Chapter 422
If she really took out the Netherfire, she might not be able to resist it...

Hongguang Terrace is located in the extreme north of the heaven, and the climate is cloudy and cold.The blood oozed from Xi He's body after being hung up had already condensed into ice.

Seeing that Yun Chu's coping was getting more and more difficult, Xi He said in a hoarse voice again: "Leave me alone, they won't kill me yet! Go away!"

"Xi He, you lied to me again!" Yun Chu's gentle voice came from the clang, "You also lied to Ao Zhan, you still can't bear it..."

Xi He's eyes changed, and he cried and laughed a bit, "I don't want that bastard to succeed!"

Originally, she planned to take revenge on the Zheze Dragon Clan, but in the end, she still couldn't bear it.Instead of tricking them into coming to heaven, she told them the wrong time.

At that time, everything will be over, and the Zheze Dragon Clan can be preserved, at least they can continue to live in peace.

"After all, we are of the same blood..." Xi He's voice became weaker and weaker. She wanted to commit suicide, but she didn't even have the strength to do so.

"Yunchu, please, let's go!" She uttered the last sentence with difficulty, and then fainted again.

Yun Chu's eyes swept over her body full of scars, his eyes became extremely cold, and he said to the Four Great Golden Immortals: "The Emperor of Heaven is in my hands, if you want to save him, let Xi He go!"

"Joke! Do you think we are three-year-old children playing tricks?!" A golden fairy guarding the east sneered, and the other two besides the green-robed golden fairy also let out a burst of laughter.

Yunchu knew that his illusion could only trap the Heavenly Emperor temporarily, and apart from causing him mental torture, it could not cause him any substantial harm, let alone kill him.

It's better to use him first and return to Xihe.

Xi He was seriously injured, and if he dragged on, he might be unable to recover.Moreover, the time flow in her illusion is very fast, and she can't control the Emperor of Heaven for a long time.

Yunchu stepped back dozens of steps, and the image in the illusion appeared in front of the eyes of the four golden immortals.

The Heavenly Emperor, whose hands and feet were bound by iron chains, was in a mess. He was being stabbed at this time, and there were already countless blood holes on his body.

The four great golden fairies looked horrified, but still couldn't believe it, "Little girl, don't play tricks on us with illusions!"

"Is it a trick, you will know if you try it." Yun Chu sneered softly, "Since just now, you may have contacted the God of Heaven? Did you even ask me about this unexpected guest, and you didn't respond in the slightest?"

The faces of the four golden immortals were even more ugly. They wanted to report the matter to the Emperor of Heaven, but they did not get any response.

"I'll give you half a quarter of an hour, but," Yun Chu dragged his tone, "you can wait, your Heavenly Emperor can't wait!"

"You..." The four golden fairies exchanged glances, their faces full of gloom.The Emperor of Heaven wanted them to watch over the witch again. They dared not disobey the will of the Emperor of Heaven, but they could not look at the Emperor of Heaven either...

"Okay!" The Golden Immortal guarding the east spoke first, "I will hand over this witch to you! You must keep your word!"

Yun Chu nodded indifferently, "Naturally!"

"Chiyun! No way!" Jin Xian, who was guarding the west, stopped it.

"It's just letting them go temporarily, do you think they can escape?" The Eastern Golden Immortal named Chi Yun sneered.

Only then did Western Golden Immortal compromise, "Okay!"

The green-robed golden immortal returned to the south where he was guarding. The four great golden immortals attacked together, and the chains rattled, and Xi He was released.

Yun Chu didn't dare to enter the battle, so he raised his hand and used his magic power to bring Xi He back to his side, and hugged the limp Xi He into his arms.

"Monster, don't let the Heavenly Emperor go! Otherwise, you will be cut into pieces!" Chiyun Jinxian said viciously.

Yun Chu embraced Xi He, glanced coldly at the Four Great Golden Immortals, and snorted lightly, "Don't think I don't know your plans, let us go first!"

"Monster, make an inch of it!" Chi Yun held a magic staff and hit Yunchu.Yun Chu led Xi He back to retreat, and in front of her, the scene in the illusion appeared again.

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven has almost lost his vitality, and is suffering from the thunder punishment.Chi Yun immediately withdrew his hand, the staff trembling in his hand.

"Let us go!" Yun Chu sneered, squeezing these words out between his teeth.

"Let them go!" Qingpao Jinxian sighed helplessly, while the others gritted their teeth and finally nodded.

Holding Xihe in his arms, Yunchu stepped down the steps under the Hongguang Stage step by step.The time left for her is running out. After the thunder punishment is over, the Heavenly Emperor will automatically escape from the illusion. When the time comes...

Xihe must be handed over to Yunhuan and the others first!
Can her illusion be used again?

Yun Chu swallowed more than a dozen pills that quickly replenished spiritual power, hugged Xi He tightly, and under the eyes of the four golden fairies following behind, used illusion to confuse them, and led Xi He to escape in another direction.

Her illusion is something that even the Emperor of Heaven can't see through.

After a few breaths, the Four Great Golden Immortals realized that they had been duped, but they searched again, but they couldn't find Yun Chu.

"Oops! It's all your fault! What should I do now?"

"How can you blame me? Are we going to watch Regal suffer?"

"Stop arguing, go find them separately!"

"it is good!"

After the four of them quarreled, they decided to split up.

This is the heaven, and it is impossible for any intruder to come and go easily!
They are still confident that they can catch Yunchu.


Yunchu took Xihe to the place where Qingxie stayed behind, but found that there was no one there, so he had to move again.

"Damn it!" Time was running out, once the Emperor of Heaven dragged out, he must not let Xi He stay with her, at least he had to settle down.

But... where should she go?
Fights are everywhere, the heavens have already gained the upper hand, and it is about to end, Yunchu feels powerless and doesn't know what to do.

Do you want to return to the Temple of Fire?

It seems to be safer there!
After a brief hesitation, she quickly made a decision and rushed towards the Fire Temple.

Hurry up, hurry up!
Yunchu placed Xihe in a side hall of the Fire God Palace, and after setting up a barrier to hide himself, he immediately left her and ran back to where the Tianyi Hall was.

But just after she left the Fire God Temple, she ran into Chiyun, the golden fairy who was furiously looking for her.

"Smelly girl, you dare to trick us! Let's see where you run!"

Yun Chu secretly screamed that it was terrible, seeing that the Heavenly Emperor was about to escape from the illusion, being caught by Chi Yun at this time was simply terrible.Her previous plan will fall short...

"Hey, Brother Chi Yun, what's the matter? Such a big temper?" A lazy male voice sounded behind Chi Yun.

Chi Yun rolled his eyes and glanced backward, "Yue Xi? Why are you here?"

"Naturally, he was summoned by Emperor Zun after the accident!" Yue Xi raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Yun Chu lightly, and smiled, "This is... the rebel army?"

"This stinky girl kidnapped Emperor Zun!" Chi Yun said viciously.

Yue Xi looked surprised, and looked at Yun Chu again, "Oh? Such a big skill?"

(End of this chapter)

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