Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 421 I'm Just Your Subsidiary

Chapter 421 I'm Just Your Subsidiary

"Where is Xi He?" Yun Chu's voice became colder, calm and full of oppression, "I know she's not dead, but you still use her to induce the Jinze Dragon Clan to rebel, how could you let her die so easily."

Killing people, she continued: "Any tribe that doesn't suit your wishes and threatens you will be destroyed. You have been impatient with Ren Jinze for these years!"

"It was their fault first, and they were not loyal to the heavens!" The resentful voice of the Heavenly Emperor became weak and trembling.

Yun Chu snorted softly, "Can you represent the heavens? You can only represent yourself, the greedy, selfish self who is full of desires! Tell me, where is Xi He?"

"In..." The Heavenly Emperor was torn apart by the resentment of the crowd, and his voice was drowned in the turbulent flow of people.

Yun Chu exhaled and sighed secretly, "Heavenly Emperor, you will never be able to get out here without receiving the punishment you deserve. You should repent here!"

"You! This is fake, it's fake—" the Heavenly Emperor roared, being overwhelmed by the flow of people again.

When Yun Chu came out of the environment, his eyes were dizzy, he wobbled and almost fell.

At this time, there was no one in Tianyi Hall, and a sense of sadness filled my heart.She walked out of Tianyi Hall step by step, and down the steps, the sound of fighting came again, endlessly.The air is filled with the pungent smell of blood...


On the Hongguang Terrace in the extreme north of the Heavenly Court, Xi He, who was covered in wounds, was hung by iron chains and had lost consciousness.

The four great golden immortals are guarding here, forming a siege.

"Who are you?"

As Yunchu approached, the Jinxian who spotted her immediately snarled.

Yun Chu didn't make a sound, but approached slowly step by step.

"Stop!" A green-robed golden fairy leaped in front of Yunchu, blocking her way.

"I'll come, take my friend home!" Yun Chu lightly raised his head, looking at Xi He who was being hoisted high, his eyes were stained with dark red.

"Bold monster!" The green-robed Golden Immortal stabbed with a sword, his face full of disgust.Yun Chu swayed a bit, and turned sideways to avoid it.

Xi He was awakened by the vibration, raised his eyelids with difficulty, and said in a weak voice, "Yun Chu, hurry up..."

However, Yun Chu seemed to have never heard of it. Under the attack of the green-robed golden fairy, he just dodged habitually, closed his eyes, and his body was flexible, like a water snake.

The green-robed Golden Immortal was terrified, and the attack became even more rapid.This ordinary little girl in front of me is just a real fairy, but she can avoid her own spirit sword again and again, what is the origin of it.

The Emperor of Heaven asked them to guard the demon girl to prevent the dragons from invading. Why didn't the dragons come, but a strange little girl came instead.

"Yunchu?" Qingpao Jinxian muttered her name, feeling a little familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere.

"Qingyin, what are you hesitating about? Kill her!" Someone among the guarding golden fairies urged impatiently.

The green-robed Jinxian came back to his senses, his eyes froze, and the spirit sword immediately turned into thousands of streaks, attacking Yunchu.

Yun Chu threw out the talisman and opened the barrier.But her talisman barrier obviously couldn't withstand the attack of a golden fairy's spirit sword, making a crackling sound.

The green-robed golden fairy sneered, although he could hide, but he was just a real fairy, how could he stop his ten thousand swords from firing.

However, just when he thought Yun Chu would die and everything was about to end, the talisman barrier that was originally glowing with golden light slowly turned blue, and a faint blue flame ignited from bottom to top.

"Nether fire!" The green-robed golden fairy was astonished, the other three also saw clearly, and murmured: "How could it be?"

Yun Chu's eyes were dark, standing behind the barrier lit by the Nether Fire, the fire made her snow-white face extraordinarily coquettish and beautiful.

The menacing spirit sword was completely destroyed, and the green-robed golden fairy lost his magic weapon, and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

As for Yunchu, he approached him step by step...


On the other side, Cixuan's injury has almost recovered, and Changci left beforehand, so Yun Huan took Cixuan to find Yunchu.

"Yun Huan..." Before going out, Ci Xuan suddenly called Yun Huan to stop.

Yun Huan turned to stare at him, "Don't say anything, I don't want to hear anything!"

Ci Xuan murmured for a while, but did not speak again, and followed Yun Huan obediently.

Yun Huan pouted, and muttered in a low voice, "We'll have a good talk when things are over!"

Ci Xuanwen said: "Okay!" His voice was slightly hoarse and a little low.

Yun Huan didn't care too much, and rushed to find Yun Chu through the chaotic and fighting crowd.

However, Yun Chu didn't find it, but he found Qing Xie first.

"Yuan Ji?" Yun Huan stared at Qing Xie who was sitting cross-legged in the formation filled with white light, and asked with a strange expression, "What are you doing?"

Qing Xie slightly raised her eyelids, glanced at Yun Huan and Ci Xuan, then at the ice crystals in front of her eyes that were gradually cooling down, and closed her eyes again, not intending to speak.

Yun Huan was puzzled, but she knew that "Yuan Ji" seemed to be doing something very important and it was not easy to disturb her. She was worried about her sister, so she ran out again.

But after walking a few steps, I suddenly heard a crackling sound from behind, as if the ice crystals were shattering.She turned around curiously, and sure enough, she saw a figure slowly walking out of the white magic circle. When the light disappeared, she saw Yuan Ji in white clothes and white hair walking towards her.

But the one who was sitting cross-legged on the ground now had a pale face, as if he was seriously injured.

But no matter what, except for one black hair and one white hair, she still clearly saw two "Yuan Ji" who looked exactly the same.

"What's going on?" Yun Huan was stunned, "Which of you is Yuan Ji?"

The white-haired Yuan Ji frowned and looked at Qing Xie who was struggling to support his body, walked over and asked, "Do you want to come back?"

Qingxie looked up at him, with lonely eyes, and sighed heavily, "I will only be your subordinate forever in my life! Come on!"

Yuan Ji raised his hand, stretched out his knuckle fingers, and tapped lightly on his forehead, and Qing Xie's body gradually became illusory.

"For me...thank you, Yunchu!"

"it is good!"

As Yuan Ji said "OK", the evil spirits on the ground also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Yun Huan raised a question mark on his forehead: Huh? ?what happened? ?

She looked at Ci Xuan who was also puzzled, and found some sense of identity.

Forget it, no matter what happened to him, the most important thing is to find her sister now.

"Yuan Ji, are you okay?" Yun Huan was about to leave, but seeing Yuan Ji standing still, worried that his poisonous poison would flare up, he asked casually.

Yuan Ji turned around, with a slightly cold voice, and only said two words, "Let's go!" Then he stepped out first.

Yun Huan shook his head, rolled his eyes, and followed.


In front of the Hongguang Terrace, Yunchu had already fought the green-robed golden fairy for dozens of rounds, and she was a little bit out of strength.

After seeing the Netherfire, the Qingpao Jinxian was still a little scared, but found that Yunchu was more defensive than attacking, and he had never used the Netherfire, so he was a little confused.

Who is this person, and what does he have to do with Vulcan?Why do you hold a sharp weapon in your hand, but don't use it for a long time?

(End of this chapter)

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