Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 431 Extra Story 1·1 I'm such a clever little ghost to let my new playmate take the blam

Chapter 431 Extra Story 1·[-] Letting my new playmate take the blame, I'm such a clever little ghost
Under the threat of violence from my mother, I have to serve every day... Ah, no, pointing, pointing my stupid-looking aunt to practice spells, and teaching her how to live by the way, because she really has nothing Won't.

Use her life to explain what it means: cute and cute, without a head.

Alas, those days are really unbearable to look back on!

I think Changyi is talented and intelligent, no matter what kind of immortality is learned, I can master it immediately, but my aunt is as stupid as that, and can make me bald every day.

I doubt my own life experience again!
Either I was not born to my parents, or my aunt was not born to my grandma!Otherwise, with such a close blood relationship, I am so smart, how could my aunt be so stupid?
Why didn't she inherit something from me!
She can't even walk with her hands and feet, and she's pretty much nothing but cute!
It wasn't until later that my father couldn't stand it anymore. He was afraid that I would teach my aunt to be autistic, so he told me the truth: In fact, my current aunt is the lotus body reshaped by the Queen Mother of the West. She just woke up and hasn't adapted to this body. I can't find my past memories...

After hearing the news, I have to say, my aunt is really miserable!Worse than me, so I decided to treat her better.

Tsk tsk, I, Changyi, am really a good fairy boy with a kind heart!


Thanks to my hard work, my aunt has improved visibly with the naked eye, her legs are no longer lame, her mouth is also sharp, and she can learn the basic five-element technique in fairy arts... So, I started to make my own little calculations.

I teach her so professionally every day, so I must get something from her!Tell me, is there anything wrong with this?

After getting along with my aunt for one year and nine months, I started to secretly take her down the mountain. Before I went down the mountain, I didn’t forget to tell her, “Little one, you forced me to take you down the mountain. When I turn around, my parents will ask you , you just tell them that, remember?"

My aunt blinked her big bright eyes and kept nodding her head, she looked very obedient.

It made me feel a little guilty... I don't know when it started, my aunt became very dependent on me, always tugging on my sleeve and softly calling: "Changyi..."

Whenever this time, I look forward to having a real sister even more!


Then from then on, I took my aunt to play in the mountains and rivers, causing disasters everywhere, making the 48 counties affiliated to Tianyimen "people living in poverty". street slipper.

I have been frustrated for 500 years before I finally found my own life value in the matter of pranks.

In less than half a year, there were already an endless stream of people filing complaints at Tianyimen.

But I was never scolded, let alone beaten, because my aunt helped me carry all my scapegoats.

My mother lost her temper as soon as she saw her, and when she heard her begging softly, she burst into tears immediately, and she didn't know what was wrong.

My father knew what I was doing, but he always turned a blind eye and never reprimanded me.

In fact, since I was a child, he never reprimanded me... What awaits me is only sighs and alienation.

My parents' dislike for me seems to be engraved in my bones. Whenever I see them, I can clearly feel it.

Sometimes, I think, I have done so many bad things with my aunt, maybe I want them to punish me!

But they never did.

My mother only has my aunt in her eyes, and my father only has my mother in her eyes... They don't even have me in their eyes!

On the contrary, it was the aunt I disliked, who always revolved around me, with my shadow engraved in her eyes.

She is obviously stupid and stupid, but she can always detect my unhappiness immediately.

"Changyi, good boy, eat Tangtang!"

You see, her way of coaxing people is really old-fashioned. I obviously don't like candy... and I bought her candies for her.


My aunt is a very gluttonous little one. She has a big storage bag full of snacks, all of which I bought for her.

Once, I was jealous that she could always get my mother's attention, so I deliberately bought candy mixed with alcohol for her to eat, and directly put her down.

She became dazed, her face was red and purple, I didn't dare to take her back to Tianyimen, so I could only hide in the woods first.

I looked at my aunt who was so drunk that she was unconscious, and I felt a little guilty: children really can't drink.Adults sometimes tell the truth.

The drunk auntie still held on to my sleeve tightly, as if afraid that I would run away.

I looked at her flushed face and couldn't help but want to pinch her.

He stretched his hand halfway, then took it back silently.

The face of the little aunt is very tender, and a light poke will leave a red mark, which lasts for a long time, which destroys the beauty.I'm a little obsessive-compulsive, and I can't accept things that are not beautiful...Forget it!
"Changyi...delicious." This greedy little guy never forgets to think about delicious food even when he falls asleep.

She leaned on my arm, and drool flowed down my sleeve... I looked at my wet sleeves, and suddenly an evil thought came to my mind.

If I lose my aunt, will my parents reprimand me?
Will my mother pay more attention to me...

What will happen to them if the aunt is gone?

I'm curious.

So I pulled my aunt away, left her with all my heart, and flew back to Tianyi Gate without looking back.

I, Changyi, have never been a kind and good boy.I am very selfish, so selfish that I can fulfill myself by hurting others...

Even the person I hurt is my relative.


I sneaked back to Tianyi Gate, but my heart still couldn't settle down.

I waited for my parents to break out, waited for them to reprimand me fiercely, and let me know that I also existed in their hearts...


No one scolded me, no one even answered me.

When they learned that my aunt was missing, my mother didn't even look at me. She ran out like crazy, tears scattered in the wind.

My father just glanced at me, sighed softly, and went to find my mother.

I was alone on my couch, so sad that I wanted to cry.

I don't know how my silly aunt is doing now, she is so confused and timid, she must be very scared when she wakes up, she will get lost, she will be at a loss...

And she is so cute, soft and delicious, maybe she will be taken away by monsters...

Thinking of this, I suddenly shivered.

My silly aunt was the only playmate I had in the 500 years of my life.

She is so obedient, always tugging at my sleeves, obediently following me, and obeying all my orders.Buy her a bag of candy, and she will be as happy as a baby, happy all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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