Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 430 Special episode 1 What kind of bicycle do you want!

Chapter 430 What Bicycle Do You Want?

Hello everyone, the main text of this Honkai has finally been finished by the unscrupulous author Gou (foolishly), let's "happily" enter the extra episode!
If you want to ask me why such a messy text can have a side story...

That's purely because the author wants to make up the word count!

Friends who want to scold her, hurry up, because if you are late, you will miss the last train.

Well, my friendly reminder is over and it's time to tell my story.


My name is Chang Yi, and I am a graceful, suave, handsome and unrestrained person—a little fairy official.

I say that, you may not know me, so let me introduce my life experience in detail!

As for me, I am a mixed race. My mother is an ancient fierce beast who considers herself to be an ancient divine beast——Ling Huan, and my father is a former civil servant in the Heavenly Court. The wife of the door is strict and the man is good - Cixuan.

Everyone should know something about their deeds, so I won’t repeat them here, after all, it’s not important!
Since it's my story, it's not bad for these outsiders to be famous, so why are they greedy for appearance fees, don't you think?
cough!Let's continue.

As for my mother, she was a very short-tempered woman, especially after giving birth to me.She was dissatisfied with having a boy, she only wanted to give birth to a girl, so she often punished my father to vent her anger.

Tell him about biological science, saying that if he can't give birth to a baby girl, it means he can't do it, which makes my father very depressed. He reads medical books all day long, trying to see if he can do it.

Then I swore to my mother every three days: Huan, I promise, the next child will be a girl!

But my mother doesn't seem to want to give him this chance. After so many years, I'm still the only seedling in our family - the unpopular one.

Because my mother disliked that I was born with the wrong gender, and my father wanted to give birth to a younger sister with my mother as a "shame" before the snow, so the poor me was sent to heaven when I was very young. It also made me recognize the Emperor of Heaven as a godfather...

Alas, in fact, he is no different from a helpless orphan!
The Emperor of Heaven is a big iceberg who can not say a word for ten years, and the days in the Heaven Realm are even more deserted.Moreover, I also know that the Emperor of Heaven had a crush on my mother, so you can imagine how he feels when he sees me.

Thinking about it, I feel aggrieved for him.

But the one who is more aggrieved has to be me!
Thinking of me, Chang Yi, I was originally a healthy, smart, cute and cute fairy boy, but it happened that I had such a pair of irresponsible parents, and I even accepted a father's rival in love as a godfather. They are all living in dire straits, these days, do you feel particularly bad when you think about it?

Therefore, I am particularly looking forward to my younger sister who has been illusory for several years and has not been illusory, can crawl into my mother's belly soon, so that she can be a companion for me, and share my hard daily life by the way.

But my mother's stomach, why is it so disappointing?
I am very puzzled, this matter!

Could it be that it's really my father?


I look forward to the stars, the moon, and my sister every day. I have been looking forward to it for 300 years, but I have not been able to look forward to it.Fortunately, I finally found myself a playmate.

Unfortunately, this new playmate of mine is a bit special, not only can't be beaten and scolded, but she also gets angry with her every day.

Because, my playmate, she is me - aunt!
When you see this, don't you really think about it?No poking, this is my mood every day from now on!

My aunt was picked up by my father and mother from the fairyland of the Queen Mother of the West. The weather was so good that day, and I was sent back to Tianyi Gate by my godfather to reunite with my "fake father and mother".

The first time I saw my aunt, I thought I was wrong, the little girl in front of me was younger than me, she was just a kid.

I even suspect that this is the younger sister that my mother specially adopted for me because she wanted to deceive others because she couldn't be born...

In the end, I couldn't open my mouth, and my mother kept urging me, "Yi'er, call aunt!"

I... I beg a kind person to calculate for me the shadow area in my heart at this moment.

Auntie?Heh... Come on, let my dad call her sister first, let me listen!
Don't think that children are easy to deceive, okay? ?
"Chang... Yi..." Auntie Xiaopuzi had a gentle and kind face, but when she called my name, she stumbled and couldn't even pronounce the two words.But she looks very good to my eyes, her face is white and tender, especially like a bun.

I think it must feel good to pinch it.

However, I never got such a chance... what's more unfortunate, my aunt thinks so too!

So later, she often pinches my face, saying that I really look like my mother, like a little bun.

I... Come, come, come, has the good-hearted person just left, and then calculate the shadow area in my heart to see if it has spread?


The first meeting with my aunt was quite pleasant, at least the two and a half adults looked very happy.

As for whether I am happy or not?Oh, who cares?

At the dinner table that day, my mother talked a lot, saying that she had a good life these years, and she also told a lot of embarrassing things about me, but she cried after talking...

I didn't expect that my mother would cry!

I was quite surprised: I was surprised that the embarrassing things she made of me made her so sad. As a son, I am very guilty!hehe.

As a result, my father pulled me aside and told me that my mother didn't cry because of me, but because of my aunt.

Yes, anyone who calls a little kid sister will cry, okay?What's more, my mother is such a face-saving person...

What's even more puzzling is that when my mother was crying alone, my "kind-hearted" aunt kept giggling... I suspect that she was either reading a joke or she was out of her mind.

As it turned out, she was the latter.


After this meeting, I left a deep impression on my aunt, and by the way, it also made me realize the reality. Although my aunt looks like a silly little girl, she is definitely not my sister, let alone a fun girl. Companion, I'd better sneak back to the heaven!
It's good to be lonely, at least it's safe!
But...but ha, my grumpy old lady suddenly had a fit of motherly love and refused to let me go to the heaven. She insisted on staying and let me practice fairy arts with my aunt.

In fact, let me be her full-time mother!
Hey, I said, is this something a mother can do?
Dad, I have a question to ask you, are you really bad?
I was adopted by you two!

Please kind people... Forget it, forget it, forget it!

Mother's fate is hard to break, let's accept fate!After all, my aunt is really my aunt...


(End of this chapter)

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