you can't defeat your other self, but her body is occupied by her, then I'm going to cry to death .”

Yun Chuzheng was a little worried, but being interrupted by him, his tense heartstrings relaxed a little, "Don't worry, you are so annoying, my sister can't bear to have you die!"

Qing Xie was amused by her and laughed out loud, extremely happy.

Yun Chu complained about his insanity, and then continued to go to the Demon Realm.


Back in Nether Palace, everything around was more stable than Yun Chu imagined.

Qingxie is indeed very powerful in some aspects, for example, it is obviously better than Yuanji in the governance of ghosts and creatures.

He hasn't come back for so long, and the palace is also orderly.Even seeing her appearing with Qing Xie, no one showed any surprise or curiosity.When passing by, everyone bowed their heads respectfully, no one looked around, let alone whispered or discussed in private.

He is much more disciplined than when Yuan Ji was a demon king.

It can be seen that the Nether Palace is now a piece of metal, and no forces have stepped in to influence it.

Respectfully greeted by a group of demon cultivators, Qing Xie led Yun Chu into the main hall.She has been here before, and she has left bad memories.

However, when I revisited the old place at this time, my mood was completely different from before.

Qingxie sat on the big Wujin chair covered with animal skins in the main hall, and held Yunchu's hand, letting her sit beside him.

Yun Chu sat down obediently, glanced at the group of demon cultivators under His Highness, and his eyes fell on Ming Yi who was the leader.

"Welcome the return of the Demon Lord." He took a step and knelt down and shouted, and as his voice fell, the hall immediately echoed one after another.

Qing Xie raised his hand and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work while I'm not around!"

"We are willing to share the worries of the devil!" There was another echo in the hall.

Listening and watching, Yunchu had the illusion of entering a large MLM club.

With a satisfied face, Qing Xie winked at Ming Yi again.

Ming Yi nodded, turned around, and shouted loudly who has performed well recently, who has broken through what level, who has managed well...Qing Xie listened with a smile, and rewarded all of them after listening.

Everyone was full of joy and thanked again and again.

"You don't need to be too polite, all of you follow me, and naturally you will share the blessings." Qing Xie smiled domineeringly, "Let's go back and rest!"

Everyone dispersed after hearing the sound and saluted, His Highness only left Ming Yi alone.

"Your performance today is pretty good." Qing Xie stared at Ming Yi with quite meaningful eyes.

Ming Yi's face was still respectful, "Little Demon Monarch, you have worked hard, the responsibility of your subordinates lies."

Qing Xie put his arms around Yun Chu's shoulders, looked at Ming Yi provocatively, "Call Madam!"

Yun Chu frowned, pushed his hand away, "Get down to business!"

Ming Yi looked up at Qing Xie with disdain.I thought: He can really pretend.People obviously don't want to.

Qing Xie curled her lips, "Have you done everything you were asked to do? What's the situation in Liaodu?"

Ming Yi straightened his body, "The news of the demon king killing his father and brother has spread widely, and the fight between the nobles has become more and more serious. The demon king posted it at his birthday banquet a few days ago. temper, killed a subordinate in public, and now his reputation is declining."

Qing Xie nodded and mocked, "A lunatic who wants to be a Demon Lord..."

"Is the little devil going to make a move?" Ming Yi asked.

Qing Xie took a look at Yun Chu and nodded, "Well, I wanted to draw it slowly, but my wife is too impatient and can't help it. Clean him up earlier and use a seat!"

Ming Yi also took a look at Yun Chu, and immediately responded.

Yun Chu was puzzled, frowned and looked at Qing Xie, and asked after a while, "What are you doing?"

"You reminded me that you want to snatch the Demon Lord's seat, didn't you?" Qing Xie lightly leaned on the back of the chair and hooked Yun Chu's shoulders.

"At this time? This is the half a month you said? You want to do such a big thing? Can it be done?" Yun Chu couldn't close his mouth in shock.

This guy was trying to usurp the throne!It took half a month with her because of this... It only takes half a month to seek the court and usurp the throne, isn't it crazy?

Qing Xie patted her chin with a smile, "What? Think I can't do it? Ming Yi, tell me!"

Ming Yi faced Yun Chu, and explained: "Madam, don't worry, the little devil has been preparing for this matter for not a year or two, but he has not started it. If he really wants to do it, it will take less than ten days."

Yunchu's face was shocked, and he looked at Qingxie as if he was looking at a coquettish boss: I really underestimated you, I always thought you were just a pervert.

Qingxie was a little proud, pulled her into his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Now you know how powerful I am! I have something even stronger, do you want to see it?"

"Xiao Mingyi's still there!" Yun Chu blushed a little, trying to push him away, but he tightly hugged his waist.She stared at him reproachfully again, "Why are you seizing the Demon Lord's position at this time?"

"In order to marry you more beautifully!" Qing Xie smiled ambiguously, keeping his head in her arms.

Ming Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and coughed heavily.

Qing Xie seemed to realize that he was still there, and snorted softly, "What are you still doing here, get out!"

Ming Yi flicked his sleeves, took a deep look at Yun Chu, and then turned to leave.

Qing Xie let go of Yun Chu, and shouted at his back, "Let's go tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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