Chapter 405
But she seemed to have heard some funny joke, "Okay, then watch! Let's see who in the world can punish this deity!"

After saying this viciously, she fell softly into Ling Huan's arms as if her strength had been drained.

Suddenly, she heard someone calling her anxiously, but she didn't know who it was...

It should be Ling Huan, after all, besides her younger sister, who would care about her life?

As she expected, even though the heavens doubted her, they did not dare to attribute the death of the moon god to her.He didn't dare to take this opportunity to punish her, for fear of forcing her to rebel and cause a catastrophe.

But after that day, her temperament also changed drastically.The number of episodes of mania increased, and she became more and more unable to control herself.

This is retribution!

Yue Wanshu is right!She made a heinous mistake, and she will not escape the punishment of God after all.

However, she was very unwilling!She didn't believe that Yuan Ji would really abandon her, really despise her...

She is not reconciled!

It was also from that day on that she no longer suppressed her feelings, she went to find Yuan Ji, forced him to accompany her, forced him to be nice to her, forced him to say that he loved her...

All kinds of behavior, like a ridiculous and absurd child!

But she enjoyed such a day very much.

At least in this way, Yuan Ji will be by her side.

And when she was pestering Yuanji no matter what, Yue Wanshu also came to Yuanji several times, but was turned away by her.

During that time, she ate and lived with Yuan Ji, almost never leaving.She saw the boredom in Yuan Ji's eyes, but she stubbornly refused to let go, refused to spare him.

But under her precautions, Yuan Ji still secretly met with Yue Wanshu.She watched the private meeting between the two, and watched Yue Wanshu throw himself into Yuan Ji's arms, crying so hard.

Seeing Yuan Ji gently comforting her and patting her on the back...

That scene was so dazzling that it hurt her heart.

She rushed over, pushed Yue Wanshu away, and slapped her hard—this was the punishment for the man who coveted her!
"Yan Ling!" Yuan Ji scolded her in a cold voice, holding her back and preventing her from hurting Yue Wanshu.And in her anger, she slapped Yuan Ji back, and ran back to her Fire God Temple angrily.

Ling Huan comforted her, saying that they were a pair of dogs and men, and that it was not worth it for her to treat Yuan Ji like this.

But what she did was not because of love, but because of her unwillingness!
If she really loves, she should leave silently instead of binding him by her side and trying to hurt him every moment.Let him also be covered in bruises, and he will not give up until he has tasted his own injury!
She is not love!
She is crazy!
But at that time, she didn't realize it clearly.


Later, she became crazier and more paranoid.

She raised the Silk Entangling Gu and fed it to Yuan Ji with her own hands.She said, "Didn't you promise me that you would never betray me? After drinking this wine, I will believe you!"

"If you don't love me, you will be tortured by the poison every day until you die; if you forget me, you will die; even if you don't change your mind about me, the poison will attack every hundred years. Remind you to love me more!"

What was she thinking about such a terrible Gu poison?

How could she do it?

But Yuan Ji, without any hesitation, drank the Gu poison and said, "Yan Ling, I owe you this!"

When did he ever owe her?It's obviously her who insists on torturing him like this!

"Yan Ling, if my pain can make you feel better, I am willing to bear it all for you." Yuan Ji looked at her with a smile, his words were earnest, his tone was humble, and he begged, "Stop torturing yourself, okay?"

But hearing this, she was even angrier.

At that moment, no matter how sincere the words were, she couldn't listen to a word.

She roared like crazy and shook her head desperately, as if she was the one who drank the poison...

But she never knew what Yuan Ji was enduring!
She just paranoidly thought that he had betrayed her, and he didn't want to be with her anymore.

At that time, she only wanted to fall in love with Yuan Ji, kill him, and torture him to death!

But gradually, she didn't even have the strength to torture Yuan Ji.

She has more and more nightmares, and hallucinations appear in front of her eyes from time to time.

She saw her people walking towards her covered in blood, eyes full of hatred, tears of blood, stretching out their hands to strangle her.

She saw Minghai clansmen howling in pain in the fire, saw a mother protecting her child, kneeling on the ground, begging her; she saw someone attacking her with a sword, her face was full of fear, but her footsteps were extremely firm , because behind him is the person he wants to protect...

She saw a lot of scenes that she didn't want to see, saw her being resented and betrayed by everyone, and alone.

But even if all the blood on her body was shed, she still couldn't pay back the sins she committed.

She was tortured by such pain every day, and she was gradually on the verge of collapse.

And at this time, it seemed that many major events had happened again, but she had been closed for too long, too busy to take care of herself, and knew nothing about what happened outside.

It's just that she didn't know when it started, and there was no one by her side to accompany her.

She is most afraid of loneliness, but after so many years of hard work, she is still alone in the end.

In her most confused moment, she returned to the ghosts and ghosts.This is the only place in the world where she can feel at ease.

She lay in the nether flowers, her heart was extremely peaceful.

At that moment, she seemed to see her mother—the person she longed to see the most, the person she least wanted to hurt in this world, but the person who died at her hands first...

No matter how many years have passed, she still remembers her mother's voice and smile, how she coaxed herself to sleep, and how she touched her forehead to comfort her.

That was the tenderness and beauty she had longed for most, and the warmest touch of bright color in her life.

Unfortunately, it was too short!

She has made a decision, she wants to atone for her mistakes, she wants to shed every drop of blood in her body, and she wants the sinful Qinghuang clan to disappear from this world completely!

She was dying with no one around her.

In fact, this is also the best result.

Those who hate her, she doesn't want to see, and those who love her, she doesn't want her to see.

How sad would Ling Huan be if he knew she was going to die?
She doesn't want to see her sad, she hopes that her sister can live a simple and happy life.

Ling Huan, she deserves the best in this world.But he shouldn't sink with her.

The blood flowed out of her body little by little, and she felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Death, it turns out, can be a very beautiful thing!
Before her consciousness completely dissipated, she still saw Ling Huan rushing over, and saw her hissing and wailing, rushing towards her like crazy, with tears streaming down her face.

She wants to say sorry to her, sister can no longer be with you!

But she couldn't say it, she could only watch her scatter her soul to protect her, but she didn't have the strength to stop it.

Ling Huan is even more stubborn than her!
What a silly sister!
(End of this chapter)

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