Chapter 406


In the dark cave, Yunchu slowly opened his eyes.

As if she hadn't woken up from the memories of the past, she opened her eyes wide blankly, staring at the darkness in front of her, tears pouring out in big drops, and she couldn't stop it no matter what.

After a while, she suddenly collapsed, curled up with her knees in her arms, buried her head tightly between her knees, and burst into tears.


Why are you so stupid!
Is your sister really worth it?
Yun Chu seemed to want to express all the grievances and depression accumulated over the years, crying and laughing, trembling all over.

At this moment, she knew who she was, but she didn't know...

She didn't know whether she should live, or how to atone for her sins.

"Ming Hai's destruction is not your fault! You don't need to blame yourself..." Xi He appeared in the cave at some time, bringing a ray of light to the dark cave.

"I did it. My hands are covered with the blood of your people. Xi He, you should hate me!" Yun Chu looked at his hands, and in a trance, he felt that his hands were covered with blood, flowing continuously.

"No, you were just being used! The one who really hurt us is the Heavenly Emperor who has plotted against us a long time ago!" Xi He came over and knelt down, gently holding Yunchu's hand. Needless to say, even Moon God's death was blamed on you by him!"

Yun Chu didn't believe it, she shook her head desperately, trying to break free from Xi He's hand, but she held it tightly, with gentle and domineering strength.

"Yunchu, it's not your fault, so don't take it on yourself! You've suffered enough! It's not your fault that you were born into the Qinghuang clan, and it's destiny to destroy them... It's enough for you to die once , stop torturing yourself for those who are not worthy!"

"'s not worth it, they are all my relatives. I'm too vicious, it's me...not even giving them a chance!" Yun Chu's eyes were full of tears, she couldn't accept her past Bloodthirsty and brutal.

Xi He sat next to her, gently hugged her shoulders, and said with a sad expression, "When Ming Hai had an accident, I didn't want to pay attention to it... My whole life has been ruined by my own people! But it really came to that moment , I can’t leave them alone.”

"I was supposed to be damned. It was Dad who fought his own life to protect my primordial spirit. He said that he was not a good father. He sent me to Jinze as a pawn for the benefit of the whole family. Later, he was misunderstood and cast aside by the tribe. He failed to defend me, he said, he was ashamed of me."

"In the past, I was also the daughter he held dearly in his hands. Seeing me suffer, he was also very reluctant to give up. But he is not only my father, he is also the dragon king of the Minghai clan. He abandoned me because of being a dragon king. Not just a father's helplessness.

And in the end, he desperately protected me because the mountains and rivers were broken, he no longer needed to bear the heavy responsibility of the Dragon King, he could just be a father who loves his daughter, and finally do one thing for her. "

"I gave everything for Ming Hai, but they still blamed me until I died. It was I who brought them suffering, and I was Ming Hai's traitor!!

Yunchu, when I just woke up, I hated it very much!I hated you... But after learning about your death and seeing the power changes in the heavens, I know that we are all just being used by others.

The wrong person is never you or me.It's ridiculous that we keep torturing ourselves because of guilt, isn't it? "

Xi He smiled, but tears rolled down his cheeks silently, "Hate will not give me strength, nor will guilt! I survived with the love my father gave me. Yunchu, you too! Because someone loves you!" For us, so we want to live better.

Those who hurt us will not care about our life and death, but those who love us will care! "

Yun Chu cried and nodded, his gaze gradually became firm, "I know... Yun Huan is still waiting for me! I still have a lot to do! I can't die!"

"Yeah!" Xihe's smile was warm, "Yunchu, you're not Yanling, at least, you're not just Yanling."

Yun Chu pursed her lips and gave a wry smile. She was actually also very scared. Most people with the blood of Qinghuang were lunatics. She was afraid that she would also be controlled by the blood and become a lunatic again, harming others and herself.

Xi He looked at the blue ghost fire imprint that appeared on her forehead, and handed her a set of light blue robes, "It's been four days, we're leaving!"

"Okay!" Yun Chu knew that there was no time for her to think about it.

There are some things that she needs to solve by herself!

In Heaven Realm, Fire God Palace, Yan Ling is instructing the maid to hold up several sets of wedding clothes for Yun Huan to choose from.

Yun Huan chose one at random, and the maid waited on her to try it on.

Yan Ling glanced at it, and seemed dissatisfied, pointing to another more expensive set, and asked Yun Huan to try it on again.

Yun Huan obeyed obediently, and Yan Ling smiled with satisfaction: "This body is better, it suits you better."

Yun Huan smiled cooperatively, "My sister has been tired for the past few days, it's time to go back and rest."

"Ling Huan, have you made up your mind?" Yan Ling took a deep look at her.

Yun Huan felt a little depressed in her heart: think about it carefully, isn't it all because of you?
Alas, there was no other way, she just couldn't say no to her sister's face.

She will never reject Yan Ling in her life, because she is not only Yun Huan, but also the Ling Huan who once depended on Yan Ling for life.

"Well, I will always be with my sister." Yun Huan's eyes were firm, but his smile was a bit bitter.

Yan Ling stared at Yun Huan, then avoided her gaze for a moment, got up and left.

Yun Huan watched the back of her leaving, and felt a great desolation and loneliness in her body.

It seems that people who are helpless and walking alone are a little staggering.

After rebirth, Yan Ling still only wore red clothes, which reminded Yun Huan of her domineering older sister from time to time.

My whole life is just like the first time I saw it, until I die, I prefer the red clothes, I only care about the vigor and vitality of life, how can I expect to be miserable behind me...

Her sister is still having a hard time!Let her have to pity.


On the day of the wedding, Yun Huan was called up by the maid early in the morning to make up, but Yan Ling didn't show up again.

When the appointed time to welcome the bride came, Chang Ci was dressed in a bright red dress, with a tall and straight figure, orchid orchid and jade tree, handsome and handsome, very beautiful.

Yun Huan's eyes were covered by dense tassels, and she couldn't see the face of the visitor clearly. In a trance, she thought that the visitor was Cixuan.

To avoid suspicion, she has not seen Cixuan for five days...

Although she had made a choice, the person she was looking forward to to greet her was still Cixuan.

Forget it, it's all fake anyway, and it doesn't matter who it is.

With the support of the maid, Yun Huan walked slowly towards Changci.

Changci stood there blankly, and when she walked in front of him, he stretched out his hand after a while, and took her soft little hand into his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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